Mobile Legends BB: Selena Guide 2022: Tips and Tricks
When to Pick Selena Essentially, you may pick Selena in almost every game. You can never go wrong with her. But if you’re playing her as Roam, you’
Karina Tank Build
As we all know, Karina is an assassin, so the standard Karina build is an assassin build based on magic damage. But now they’ve come up with a build that’
Natan Build and Emblem Guide. Mobile Legends Bang Bang
1st of all, if you don’t know anything about Natan I suggest you go to the game & read his skills at least (and maybe one vs AI game) before you read this.
Mobile Legend Band Bang — WanWan — Full Complete Guide
Excellent in hidden weapons, this girl, brought up in Bashu Region, with a crossbow in hand, moves agilely. The final member of the Oriental Fighters
Mobile Legends — How to escape Epic/Legend/Low Mythic TiersGuides
Mobile Legends — How to escape Epic/Legend/Low Mythic Tiers
Hey there, i have been looking at some of these guides that have been recently published and had quite a few good tips but them being textbook points and
Mobile Legends Bang Bang — Macro Guide for beginners and new people especially
Lanes and classes This can be seen obvious – there are 3 lanes and 6 classes in the game. This classification best fits for new players, since it
Mobile Legends: tank Franco tutorial - best guide in the InternetTips
Mobile Legends: tank Franco tutorial – best guide in the Internet
After taking a month off, I was surprised to see how often Franco was getting picked in high elo when I got back. I usually play the high risk high reward
Mobile Legends — Guinevere Guide
Mobile Legends — Guinevere Guide
SKILLS AND PASSIVE PASSIVE After the red bar gets full above her head, release an extra damaging basic attack that chases an enemy from quite a big distance.
Mobile Legends — Complete Argus Guide
Mobile Legends — Complete Argus Guide
Skills Passive: Warmonger The passive is very dependent on your HP. The lower the life, the better. The passive makes you do a quick double AA once your
Advice for hitting Mobile Legend for the first time solo - how to win soloUncategorized
Advice for hitting Mobile Legend for the first time solo – how to win solo
How to win in Mobile Legend solo Less is more. Play less heroes, less roles, less games. Watch videos on YouTube before picking up a new hero/role or even playing vs AI.