carrots on a stick in kingdom come: Deliverance 2 – An optional order about the stubborn lamb, which fell into the next alteration with wolves. Further in the leadership, we will tell you how to find and save the rebellious Ignats, who escaped from its new owner.
Passing the quest “Carrots on a stick” in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
How to start a task
This order will be marked as a possible point of interest immediately, as soon as you finish the quest “Sheep among the wolves”. The place you need is not far from the Apollan travel mark, a place east of Truskovitsa. And although at this stage you can display two red markers at once, denoting the tasks of the shepherds – there is no difference in what order to perform them.
south of the road you will find the house of the shepherd and himself, due to the missing lamb. Talk to the Shafarzhik, and you will be surprised to find that the escaped animal bears the remarkable name Ignats, already familiar to you from complaints from the previous owner. Well, it seems, Zdibrada found a way to get rid of the rabbing a ram.
Find a lost ram
Ignatsov’s favorite treat is a juicy and fragrant carrot, which you will be given right at the beginning of the search. So that the treat does not deteriorate in your young or not accidentally eaten, we recommend that you immediately go in search of.
you will find a lonely lamb in a clearing behind the forest east of the Shafarzhik hut. If you run directly to the point on the map, without walking on the road, then you will meet with the wolves in advance and you can clear the way without enduring Ignatsa himself.
But if you do not want to kill wolves, you can try to go around dense thickets along the roads to the north, describing a wide arc around the forest or use a barbos and hand -to -hand combat to stun predators. This is especially true if you plan to earn a “post” achievement, the receipt of which is tied to the refusal of the murder of animals and eating meat until the main line of plot tasks is completed.
go to Ignatsu and begin to slowly move back. Leading with the aroma of crispy carrots, he dutifully proceeds with you to the very shepherd’s house, you just need not to break the distance. The easiest way move your back forward and sometimes stop for a break.
in order not to get bored along the way, try to chat with your ward – Ignats is very eloquent and is ready to support a relaxed conversation. When you finally come back, go around the pasture fence and let the lamb get to the sink to the relatives.