All Dream World Clocks in Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to Find and Solve


All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

With version 2.6 in Honkai Star RailThere are now several new puzzles with malfunctioning Dreamworld Clocks that can be found and repaired at the Origami Academy. These particular mechanisms, familiar to Penakonia, are unusual in that you don't have to set them up and immediately receive rewards, and after talking to each one, you can find three clock faces on the territory of the educational complex and get a hidden achievement and a new avatar for your Pioneer profile.

In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to find and solve All the Dream World Clocks in Origami Academy, and after completing the puzzles, get the Dream World Clock profile avatar and unlock the Roxbury Trio achievement from the Our Memories collection.

How to Find and Solve All the Dream World Clocks in Origami Academy

All the Dream World Clocks in Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to Find and Solve

To open access to the Origami Academy map and start searching for all the clock faces, activate the story quest “Banana Mayhem: Battles Without Ninja and Mercy” and reach the stage “Four Hundred Bananas” – from this point on, you will be able to move freely around the location. In total, you can find three clock puzzles on the training ground: Inaccurate Clock in the East, Not Clock in the South, and Bored Clock in the West.

Almost all stages with immersion in the emo environment of the Dream World clock in the Origami Academy can be completely skipped or simplified as much as possible. This choice will not affect the achievement and avatar, as well as the amount of rewards.

Let's look at how to solve all possible variants of puzzles with malfunctioning mechanisms or skip them altogether and immediately take the trophies.

Inaccurate clock

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World Clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to Find and Solve

Let's start with the jammed mechanism in the east of the academy: move to the “Culture Corridor” anchor, and then run a little north. The inaccurate clock is located near the blackboard on the right side of the corridor.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

During the dialogue with the mysterious mechanism, it will offer to choose the difficulty level for the emo environment in which we will immerse ourselves:

  1. «…in one fell swoop» (easy/1 gear);
  2. «Normal difficulty…» (medium/2 gears);
  3. «…real puzzles!» (high/4 gears).

Let's go through the process of solving puzzles of each difficulty.

Easy difficulty

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

If you choose the first option, you will be transferred to the emo environment with half of the map, and its solution is identical to the first stage at the most difficult level. You can build a path to the gear like this:

  1. Move the mirror sheet all the way to the left;
  2. Move the nearest yellow piece all the way to the black block with the Clock;
  3. Rotate the orange block so that its longer part is adjacent to the previous piece;
  4. Move the top yellow piece so that its right edge is level with the screen.

You can watch a video analysis of this step in the high-difficulty solution below.

Medium Difficulty

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to find and solve

On medium difficulty, the player needs to find a way to two gears. The first one can be reached like this:

  1. Move the mirror sheet all the way to the left;
  2. Move the yellow piece so that its left edge stops in front of the right edge of the mirror sheet;
  3. Turn the orange piece so that its spiral pattern is facing down.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

You can get to the second gear like this:

  1. Drag the yellow element all the way to the right;
  2. Turn the blue piece so that only one edge remains on top.

For convenience, we left a full video walkthrough of the average level of the puzzle from Nechetochodiki:

High complexity

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

The last option, which implies the highest difficulty, is divided into four phases. The very first one, as mentioned above, is identical to the solution of the easy level and is completed as follows:

  1. Move the screen all the way to the left;
  2. Move the nearest yellow block all the way to the starting point with the Clock;
  3. Rotate the orange piece so that the edge with the spiral pattern faces the right;
  4. Move the second yellow piece so that its “leg” is opposite the spiral pattern on the orange piece.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

To reach the second gear, move the route elements like this:

  1. Move the yellow piece two blocks to the right so that its middle part borders the right edge of the screen;
  2. Turn the orange piece so that it faces downwards with a spiral pattern.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

The path to the third gear can be built like this:

  1. Move the yellow piece in the center all the way to the right;
  2. Turn the blue piece so that only one side faces up.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

And the last stage of the route on high difficulty, leading to the golden gear, can be laid out like this:

  1. Rotate the orange element on the right half of the screen so that its corner is directed outward;
  2. Rotate the blue object with the elongated part down;
  3. Pull the yellow piece at the bottom of the screen so that it stands exactly above the black block on the right.

We also recorded the high-difficulty emo environment from the Inexact Part in the video walkthrough:

Not a walk

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

Next we will go to the place of the second puzzle from Ne khodikov, which are located in the southern half of the Origami Academy, opposite the anchor “Statue of Glaux”.

All the clocks of the Dream World in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

It is noteworthy that these clocks do not need to be configured at all, and there are two options for skipping:

  • In the dialogue, select the answer “Just give me the reward” – and the dial will not force you to decide anything;
  • After entering the “serenity environment”, click the cross in the upper right corner of the screen and leave the challenge, then select the answer “I've had enough fun already” – the watch will fix itself.

