Colored Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles


Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

In Genshin Impact, colorful blocks are a type of interactive puzzle located in the Broken Sea – the northern territory of the Simulanka event region. On the floating islands you will meet many fairy-tale creatures who are faced with a problem: their sculptures made from toy parts are badly damaged, and you need to help restore the constructor. 

In this guide, we will tell you where all the puzzles with multi-colored cubes are located and how they are assembled in the territory of the Broken Sea, available as part of the temporary event “Summer! Dragons? Fairytale!”.

All puzzles with multi-colored blocks on the Simulanka map

Please note that this type of puzzle is located only in the Broken Sea, and you can get to it can only be reached by completing the main story of the “Summer!” event. Dragons? A fairy tale!”, and more specifically, according to the task “Until the end of the world.”

How to move and connect cubes with each other

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

The mechanics of moving the cubes are pretty simple, but there are a few rules:

  • Point the camera at the piece with a golden loop at the edge (a yellow cone symbol will appear above it), and then use the interaction key (for PC it’s “T”) – the puzzle will be attracted to the hero’s hand;
  • You can place selected figures only on those that have an illuminated groove – a convex place where two elements stack together. Hold a normal attack and aim the part at the joint, then release to leave it at the selected position;
  • In addition to movement, this construction set can be set on fire with a pyro element and exploded with wooden bombs, gaining access to a closed space.

Among the puzzles under consideration there will be both reconstructions of various houses, as well as riddles with torches, explosives or fabulous beavers – all of them are in one way or another connected with the mechanics of movement of toy elements.

General map

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

In the north of Simulanka, in the Broken Sea, you can find at least 20 toy construction sets. For solving each puzzle you can get a regular, rich or precious chest, inside of which there will be random resources, source stones and Fragments of Joy. Let's look in detail at how to find and assemble each of them.

Toy constructor 1

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The first toy construction set is located opposite the teleport in the south of the Broken Sea: two wooden men are sitting at the edge of the island, and on the head of one of them lies a yellow triangle . Pick up the puzzle and place it on top of the colored turret to unlock access to the rich chest.

Toy designer 2

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

From the first construction set, go west to the courtyard in front of the two-story house. There are two unfinished toy towers and a blocked rich chest. You need to make sure that when assembled, they are absolutely identical.

Multicolored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Pick up the red pyramid in front of the chest and place it on the tower with the missing roof, and then the green cube near the mailbox – it needs to be attached to the construction set with the last missing part.

Toy construction set 3

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

To the west of the courtyard with the second constructor, there is a crowd of toy men watching the hare and kitsune figures, but one of them hears “A strange voice. ..” and looks into the well – we need to jump into it (it’s quite deep here).

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

From below, approach the beaver in front of the red barricade – the animal will get scared and stick out an explosive, which needs to be attached to the yellow beacon on the wall of red blocks. After breaking through the passage, go inside and defeat all the monsters, and then go up to the wooden man and ask: “Are you okay?” As a reward for salvation, the toy miner will give you a precious chest.

Toy construction set 4

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Go back to the place with the 2nd puzzle and go around the building in front of which you assembled the construction set. Behind the house you will find a builder pondering “How to decorate…» car. Approach the little man and offer: “Let me try!” After consent, marks for attaching decorations will appear on the sides of the toy transport.

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multicolored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Decorate the car to your liking, and then find out if the miner likes your work. He will give you a rich chest in gratitude.  

Toy construction set 5

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

To find the fifth toy construction set, you need to start the event story quest “Until the End of the World” and reach the stage in which we conquer the lair of the evil dragon – the construction set is located in this dungeon, behind the waterfall in the south of the Broken Sea.

 Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

From the entrance, move straight, and then through the hole in the wall of red blocks (if the obstacle is intact, blow it up with a bomb lying on the left). On the other side of the cave lies a frozen miner, with a small pole in front of him and a cube behind him. Place the red piece on the stick and set it on fire with any pyro attack. After waiting a little, the poor fellow will warm up, get up and reward us with one ordinary chest.

