Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov


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after saving Ptachek from the gallows in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 , you personally meet with Pan Birlovo. After a small dialogue, the seventh plot task “again in the saddle” will begin, in the framework of which you will have to fulfill some instructions from Otto from Bergov. He will send Ptachek to Nebakov for negotiations with local pan. However, it is intro to find out what secrets Yaromir Nebakov hides.

In our article, we will tell you about how to accompany Yana into Nebakov, shed light on everything that is happening in the fortresses, as well as get all the achievements related with a quest.

Passing the quest “Again in the saddle”

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

After the end of the previous quest “on whom the bell calls”, Indo and Ptacheku will have a personal conversation with Pan Birlovo. In the dialogue with him, you will receive the first assignment – get to Nebakov and call the local pan Jarmir to the battle with the robbers. Indo, as a faithful bodyguard of Ptachek, will have to make a pan at the time of the trip. 

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Follow the chamberlain

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

as soon as the task “again in the saddle” begins, listen to the conversation of the Ptachek with a chamberlain and at the end of their small skirmish, follow the latter. Ulrich will accompany Indo to the “room” arranged for him, where all your things and bed are.

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Indo's place will be in the courtyard of the castle, next to the forge. In the box next to the bed, you can pick up all things, as well as new clothes , received as a gift from Bergov. Take your equipment, rest and follow and follow.

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Talk to the groom

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

leave your room and follow the next quest marker to the stables. Go down the road and start a dialogue with a stable boat .

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

take a new harness

and inspect a horse named Herring , dearly provided to you by Pan Bergo. To find out the characteristics of the new horse, go to it and press the x button. 

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

If you wish, you can leave your horse and abandon the herring by telling a boat about this.

Condering Pan Ptachek to the non-bacons

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Equip your horse with new ammunition and, if you are ready to go to the nonsense, follow the new quest marker. 

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Jan will be waiting for you behind the gates of the stable. Talk to him and listen to him. In dialogue with Pan, select the answer “Don’t worry”, If you do not want to open a branch of romantic relationships with it.

 Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a real Nebakova

< P>Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the real Nebakov

after the conversation, saddle the horse and follow the Ptachek.

Trosok, Jan will offer you to go for distillations to ventilate your head. Be careful and do not fit the horse beyond measure. Otherwise, you run the risk of being dropped from the saddle at the most inopportune moment.

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

As soon as you get to the roadside chapels at the intersection of the Truskovitsa, talk with Ptachek again and follow further. During the path, select the replica “Hurry in the non-bacons!” and after a small cats, you will automatically move to the destination.

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Wait for the end of the meeting

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

While Yang will be an audience with Nebakov, you are free to do anything. There is an opportunity to rewind a little time to immediately return to the trosks. But we still recommend that you look around in the Nebakov Fortress, especially if you want to get an achievement of “Old Raven” . Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Follow Mikhail, who met you from the road and sit with him at one table to start a dialogue. Inquire him about Nebakov, until at the end Mikhail offers a fight

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

you can ignore Mikhail’s proposal, however, if you refuse the battle, you will no longer be able to go to the novel branch with Clara -Local healer.

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a real Nebakov

Select the Option “I accept the challenge” And fight with Michael, choosing any of the weapons offered to you. Regardless of the outcome of the match, you can gain a little additional reputation. Talk to Mikhail about the outcome of the duel to close this task.

 Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

 again in Sedla in Sedla in Sedla Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a real Nebakov

Learn more about the non-bacon horses (additionally)

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

to find out what the non -combustible number of horses is contained in Nebakov, go to the quest marker G and talk with the groom Poglice .

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

after a check for eloquence you can immediately find out some minor details from the farm. If you have failed the check, agree to to participate in the races in exchange for information. 

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Talk to the villager (additionally)

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

by examining the possession of Nebakov, you can hear the local worker in the yellow caftan. To continue the conversation with him and find out additional information, in a short dialog, click the key 1 to select the “I understood” replica . Try to follow him imperceptibly without attracting the attention of the guards.

Having reached a secluded place in the forest, listen to the worker's fears. He will tell you that Pan himself has not been visible for a long time, and the guards have become too much and it seems that the matter is not clean. At the end of the dialogue with the villager, you will notice that one of the guards still got behind you. 

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Expect the fortress (get an achievement)

After completing the task of “explore the fortress”, you can get the trophy “Old Raven” . As part of this quest, Indro must imperceptibly go to jail and talk with the captive. The difficulty will be a security guard and a fairly small territory, periodically patrolled by another guard. 

First you need to steal the key From the dungeon. You can do this in secretly mode by stole it with a guard guarding the captives. Go to the kitchen and, without attracting the attention of the cook, go through the back door to the corridor. So you can get to the guard from the back. 

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

However, there is a simpler way. The necessary keys you can take the guards in the room above the prison. Go up the stairs next to the farm laborer playing in the bone, and carefully go inside. Try not to leave the door open, so as not to attract the attention of the guard who walks nearby. Open the next door, where the key to the prison in Nebakov

will lie right on the table .

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how ></p><p><IMG Class =

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Now it remains to get to the prison itself. You can also go around the building from the kitchen to distract the guard, throwing the stone into the bushes. Stay before penetrating the dungeon: if you are discovered, you will not work out from these “guards” . From a dialogue with him, you will understand that this is no other than a real pan Yaromir Nebakov. He will tell you as the robbers captured his fortress and asks Indo to report to Pan Otto.

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

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It is after the dialogue with the captive yaromir that you will receive the Achovka “Old Raven.”

Entamine Pan Ptachek back to the sags

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how /></p><p><IMG Class =

as soon as the audience in Nebakov ends, run from the fortress to the stables where you will be expected to be stuck. Indo will tell him about the difficult situation in the fortress and the heroes will finally go back to the trosks.

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Upon arrival at the destination, wait in the morning and go to Otto Bergov to report on the situation in Nebakov. 

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Tell us about all the information that you learned earlier in the fortress and listen to Pan. Further, Bergov will give Indro and Ptachke a new assignment – to patch out information from the previously caught bandit. The same person, according to an amazing coincidence, was from a gang of robbers who attacked Ptachek people at the beginning of the game. Pan Otto will ask you to find out from him about which of the locals can help the robbers.

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

the best answer is to gain a reputation “We will interrogate it properly!” . < /p>

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

Again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

The next choice of dialogue will directly affect the receipt of another Achivka – “Silence of gold” . As soon as Otto Bergov asks you about any suspicious incidents, the most optimal answer will be the last one- “I don’t know anything like that” .

 again in Sedla in Sedla Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a real Nebakova

 again in the saddle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a real Nebakov

after this long conversation with pan , the task “again in the saddle” will be completed and the next quest called “necessary evil” will begin and begins.

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