Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]


Demon Hunter as the best ranged class, able to destroy huge crowds of mobs… and players. Best build guide for PvE and PvP activities.

Demon Hunter[DH] in Diablo Immortal is a strong ranged damage dealer who not only wields powerful attacks aimed at crushing single targets, but also has amazing area-of-effect abilities. The main advantage of this class is that he feels comfortable in a solo game: leveling, farming, passing rifts – literally all activities are subject to this hero.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

In the guide below, we’ll take a look at the best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal, as well as discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this class, which will help you decide whether to take it character as a base.

The Demon Hunter in Diablo Immortal

The advantages and disadvantages of the class

The Demon Hunter is a fast and elusive hero who is a real threat in PvP -battles and desired damage in PvE activities.

The main advantage of the class in question is that it is capable of dealing damage on the move. In the right hands, this character can become an “immortal killing machine”.

  • [+] High single target damage.
  • [+] The ability to fight on the move.
  • [+] A list of skills characterized by destructive power.
  • [+] Active gameplay that doesn’t get boring even after a while.
  • [+] One of the most convenient classes for leveling and farming.
  • [+] and group play.
  • [] Minimum amount of crowd control in PvP.
  • [] Exceptional ranged combat focus .
  • [] No group buffs.

Main and special attributes [Characteristics]

Core Attributes

The main attribute of a Demon Hunter is < strong>Strength, granting +0.3% damage per point. Therefore, to maximize DH damage, it is worth using equipment, the main characteristic of which is this indicator. Fortitude – the second most important attribute, giving an increase in armor and armor penetration; 0.1% for each indicator. In the early stages of the game, this stat can be called “meaningful”, but later it becomes less effective due to “reduced recoil“.

To Vitality and Willpowerit is worth looking closely only if serious problems with survival are noticed. Intelligence, in turn, does not provide significant advantages to the class in question, since it is the main attribute of spellcasters.

Strength+1 attack rating;
+0.3% damage.
Fortitude+1 defense rating;
+1 attack rating;
+0.1% armor;
+0.1% armor penetration.
Vitality< /td>+1 defense rating;
+1 attack rating;
+30 HP.
Will+1 defense rating;
+1 attack rating;
+1 resistance;
+1 effectiveness /power.
Intelligence+1 total combat rating.

Special Attributes

Once the main attributes on the legendary equipment are picked up, it’s time to move on to choosing special stats. Demon Hunters should focus on:

    • Primary/Primary Attack Damage Increase [Primary Attack Damage Increase] – Required for Crossbow Shooting< /strong>, especially if the DH’s secondary weapon is Ravenous;
  • increased crit chance. Torment of Eternity;
  • increased skill duration > and reducing his cooldown[Beneficiary Effect Duration] – required for the duration of the buff that is applied after using the ability Retribution.

Bonus attributes of [Reforging Stones]

Bonus attributes are difficult to change. It is for this reason that at the first opportunity it is worth giving preference to the most suitable and, of course, powerful artifact. For Demon Hunters:

  1. Wildfire Stone– Has a 2% chance after killing an enemy, the character will spew out a fireball, which, upon exploding, will deal area damage.

Other benefits of the stone include an increase in crit chance. hit and increased damage dealt against enemies with 30% health or less.

  1. Vengeance Stone — Basic attacks have a 2% chance character can deal damage increased by 100%. The buff lasts 1 second.

Other benefits of the gem include a few percent increase in attack speed.

Best Set [Secondary]

Shal’baas Wartapes is the best PvE set for the Demon Hunter. 3 items equipped on the character will increase the damage of Crossbow shooting by 15%; 6 things– will increase attack speed by up to 25%.

Alternatively, you can look at armor sets Issatar the Overwhelmed, equipped with 4 items, and Vithu’s Wish [Vithu’s Urges] equipped with 2 items. Thus:

  • After killing an enemy, DH speed will be increased by 30% for 2 seconds;
  • The duration of buffs applied to the character will be increased by 30%;
  • every 5% increased movement speed will increase damage dealt by 2.5% (up to 25%).

This build can be used for PvP battles.