Toy construction set 6

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Move to the floating island in the southeastern half of the Shattered Sea and approach the pier: near the moored boat there is a mini-copy of it without a mast, a closed regular chest and a miner looking at something below. In the direction of his gaze you will see a blue pyramid, which you need to pick up and place on the top of the mini-ship.

Toy constructor 7

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Go north a little along the pier where you assembled the previous constructor: you will meet a little man who has lost three beaver assistants, guarding a closed precious chest. We will receive a reward if we find all the rodents (a map with their location was left above).

The First Beaver

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Multicolored Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

The first beaver is sitting in a recess in the middle of the passage to the west (if you go from the place with the precious chest). To make him come back, fix the pipe through which the magic elixir is supplied: go to the two sections and turn them so that the drink can flow without stopping from the barrel to the mug (the supply is launched by a man in a bucket).

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

After repairing, a regular chest will appear, and the animal can be ordered to “finish it and go back.”

Second beaver

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Go up to the house in the southern half of the island being explored: in front of the entrance there is a rubble, near which you can find the third puzzled beaver. 

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Ask the rodent for the “…red thing” and follow him – the beaver will find a small fire slime that you need to defeat. We indicate to the animal that he found “…not this!” and we get explosives. All that remains is to install it on the red block in front of the door, get the rich chest that appeared at the site of the blown up rubble, and persuade the beaver to return back.

The third beaver

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The last beaver is in the recess under the island, but before it appears, you need to clear the area from hilichurls.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

After getting rid of the monsters, solve another puzzle with the constructor: place the blue block on the hole in the fence, and the remaining two blocks, yellow and brown, in the fish on the wall, focusing on the color above and below the holes. After the decision, loot the rich chest and tell the beaver that “we are safe!”

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

When you return to the precious chest, all the beavers will be in place, and the reward will be unlocked.

Toy constructor 8

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

We go to the northern edge of the island, where we collected the previous two puzzles: in front of the house there is a pair of soldiers, one of whom wants to surpass the construction of his friend. 

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The choice of parts is not important, just make a taller tower: use any three cubes to build the base, and place a couple of pyramids on top. A building in the shape of a rocket will be enough for the satisfied red man to hand us a rich casket.

Toy construction set 9

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

From the previous constructor, go a little north, along the floating narrow stone bridge: on the way there will be an arch with a round cutout, and behind it there is a blocked rich man casket.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

To receive a reward, you need to find two green pieces, connecting which, you get a mini-version of the same arch (one lies near the chest, and the other is on a stone structure). Place them on a couple of boxes, and the trophy is yours.

Toy construction set 10

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Now we are moving to the outermost island in the eastern half of the Broken Sea: there sits a pair of flying squirrels who need to be helped with expressing their feelings by assembling a heart-shaped construction set.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The first piece lies on a separate piece of land nearby – you can cross to it using a magic thread (and back, picking up the cube, also along it). The second piece (red triangle) lies close to the statue, at the edge of the island. 

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Insert the pieces so that the heart becomes solid, and tell the little squirrel with shaking hands, “I’ve solved it.” The couple will reward us with a rich chest.

Be careful: if you don’t complete the heart and hand in the work like this, the flying squirrel’s recognition will fail, and with it the receipt of our reward.

Toy constructor 11

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Move to the island split in half in the center of the Broken Sea and turn the camera to the east: on either side of the cliff there is a pair of men trying to make identical structures out of cubes.

Multicolored Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Go to the edge and climb down the magic thread to the miner on whose side the locked reward is.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

We need to completely repeat the constructor on the opposite side: to restore the tower, place a green cube and a blue pyramid on it. The last element, a yellow triangle, lies near the hill nearby – we use it to finish the roof of the low turret.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

Make sure that everything the elements (green cube, blue and yellow triangles) are in place, and then the lock will fall off the chest.

Toy constructor 12

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

From the previous puzzle, go down one tier into the chasm: in the recess on the eastern half of the chasm there are three red cubes.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Approach these rubble, and then pick up the explosive behind the cobblestone on the right – it needs to be placed on the cube in the center, and after the explosion, pick up a rich chest (under the rest: a flask with mora and a column for installing a magic thread). 

