In Honkai: Star Rail, the chests in the Pool of Fate of Janusopolis, located in Amphoreus, are special containers that contain a variety of treasures, ranging from Celestial Ambrosia to Star Jades. In this guide, we will tell you where to find them and how to open them, because to unlock some chests, you must first solve a puzzle, complete a quest, or deal with a dangerous enemy.
Where to find chests in the Pool of Fate in Janusopolis
Janusopolis is a city that believes in the Titan of the Gate. In this area, there is the Temple of Janus, who in the past showed the way to people. Now there are only ruins of a once grandiose structure. You will gain access to this location during the Tales of the Flame-Chasing Heroes quest chain, however, we advise you to start exploring it after completing all the missions in the line so that you can visit all corners of the area.
This location consists of several levels in which you can find several dozen ordinary, valuable and luxurious chests. You can see their approximate location on the map below. Below we will tell you in detail how to get to them.
Information about finding chests will appear after the release of update 3.0, which is scheduled for release on January 15, 2025…