Tree talents in PvP and PvE [Paragon]



    is a talent tree for the Demon Hunter, which is worth focusing on in the first place. It focuses on the character’s survivability, but the parameters that increase damage are also not left without attention.
  • Gladiator is a tree that will be unlocked after reaching level 100 Paragon. Once it is unlocked, it is worth making a gradual transition to more enhanced talents that are actively revealed in the PvP component of the game.


  • Treasure Hunter is a Demon Hunter talent tree to focus on in the early stages of the game. In addition to effective “increases” to health and damage, this Paragon increases the gold received by 50% after killing mobs in open areas.
  • Fighter– a tree, the transition to which is required upon reaching the 100th level of Paragon. He is not only responsible for the indicators of increasing health, protection and armor penetration. Its main advantage is the percentage increase in damage against mobs.

Demon Hunter PvP build in Diablo Immortal

The skill is used to increase the character’s mobility and evade the dangerous skills of other players (especially those who are melee oriented).

— Helm Unlimited Finesse [Boundless Ingenunity] grants an additional charge to the skill.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Crossbow Shooting [Crossbow Shot]The Demon Hunter’s main skill is great on its own for killing players from afar, but when combined with the legendary weapon The Hunger [The Hunger], the benefits of this skill only increase.

Keep the ability active while moving, but be aware of the distance between the hero and the enemy. Due to the fact that during the use of the skill the character’s speed is reduced by 75%, you should always remember to be careful and careful in PvP battles.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]This skill is a buff that grants increased damage. Chest Heart of Vengeance [Heart of Vengeance] together with a well-chosen special attribute guarantees no cooldowns.

– Leggings Coff’s Unrelenting Fury [Coff’s Unrelenting Fury], in turn, they will additionally increase the character’s damage thanks to a rocket that “breaks” on the nearest target.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] Downpour of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]Enemies caught in the area have their movement speed slowed when equipped with Hailstone Shoulders [Hailstone Shoulders].

– An AoE ability of DH.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [ Multishot]Paired with Crossbow Breath of Winter [Breath of Winter] skill turns into a powerful ranged ability that stuns all players in the area of ​​effect.
 Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Builds [PvE and PvP]Daring Leap [Daring Swing]

The Demon Hunter has to strong balance between survivability and stealth damage. He is very “soft” and susceptible to any control, so any negative effect can be an impetus to death. It is for this reason that the Daring Jump skill is present in the build, which is used to quickly dodge and freely activate Volley [a) or inflicting “Stupor» in conjunction with the Breath of Winter crossbow; b) or acting as a high damage secondary ability].

    1. Activate Retributionstands immediately before rushing into the thick of things to “apply” increase to damage dealt. If the DH is equipped with the Heart of Vengeance chestplate, the ability will also hit the nearest target with the missile, and the additional damage is never superfluous.
    2. Volley strong> deals good damage and can hit a whole chain of enemies. Use the skill in question mindlesslynot worth it; learn how to time it to hit as many opponents as possible and thereby help your allies in a difficult PvP battle.
    3. Downpour of Vengeance is extremely effective in combination with Hail Shoulders strong>: The skill will slow down enemies, which in turn will allow squad members to surround enemies.
    4. If teammates win a group fight and the enemies gradually start to retreat, use Daring Jump to catch up with the Cowards and attack them with Shower of Vengeance. Extra Damage or Extra Damage Stun – Doesn’t Matter, this combination will be effective anyway, and therefore unexpected.
    5. While holding Crossbows, remember that skill reduces< /em> DH movement speed by 75%. If the enemies get too close, dodge with Dashing Leap and follow up with Bulley.
  • Remember that teammates are meatshield< /em>. Stay behind them, be careful and kill.

Legendary and Common Gems

Legendary Gems Starter Set

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

Legendary gems, which are worth pumping in the early stages of the game, are aimed at increasing the damage of primary abilitiesDemon hunter. Based on the first attack skill, Crossbow Shooting, which DH uses most often during PvP battles.