If you want to know what predictions Ne Hodiki has prepared for a new acquaintance, you can dive into the emo environment and pave the way to each gear – the mechanism will allow you to see all the options. To get a reward, select the answer “I've had enough fun already“.

Prediction “Perseverance”

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the Dream World in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

To find out the prediction behind the gold piece in the lower half of the screen, do the following:

  1. Pull the long yellow block on the left towards it;
  2. Turn the letter “g” shaped piece to the left side of the Clock so that it is facing down;
  3. Pull the yellow element, located to the right of the previous piece, to the level of the Clock block.

We have placed the video walkthrough in the general video with all the predictions below.

Prediction  “Time to Reflect”

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

The prediction for the route to the gear in the left half of the emo environment can be found out like this:

  1. Rotate the letter “g” puzzle to the left of the Clock so that its long side is directed to the left;
  2. Pull the yellow element located to the right of the previous piece to the Clock block;
  3. Rotate the large orange piece on the left half of the screen so that one of its sides is adjacent to the first element of the same color.

A general video walkthrough with the process of solving this stage is left at the end of the item.

Prediction of “Well-being”

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

Now let's look at the route to the golden gear in the upper half of the Not a Clock emo environment:

  1. Turn the “g”-shaped part to the right side of the Clock so that its long side is adjacent to the starting block;
  2. Dock the long blue block in the left half of the screen with the black bridge on which the gear is located.

At the end of this section, there is a video showing how to lay out this route.

Prediction  “Dreams”

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

And the last prediction, available after composing the path to the gear in the right corner of the emo environment, can be obtained as follows:

  1. Turn the “g”-shaped part to the right side of the Clock so that its elongated part is adjacent to the starting block;
  2. Pull the yellow part on the left to the block with the gear;
  3. Pull the yellow block below the bridge with the gear to the left until you combine the two previous elements.

We have sequentially combined> all the routes leading to each gear into one video walkthrough:

Bored Clock

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the Dream World in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

And the last broken mechanism is in the west of the academy (anchor “Creative Fair”), in the shopping area opposite the Chaletka confectionery kiosk.

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to find and solve

Bored Clock will ask the player to choose whether he wants to fix it. You can skip the whole solution, and it will not affect the reward in any way. Just choose the following answers during the dialogue:

  • “…is there another choice?”;
  • “…you will repair yourself!”.

The dial will obey and adjust itself. If you chose the path with the puzzle, follow the solution process shown below.

The first gear

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

  1. Pull the screen all the way to the left;
  2. Turn the orange piece so that one side is adjacent to the block with the gear, and the other to the mirror screen;
  3. Match the yellow piece in the lower half of the screen with the spiral pattern on the orange bridge.

Second gear

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the Dream World clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

  1. Turn the orange piece so that the side facing the screen is facing left;
  2. Pull down the nearest yellow piece to connect the orange bridge and the black block with the gear.

The third gear

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

  1. Pull the screen all the way to the left;
  2. Turn the orange bridge so that it points upward;
  3. Pull the bottom yellow piece all the way to the screen;
  4. Turn the blue bridge so that it points to the right with its short side;
  5. Pull the top yellow piece to the right so that its middle part is in front of the gear.

The fourth gear

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

  • Pull the top yellow bridge all the way to the right;
  • Push the screen all the way to the right;
  • Turn the blue bridge at the bottom so that its short part is facing up.

We left the entire process of solving the puzzle from Bored Hodiki in the video walkthrough below:


All the Dream World Clocks in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to Find and Solve

If you successfully repair all the Dream World Clocks in the Origami Academy, you can get the following amount of rewards from each:

  • x 20 Star Jade Stones;
  • x 1 Character EXP Journal (Purple Rarity);
  • x 1 random relic from the “Burning Duke to Ashes” or “Sleepy Clockmaker” set machinations” (purple rarity);
  • Random relics from the above sets, but the lowest rarity;
  • x 3 shards for upgrading relics;
  • x 60 hour credits;
  • x 3700 credits.

Achievement “Roxbury Trio” and profile avatar “Dreamworld Clock”: how to get

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

After all three Clocks give you their rewards, go to the center of the Origami Academy and talk to the company of dials – they are standing to the west of the main stage (see map above).

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Origami Academy in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: how to find and solve

All the clocks of the World of Dreams in the Academy Origami in Honkai Star Rail 2.6: How to Find and Solve

All Dream World Clocks in Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Origami Academy: How to Find and Solve

Chat with All Dream World Clocks for the last time, and at the end you will receive two rewards: the hidden achievement “Roxbury Trio” (+ 5 jade) and a new profile avatar “Dream World Clocks“.

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