In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Barbos is a side quest, thanks to which Henry can finally find his dog, lost in the prologue. To do this, you will have to ask several people, hunt wolves, save the hunter, deal with predators and, ultimately, find the dog. If you have difficulties with receiving and completing the quest, then study our guide.
Walkthrough of the quest “Barbos” in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
How to start the quest
Access to the mission is automatically unlocked for you immediately after completing the main quest called “Troski”. After the main character is freed from the stocks near the pillory, you just need to look in your diary, and you will find the corresponding quest – start tracking it by pressing the “X” key.
Find out what happened to Barbos
To do this, head to the place where in the prologue you fell off the cliff during a fight with a bandit. The right place is located slightly west of Bozena's hut (the old woman who nursed you back to health at the beginning of the game). Follow the path along the pond until you notice a bandit on the left examining a corpse.
Enter into a dialogue with a stranger who wants to rob you. You can try to pass a test of Eloquence, Charisma (increases reputation) or Intimidation (decreases reputation) to avoid a fight, negotiate with him (you will have to give him pennies) or simply attack him and win the fight.
If you can settle the matter peacefully, then ask the bandit about the dog, and he will say that he often hears a wolf howling near the pond. In any case, having dealt with the thug, examine the deer carcass lying to the right of the robber's corpse (it also needs to be examined). Next, get ready to run from one place to another in search of your dog.
Note: However, you can skip all this running around and head straight to the wolf den by going to the “Find Barbos” section. If you don't want to break the quest structure, follow the steps below.
Talk to the herbalist
Move to Bozena's hut, which is located southeast of your current location. Just run along the road, then turn right and go to the site. Chat with the old woman. She hasn't seen your dog, but she will advise you to ask the fisherman and the innkeeper.
Ask the innkeeper and the fisherman
First, we recommend heading to the Zheleevsky Inn, located in the northeast, as it will be quicker to reach than the fisherman. Here, talk to the innkeeper Lavrenty, who usually stands near the entrance to the inn or is inside the building. He will advise you to talk to Zdibrad, a shepherd from Kopanina.
Note: If you ask Lavrenty about what's new in these parts, you will learn from him about the treasure of the waterman associated with the map drowned.
Next, you can go to the fisherman, who is further north, not far from the Vidlak pond. However, you don't have to do this at all, since he won't tell you anything useful anyway, but will only mention the wolf howl and advise you to chat with the shepherd.
Talk to the shepherd from Kopanina
Get to or move to Tachov, and then run north to the camp by the road. Here you will find a wooden hut, near which the shepherd Zdibrad will be standing. Sometimes he is a little further from his house, so look around the area, following the marker. Talk to the man and ask him about the wolves.
The shepherd will tell you about his problem and ask you to help him solve the issue with the wolves once and for all. To do this, he will even agree to give you one of his sheep so that you can use it as bait. Say that you will help him to receive a reward in the future.
Leave the bait near the birches on the slope
So, you will need to attract the wolves to yourself to find out if your dog is among them. This can be done in three different ways, namely:
- Use your own meat in your inventory as bait. Raw, dried, or smoked meat will do. If you don't have any, you can hunt roe deer that live nearby (however, this step will prevent you from getting the “Fast” achievement later).
- Use meat stolen from a nearby bandit camp as bait. This is a more difficult method, since you will have to fight enemies.
- Use Ignatz as bait. This is also a tedious method, since you will have to lead the sheep with a carrot, which is constantly trying to lag behind the hero. In addition, if the sheep dies, you will worsen your relationship with the shepherd and will not be able to unlock the “Fast” achievement.
Take Ignatz to the birches on the slope
If you don't have meat in your inventory and don't want to butt heads with the bandits, use Ignatz. He will be standing outside the pen. You just need to approach him so that he starts following you – you don't have to talk to the lamb.
The sheep walks slowly, and if it loses sight of you, it will immediately return to the pen, so we advise you to go to the point marked on the map backwards, constantly looking at the sheep. When you get to the forked birch, open the inventory, select the carrot you got earlier and throw it on the ground by pressing the corresponding key.
Ignatz will immediately start eating the treat you left, and you will need to hide in the nearby bushes. If you do not want to spoil your relationship with the shepherd, then you will have to try to protect the sheep from the wolves.
Put the meat
If you feel sorry for the lamb, then go to the two birches without it, and simply put any meat you have in the highlighted area, throwing it out of your inventory. Then hide in the bushes too.
Visit the Bandit Camp
The first thing you need to do is visit the herbalist Barnabas, who can be found northeast of where you need to place the bait. He will tell you about the bandit camp, so a corresponding marker will appear on your map.
Ride further northeast, and soon you will find a camp of cutthroats among the trees. Deal with two bandits stealthily or in open combat, and then open the bags lying next to the barrel to take meat from them. Place this bait in the location indicated above.
Hide in the bushes and wait for the wolves
Regardless of the chosen bait, go to the highlighted bushes, approach the large tree and look at the ground to get the “Hide from wolves” option. Use it after waiting 1 hour.
Then a pack of wolves will emerge from the forest, in which Barbos will not be. You can fight the wolves to fulfill the shepherd's request, or simply run away (if you want to unlock the “Fasting” achievement later).
Tell Zdibrad about the wolf pack
Having escaped from the wolves or killed them, return to the shepherd and talk to him again. If you killed the predators, Henry will automatically tell you about it, and the interlocutor will give you 20 groschen as a reward. If you did not kill them, there will be two possible answers:
- It seems that I killed them all – Zdibrad will believe you and will still give you 20 groschen, but the next time you meet, he will remember your lies, which will cause your reputation to fall.
- Nothing worked out… – you will immediately lose your reputation and will not receive money.
However, the shepherd will advise you to talk to the local hunter in any case if you want to find out what happened to your dog.
Ask the hunter about Barbos
The Hunter is located west of Tahov. If you have the Vidlak Pond fast travel point open, you can teleport to it and then go a little to the southeast. If you have already completed the side quest The Worker, you can immediately chat with Voislav. Otherwise, talk to his wife Zlata and complete the above quest.
During the conversation with Voislav, you will learn that a pack of wolves has appeared in Semin, which is harassing the locals. The hunter will assume that Barbos could well have joined them, so he will advise you to look there.
Find Barbos
You can teleport to Semin, and then go west, or get to the Gypsy Camp, and then go southwest. Enter the forest and continue moving towards the designated search area. Approximately in the center of it, you will notice a torn deer carcass – examine it. Then start walking forward along the bloody tracks.
Once you are at the edge of the ledge, turn the camera to the right and follow the path along the cliff. In just a few steps, a cutscene will begin, during which you will finally find your dog. You will also be attacked by a pack of wolves.
Kill the wolves or run
You will have to fight 4-5 wolves. The fight will be quite difficult, although Barbos will help you, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to just run away. However, we advise you to still try to kill the animals, since later you will be able to search the cave.
Note: If you kill the wolves, you will block yourself from receiving the “Post” achievement in the future.
The best tactic for fighting wolves: wait for their attack, press the block button, and then immediately counterattack. Don't try to follow the wolves that try to run away from you after your attacks – it's better to focus on other enemies, otherwise you'll just waste your energy.
After killing all the wolves, don't forget to inspect the cave, inside which you can find a lot of treasures and weapons, for the sale of which you can get a significant amount of money.