  1. Berserker’s Eye – increases crit chance. hit and increases all damage dealt by DH by 5%, but at the same time increases all damage taken by the hero by 6%.
  2. Torment of Eternity – crt. Demon Hunter’s strikes cause agony, dealing 16.7% base damage every second for 3 seconds.
  3. Fervor Fang – each attack against a single target, which the hero makes against, increases the damage dealt on it by 0.75%; at 10 stacks, by 7.5%.
  4. Black Rose — Attacks against the Demon Hunter have a 10% chance to summon vines that immobilize the damaging enemy, for 1.5 seconds.
  5. Strength and Power – Periodically increases the damage dealt by Crossbow Shooting and other skills by 7.5%.
  6. Ka’s Agility ‘Arsena [Caarsens Invigoration] – increases speed Crossbow fire by 6%.

Best Legendary Gems

Best builds Demon Hunter in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

Legendary gems, considered the best, are aimed at “development” of the survivability of the Demon Hunter. Since this class is very “soft”, many of the gems below have an impact on movement speed, additional AoE damage, and the ability to increase the distance against an enemy that gets too close.

  1. Bloody Jade – Increases the Demon Hunter’s damage and movement speed by 10%.
  2. Oozing Bile– Hero’s attacks have a 5% chance to poison the enemy: the poison will deal damage every second for 3 seconds.
  3. Shard of Stone Flesh – Hero’s attack has a 5% chance to Turn a player to stone for 1 second.
  4. Heart of Frozen – Reduces ability damage from long-range enemies by 10%.
  5. Call of the Howler – DH attacks have a 30% chance to summon a wolf spirit that will deal damage to all enemies within range.
  6. Phoenix Ashes– prevents fatal damage, and then imposes a shield, 6 seconds long. When Barrier ends, the Barbarian’s health is restored [at most, than once every 300 seconds].

Regular Gems Set

GemEffectUsage principle
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Ruby [+ HP]Use until then until you get Tourmaline.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Tourmaline [+damage]One of the main “yellow” gems, worth using in both PvP and PvE.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Aquamarine [+ Armor]Use until you get Sapphire.
 Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] </td><td>One of the main <em> gems worth using in both PvP and PvE.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Citrine [+ to the power of / efficiency]Combines with Topaz— one to two or two to one.
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Topaz [+Resist]Combines with < em>Citrine — one to two or two to one.

Awakened effects on equipment [armor and weapons]

Approaching the improvement of the legendary equipment, first of all, it is worth focusing on the buildup of additional effects with the help of legendary stones. Once the “destructive” base of the PvP build is in place, move on to armor awakening.

We recommend that you proceed in the following order:

Hailstone Shoulders
[Hailstone Shoulders]

equipment-piecenameAwakened Effect
Add. weaponThe Hungering
[The Hungerer]
Skill Damage Crossbow Shooting increased by 10%.
BestHeart Vengeance
[Heart of Vengeance]
Retribution cooldown reduced by 10%.
HelmetVision of the Lost of the Lost
[Vision of the Lost]
Retribution Skill CooldownRetribution reduced by 10%.
LegsKoff’s Relentless Rage
[Coff’s Unrelenting Fury]
The cooldown of Retribution has been reduced by 10%.
ShouldersCooldown of Downpour of Vengeanceskill reduced by 10 %.
Main weaponBreath Winters
[Breath of Winter]
Cooldown of Volley reduced by 10%.

Dungeon Demon Hunter Build Diablo Immortal

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Crossbow Shooting [Crossbow Shot]The skill will help you destroy enemies that are not finished off by the Multi-Shot.

– Keep the ability active while moving for maximum effectiveness.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]This skill is a buff that gives an increase in damage; it’s worth holding onto this ability until you encounter bosses and elite enemies.

– Awakening effects on some pieces of legendary gear (like the Vision of the Lost helmet) and well-chosen special attributes will allow activate this buff permanently;
– Leggings Koff’s Relentless Fury, in turn, will further increase the damage of subsequent skills used.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Rain of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]—In conjunction with Shoulders of the Sky Fighter shoulder pads, the damage dealt by this skill will be increased.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [ Multishot]An ability that serves to kill entire waves of enemies while the DH is moving and combines the main skills at the same time.

– Crossbow Fire Malice enhances the skill, opening the ability to “burn enemies alive “.

Knockback Shot [Knockback Shot]Deals splash damage similar to Downpour of Vengeance.