Toy construction set 13

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Going down another tier, on the same side on which the previous puzzle was, you will reach the starting point of the mini-mission to rescue the miners , in which the mechanics of the designer are involved. We discussed it in detail in a separate guide. 

Toy construction set 14

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Colorful Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

Next, climb to the top of the eastern half of the central island (we looked at the location of the 31st Feather of Fun here). This area contains a three-step puzzle that rewards a precious chest. You need to find and place by color all the cubes that have disappeared from the site (the one behind the warning sign). Immediately take the brown part and go left.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

We place the selected cube in a sector with a similar color, and then do the same with the yellow piece lying on the nearest slide. All that remains is to find, or rather create, a black cube – we select the remaining red cube, standing near the recess with black parts, and go to the red man.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Place the cube in front of the soldier and set it on fire, and when it is scorched, take the darkened version and place it between the black cubes.

Toy construction set 15

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

We return to the teleport on the central island and go down to the construction site to the west: under one of the cranes there is an area with a toy construction set, in front of which there is a sign . For the solution we will be given a rich chest.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

There are only three designs: blue, yellow and brown, and they need to be collected by color. The places with brown details were shown not in the first screenshot above – one on the blue blocks, and the second behind the sign. A yellow pyramid lies in front of a worker standing near a dark construction set, and a blue cube is attached to a rope above the sign. 

Toy construction set 16

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Go up to the clearing on the northwestern half of the central island: there is a red soldier in a hat who wants to give someone a house, and us you need to fulfill his desire.

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

There are many different parts scattered around the clearing – you can choose any. Your task: to finish the house that stands near the hill. Install any bridge block in turn, then a cube, and then a pyramid (i.e. repeat the shape of the already finished turret on the right). A satisfied “client” will give us one ordinary chest.

Toy construction set 17

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

Return to the construction site with 15 th puzzle, and go around it to the area on the southwest corner of the island: you will find a pair of torches and two sticks.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

There is a cube near each column – put them on top and set them on fire, and then do the same with ordinary torches. The order doesn't matter, just light all four. For the solution you will be given a regular chest.

Toy construction set 18

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multicolored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

From the place where the previous puzzle was solved, fly southwest to the island with the house in the middle (screenshot of the map above). There is another multi-stage puzzle here, which will reward you with a precious trophy.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The solution is this: you need to place four flowers on the boxes in front of the chest. But before that, they need to be found. Above we left a map with the location of all the missing elements, and then we’ll see how to get them.

First flower

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The first flower is behind the boxes: take it and place it on any free node.

Second flower

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Multicolored Blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

The second one can be obtained in the clearing to the north of the house. Deal with two jumpers disguised as a sugar flower (you need to try to pick two flowers that have a dialogue icon). When the monsters are defeated, take the flower and carry it to any of the boxes.

The third flower

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

The third one is in the gazebo in front of the house, above the table in a hanging pot – we pick it up and carry it to the others.

Fourth flower

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all the cube puzzles

The fourth can be found if you go around the building on the western side: there is a small pier on which the last element of the constructor is located.

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: How to Solve All Cube Puzzles

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Place all four toy flowers on the boxes in any order to unlock a precious reward.

Toy construction set 19

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Go around the building in place with 18 th puzzle and fly over to a small island: there are three toy windmills located here.

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all cube puzzles

First, take the yellow pyramid from the blade on the left and place it on the mill on the right, adjacent to the blue base. And then pick up the blue triangle from the tree and place it on the block from which the first element was taken – correct installation will lead to unlocking a rich chest.

Toy designer 20

 Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

 Multicolored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

And the last, 20th area, is located on a high island in the northwestern half of the Broken Sea. To solve this puzzle, you must start the world quest “To the Lighthouse or Away” (read its full walkthrough in the pinned article).

Multi-colored blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

Colorful blocks in Genshin Impact: how to solve all puzzles with cubes

This riddle, in which we help Panuel get his friend back, is discussed in a separate guide. For its solution, a precious trophy is awarded.

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