— the skill is effectively exceptional! in conjunction with the chestplate Excessive Hatred.

The main task of the Demon Hunter during the passage of the dungeon – effectively move from point A to point B and crush the enemy crowds with the Rain of Retribution.

 Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] the skill in question is <em>one of the longest</em> compared to other skills.</li><li>Then attack an elite enemy with <strong>Knockback Shot</strong>.</li><li>Crossbows.

  • Don’t forget to move to avoid getting hit by the boss.
  • Use Downpour of Vengeance and Recoil Volley – these skills NOT should be idle.

No abilities Daring Leap The Demon Hunter becomes an extremely vulnerable target. It is for this reason that a player who embarks on the path of an elusive shooter will have to learn one main rule of the game for DH: “Don’t movedie“.

Legendary and regular gems

Starter Legendary Gems Pack

Legendary Gems Starter Pack for The Demon Hunter in PvE is practically no different from the PvP build and again serves to enhance the main skills of the DH, which include Crossbow shootingis one of the commonly used skills. However, a Lightning Core has been added as an additional gem, expanding the AoE damage of the class in question.

  1. Berserker’s Eye– Increases crit chance. hit and increases all damage dealt by DH by 5%, but also increases all damage taken by the hero by 6%.
  2. Torment of Eternity– crit. Demon Hunter strikes inflict agony, dealing 16.7% base damage every second for 3 seconds.
  3. Ka’arsen’s Vitality– Increases crossbow fire speed by 6%.< /li>
  4. Fang of Fervor– each attack against a single target that the hero makes against increases the damage dealt on it by 0.75%; at 10 stacks, by 7.5%.
  5. Lightning Core– Character attacks have a 10% chance to trigger Chain Lightning, which will deal additional area damage.
  6. Strength and Power– Periodically increases the damage dealt by Crossbow Shooting and other skills by 7.5%.

Best Legendary Gems

The best legendary gems, in turn, are complemented by Shadow Echo , which has a chance to summon a Demon Hunter clone, and works identically to Call of the Howler. The Stoneflesh Chunk gem may raise some doubts, but it should be regarded as a nice alternative, since leveling it exalts the artifact above the usual legendaries.

  1. Bloody Jade – Increases the Demon Hunter’s damage and movement speed by 10%.
  2. Oozing Bile– Hero’s attacks have a 5% chance to poison the enemy: the poison will deal damage every second for 3 seconds.
  3. Shard of Stone Flesh– Hero’s attack has a 5% chance to Turn the player to stone for 1 second.
  4. Call of the Howler – DH attacks have a 30% chance to summon the spirit of the wolf, which will deal damage to all enemies within the radius of the skill.
  5. Heart of Frozen – Reduces ability damage from long-range enemies by 10%.
  6. Echoing Shadow– DH attacks have a 15% chance to summon a shadow clone of the hero for 6 seconds. The “Demonic” projection will have some of the abilities of the Demon Hunter and will help to attack opponents.

Generic Gem Pack

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Ruby [+ HP]Use until then until you get Tourmaline.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Tourmaline [+damage]One of the main “yellow” gems, worth using in both PvP and PvE.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Aquamarine[+ Armor]Use until you get Sapphire.
 Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] </td><td>One of the main <em> gems worth using in both PvP and PvE.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Citrine [+ to the power of / efficiency]Combines with Topaz – one to two or two to one.
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Topaz [+Resist]Combines with < em>Citrine – one to two or two to one.

Awakened effects on equipment [armor and weapons]

When it comes to upgrading legendary gear, the first thing to focus on is boosting additional effects with the help of legendary stones. Once the “destructive” base of the PvE build is in place, move on to armor awakening.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

We recommend doing it in the following order:

Part of EquipmentNameAwakened Effect
Add. weaponThe Hungering
[The Hungerer]
Skill Damage Crossbow Shooting increased by 10%.
ChestExcessive Hatred
< /strong>[Untempered Hatred]
Skill damage Knockback increased by 10%.
Heart< /strong> Vengeance
[Heart of Vengeance]
The cooldown of Vengeance has been reduced by 10%.
HelmetVision Lost
[Vision of the Lost]
Cool Retaliation reduced by 10%.
LegsUnrelenting Rage Coff
[Coff’s Unrelenting Fury]
Cooldown of Retribution reduced by 10%.
ShouldersSkyfighter’s Shoulders
[Skystriker’s Pauldrons< /em>]
Skill cooldownRain of Vengeance reduced by 10%.
Primary Weapon Fire Spite
Reduced Charge cooldown by 10%.

Diablo Immortal Dare Portal Demon Hunter build

Solo [Solo]

is the Demon Hunter’s active skill, which must be used on cooldown.

With it, the DH will be able to actively deal with small monsters, as well as attract the attention of larger enemies, building a chain of them for subsequent destruction with more powerful abilities.

a skill that helps to destroy huge waves of mobs.

If some monsters are still alive after activating the ability, use Crossbow Shooting to finish off the “lucky ones”.

< img class=”aligncenter” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/luchshie-bildy-ohotnika-na-demonov-v-diablo-immortal-pve-i-pvp-96532ef.jpg” alt=”Best [Crossbow Shot]
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]is a skill that, after using which, a buff is applied to the character, increasing their damage.
In conjunction with parts of the legendary equipment, add. whose effects are awakened, this buff can be kept active permanently.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] Rain of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]is a skill with a long cooldown but powerful AoE exhaust.

Usually used first, so that the ability is restored by the time of the next powerful discharge.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [Multishot]
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Daring Swing [Daring Swing]is a skill needed to drastically break the distance between the Demon Hunter and enemies.

The biggest advantage of the Demon Hunter is the ability to shoot while moving< /em>, it is for this reason that the entire following strategy will be based on this fact. Gather large groups of enemies to effectively destroy them later with Shoot and Crossbows. The first skill appears as the main skill, the second as a finishing one.

  1. Don’t hook mobs one at a time. Using Crossbow Shooting, run close to small enemies and organize small “flocks” of them, which will later be destroyed using an AoE skill or the same Volley.
  2. If some of the enemies get aggroed, don’t shy away – just shoot them so they can target the DH again. If necessary, you can use Daring Jump to get closer or, conversely, to dramatically increase the distance.
  3. Once the so-called “death line” of mobs is organized, attack it with Shower of Vengeance. Then use Volleyto kill the remaining small enemies or elite monsters whose strength exceeds insignificant and annoying minions.

After using Daring Jump, you can start organizing the next “death line“. It is not necessary to collect all the mobs on the map from the very first seconds – without proper preparation, a kind of army can easily drive the hero into a corner. Start with 10 opponents and gradually move on to tighter packs, taking into account the fact of your composure and preparation.

And please remember:

  1. Not all Trial Rifts are identical to each other. Maps with a huge cluster of ranged monsters are not suitable for fast and comfortable passing by the class in question.
  2. Shooting on the move is crucial for DH. Gather close-knit groups of enemies to kill them later with Volley or Rain of Vengeance.
  3. Good position” is a phrase that a Demon Hunter should always keep in mind.

Group passage

<img class=”aligncenter” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/luchshie-bildy-ohotnika-na-demonov-v-diablo-immortal-pve-i-pvp-fca12cc.jpg” alt=”Best [Crossbow Shot]— a skill that acts as a auto-attack;
— can be used on the move, however, the Demon Hunter will be reduced by 75%.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]– a skill that increases the damage of DH (buff);
– use on cooldown.< /td>
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] Rain of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]– main AoE skill of the character;
– use first, because the ability takes longer to recover than others.
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [ Multishot]– works effectively in conjunction with Crossbow shooting.
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Knockback Shot [Knockback Shot]– works effectively in conjunction with Shower of Vengeance.

Demon Hunter Allies – meat shield< /strong> DH. Let other squad members take the front line while you deal stunning damage from afar with effective use of Shot, Vengeance Rain and Knockback Shot. With good allies in combat, the class in question will not have to worry about positioning, since the same Barbarians or Crusaders will distract most of the enemies of the Rift of Trials.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP ]

  1. Always BEHIND the group, don’t lead it.
  2. Help hook enemies with Crossbow shooting if allies missed some monsters.
  3. Once allies form a bunch of enemies, destroy them with Rain of Vengeance or Knockback Shot.
  4. Hold the buff, applied by Retribution, active.
  5. Use Surge at the end to finish off the survivors of active burst monsters.

Legendary and Common Gems

 Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

A starting set of common and legendary gems for the Demon Hunter, as well as a list of the best legendary stones suitable for passage of Portals of Daring, is identical to the assembly of a general PvE build designed for clearing dungeons.

You can read this information in the paragraph “Legendary and Common Gems” pinned in Dungeon Immortal Dungeon Build“. Features, principle of use and disclosure of the effects of the first rank of each gem – we have collected all the details together for a more comfortable study of such a sensitive topic.

Awakened effects on equipment [armor and weapons]

Approaching the improvement of the legendary equipment, first of all, it is worth focusing on the buildup of additional effects with the help of legendary stones. Once the “destructive” base of the PvE build is in place, move on to armor awakening.

We recommend that you proceed in the following order:

equipment-pieceNameAwakened Effect
Ext. weaponThe Hungering
[The Hungerer]
Skill Damage Crossbow Shooting increased by 10%.
BestHeart Vengeance
[Heart of Vengeance]
Cooldown of Vengeance reduced by 10%.
HelmetVision Lost
[Vision of the Lost]
Cooldown of Retribution reduced by 10%.
LeggingsCoff’s Unrelenting Fury
[Coff’s Unrelenting Fury]
Retribution Skill Cooldown reduced by 10%.
ShouldersHails of Hail
[Hailstone Shoulders]
Reduced cooldown of Rain of Vengeanceby 10%.
Primary weaponFire Malice
Charge cooldown reduced by 10%.

Diablo Immortal Raid Demon Hunter Build

A powerful ability that increases the hero’s damage.

— Awakened Vision of the Lost helmet and Heart of Vengeance chestplate, as well as selected special attributes, will allow you to keep the buff on character permanently.

A skill capable of delivering a powerful blow to a boss or destroying a huge crowd of enemies with a single shot.

– in conjunction with a crossbow, Fire Malice gains additional effects .

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Crossbow Shooting [Crossbow Shot]The main DH skill that should be used on cooldown. And although it is possible to cast it while moving, the character’s speed at this moment will be reduced by 75% – remember this so as not to take a back seat before powerful boss attacks.
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] Rain of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]is a powerful AoE skill that can be used in conjunction with Retribution and < em>Gulp.
 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [Multishot]
 Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Builds [PvE and PvP]Daring Leap [Daring Swing]— can be replaced with another skill after learning all the mechanics of raid events present in the game; jump away from the boss’s surprise attack directed at the DH.

Downpour of Vengeance– the main skill of the assembly in question, capable of inflicting high damage on the boss. In case Bold Jump is replaced with Knockback Shot in your build, you should combine this skill with the previously listed one for more effective DPS.

<img class=”aligncenter” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/luchshie-bildy-ohotnika-na-demonov-v-diablo-immortal-pve-i-pvp-8e3f239.jpg” alt=”Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]” />

    1. Calculate the cooldown of damage-dealing skills between boss modes so that the main core of abilities does not hit in the immunity phase.
    2. Use Vengeance Rain first, which differs from other skills by the longest cooldown.< /li>
    3. Always keep the Retribution buff active.
    4. Use Crossbows on cooldown and watch your distance.
    5. Rain of Vengeance and Knockback Shot(with alternative skill settings) should also be activated on cooldown – but again, not during the immunity phase.

Legendary and common gems

The starting set of common and legendary gems for the Demon Hunter, as well as the list of the best legendary stones, suitable for passing raid events, is identical to the assembly of the general PvE build intended for clearing dungeons.

You can read this information in the paragraph “Legendary and common gems” pinned in the section “Demon Hunter Dungeon Build in Diablo Immortal“. Features, principle of use and disclosure of the effects of the first rank of each gem – we have collected all the details together for a more comfortable study of such a sensitive topic.

Awakened effects on equipment [armor and weapons]

When approaching the improvement of legendary equipment, first of all, it is worth focusing on boosting additional effects with the help of legendary stones. Once the “destructive” base of the PvE build is in place, move on to armor awakening.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

We recommend doing it in the following order:

Part of EquipmentNameawakened effect< /th>
Add. weaponThe Hungering
[The Hungerer]
Skill Damage Crossbow Shooting increased by 10%.
ChestExcessive Hatred
< /strong>[Untempered Hatred]
Knockback Shot damage increased by 10%.
Heart Vengeance
[Heart of Vengeance]
Cooldown of Vengeance reduced by 10%.
HelmetVision Lost
[ Vision of the Lost]
Cooldown of Retribution reduced by 10%.
LegsCoff’s Relentless Fury
[Coff’s Unrelenting Fury]
The cooldown of Retribution has been reduced by 10%.
ShouldersSky Fighter Shoulders
[Skystriker’s Pauldrons]
Reduced cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 10%.
Main weaponFire Spite
Reduced Charge cooldown by 10%.

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Solo Build [Farming and Leveling]

Main buffing skill that is indispensable in any build. Required to constantly maintain the buff on increasing damage.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Crossbow Shooting [Crossbow Shot]Acts as a spam attack that works effectively in combination with Volley.

—in conjunction with the crossbow Ravenous, which is a secondary weapon, instantly destroys enemies that survive a Downpour of Vengeance or any other powerful debuff.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Vengeance [Vengeance]
Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] Rain of Vengeance [Rain of Vengeance]Main damage skill.

– In conjunction with shoulder pads Hail Shoulders spreads a negative effect that affects the movement speed of mobs.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Volley [ Multishot]An ability that goes to the next level when paired with the Fire Malice.

Not only does this weapon reduce the cooldown of the skill in question due to awakening effects, but it also hits enemies with fire bursts.

Best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]Daring Leap [Daring Swing]Acts as rescue or ” Forcing” skill.

– use to jump away from enemies that get too close;
– use to catch up to enemies and instantly crush them with Shower of Vengeance.

Demon Hunter Challenge in PvE activities taking place in open world is very simple – activate the buff to increase damage, and then, based on the situation, use powerful AoE abilities or furious attacks aimed at a single target.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP] <strong>Volley</strong> is good for killing larger targets faster.</li><li>Before using <em>Volley</em>, don't forget to buff it with <strong>Retaliation</strong >.</li><li>Use <strong>Crossbow Shooting</strong>on the rollback, not forgetting to move. Constantly moving around the location will allow you to stay away from many dangerous attacks of opponents.</li><li><strong>Daring Jump</strong> is the lifeline of the considered assembly, which will help you get to a safer position in a matter of seconds.</li > </ol><h3>Legendary and Common Gems</h3><p><img class=

The starter set of common and legendary gems for the Demon Hunter, as well as the list of the best legendary stones, suitable for solo play and fast leveling, is identical to the assembly of the general PvE build intended for dungeon clearing.

Read for this information in Legendary and Common Gems” pinned in Diablo Dungeon Demon Hunter Build Immortal“. Features, principle of use and disclosure of the effects of the first rank of each gem – we have collected all the details together for a more comfortable study of such a sensitive topic.

Awakened effects on equipment [armor and weapons]

When approaching the improvement of legendary equipment, first of all, it is worth focusing on boosting additional effects with the help of legendary stones. Once the “destructive” base of the PvE build is in place, move on to armor awakening.

 Best Demon Hunter Builds in Diablo Immortal [PvE and PvP]

We recommend doing it in the following order:

Hailstone Shoulders
[Hailstone Shoulders]

Part of EquipmentNameAwakened effect
Add. weaponThe Hungering
[The Hungerer]
Skill Damage Crossbow Shooting increased by 10%.
BestHeart Vengeance
[Heart of Vengeance]
Cooldown of Vengeance reduced by 10%.
HelmetVision The Lost
[Vision of the Lost]
Cooldown of Retribution reduced by 10%.
LegsCoff’s Unrelenting Fury
[Coff’s Unrelenting Fury]
Cooldown of Retribution reduced by 10%.
ShouldersCooldown of Downpour of Vengeanceskill reduced by 10%.
Main weaponFire Malice
[ Flamespite]
Charge cooldown reduced by 10%.

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