In Hogwarts Legacy, Clever Keys are a side quest and collectible item that must be found in order to obtain House Tokens and open a special chest in your living room « Houses”. Inside it you will find a unique robe. In this guide, we will tell you exactly how to start this quest, and where you can find all the keys.
How to start the Cunning Keys quest
To do this, first move to the Transfiguration Yard, located in the Astronomy Wing (Hogwarts). After teleporting, immediately turn left and run towards the tree at the opposite end of the park. Here you will have to talk with Nellie Oggspire. Apparently, the girl only appears at night, so if necessary, scroll through the time or just use the “Wait” option.
Find the Clever Key in the Astronomy Tower
During the conversation with the student, you will learn what these Clever Keys are and how to catch them. Nelly will offer you to catch one of them in the Astronomy Tower. Follow the golden dotted line on the minimap to get to the right location. Climb the wooden stairs to the left of the point with the flying flame, and at the top you will see a flying key that looks like a dragonfly.
Then immediately turn around and run for the key down. You will need to find a cabinet that opens a clever key. After leaving the flight of stairs to the point of flying flame, turn into the left passage. Here you will find a piece of furniture with a huge keyhole – walk up to it to start a mini-game.
To solve this simple puzzle, you need to slap the dragonfly key as it flies right over the keyhole. As a result, you will open the closet and receive your first House Token. Now you can return to Nelly, who will be waiting for you at the same place.
Insert the token into your house chest
The girl will explain to you that these tokens are needed to open a special faculty chest. Therefore, move to your living room and follow the marker to the chest, and then insert the house coin into it.
After that, you will learn that in order to get the contents of the chest, you will need to find 15 more ingenious keys and tokens. Next, we will indicate the location of these items.
Where to find all the ingenious keys and house tokens
Fortunately, they are all located on the territory of the Hogwarts school, so you won’t have to visit other regions. You do not have to run right after them, as they can get to the right place without you. Therefore, do not be surprised if you did not find any keys in the locations we marked – it is possible that you ran through here earlier and accidentally activated the item, so it may already be waiting for you near the closet.
Note: When you find a Cunning Key, use Revelio's spell to illuminate the dragonfly with blue light – this will make it easier for you to track it.
Cunning Key 2
- Location: Defense Tower from the Dark Arts (Astronomy Wing)
Travel to the indicated fast travel point, and then head down the stairs to a huge rhinoceros skeleton, next to which you will find a fluttering key. As soon as you get close to him, he will fly up.
Climb up after him, run forward and on the right you will see a closet. Solve another riddle to open the cabinet and get the house token from it.
Cunning Key 3
- Location: Library (Library Annex)
Go to the indicated teleporter, then turn right and go between the bookshelves. You will find the key right in the center of the passage.
Start following him, turning left and walking to the opposite side of the room. Here you will find a wardrobe – open it and get the token.
Cunning Key 4
- Location: Potions Room (Library Annex)
Move to the indicated point of the flying flame and go through the double doors on the left side. Then turn left and go down the stairs following the dragonfly key.
After going down, go a little forward along the corridor, at the end of which you will find a cabinet with another token.
Cunning key 5
- Location: Central Hall (Library Annex)
After teleporting to the indicated area, go up the stairs and to the right. Once on the middle tier, turn right again and find the key next to the columns in the corner.
Next, turn around and run for the key to the stairs. This time go down, but now only one flight. On the right you will see a new cabinet with a token.
Cunning Key 6
- Location: Great Hall (Great Hall)
After moving to the marked area, turn right and go through the double doors to go outside. Go forward, go down the stairs and go under the large stone archway. On the site you will find a key.
Follow the key down the stairs and turn left near the fountain. Next, turn right and you will find a cabinet in the corner.
Cunning Key 7
- Location: Great Hall ( Great Hall)
Move to the indicated area, but now turn left and go through three double doors. You will find yourself on the landing, where you will immediately see flying keys.
Climb down the stairs, turn right and you will find another cupboard with a House Token hidden in it.
Cunning Key 8
- Location: Great Hall (Great Hall)
Move again into this area and turn a little to the left towards the huge fireplace. Near it you will find a fluttering key – start following it.
Run to the other corner of the room, turn right and go up the stairs. Already on the first flight of stairs you will find the closet you need.
Cunning Key 9
- Location: Large Stair Tower (Stairs of Hogwarts)
Teleport to the specified point of flying powder, and then turn right and go down the spiral staircase that has arisen. When you reach the bridge, turn right and continue down. On the flight of stairs near the railing you will find a key.
Run after him even lower to the very end of the spiral staircase, then turn right and turn left to the next ladder, but do not go down it. Instead, turn the camera to the right and you will find a closet.
Ingenious Key 10
- Location: Bell Tower Courtyard (Bell Tower Wing)
Travel to the indicated location, then go up the stairs on the left side and go through the door ahead. Climb up another ladder and on this platform you will find a key.
Start running up the stairs. Climbing to the topmost level, you will find a cabinet containing a house token.
Cunning Key 11
- Location: Central Hall (Library Annex)
After teleporting to the indicated area, go down the stairs, turn right and go to the double doors – to the left of them you will find a key .
Climb the stairs back, past the statue and go down a bit. Then turn right and you will find a puzzle with a door and symbols. On the right side of it will be the cabinet you need.
Cunning Key 12
- Location: Cartography Room ( Secret rooms)
Travel to the indicated point of the flying powder, and then start climbing the spiral staircase. Once at the top, turn into the left passage and climb the second spiral staircase. Next, turn left and go through the lattice door. Turn left again, go down the stairs and enter the corridor, where you will find the key.
Then turn around, exit the corridor and turn left. Move forward a little, turn the camera to the left, and you will see a cabinet against the wall.
Cunning Key 13
- Location: Cartography Room (Secret Rooms)
From previous closet, turn around and run back to the corridor where you found the 12th ingenious key. Walk forward on it and turn left. Run forward to the room with the dragon statue. Here you will find the key.
Run after the “dragonfly” up the stairs on the left. Going upstairs, you will immediately see a cabinet with a house token in front.
Cunning Key 14
- Location: Teachers' Tower (South Wing)
Travel to indicated point of the flying flame, go forward and turn right to the door, locked with a level 1 lock (requires an Alohomora spell to open it). After going inside, use the invisibility spell so that no one can detect you. Then go up the stairs and on the second floor you will find a key.
Follow the key down and then turn right at the bottom of the stairs to find a closet here with a faculty token.
Cunning Key 15
- Location: Teachers' Tower (South Wing)
Enter the forbidden area again by opening the door with Alohomora if you haven't already, and go up to the third floor. Next, turn right and go up the stairs even higher. After climbing the first spiral staircase, turn into the corridor on the left. Next to the huge gears you will see a key.
Turn around and run back. To the left of the statue you will find a closed cabinet – open it and get the house token.
Cunning Key 16
- Location: Clocktower Courtyard (South Wing)
Teleport to the indicated area, go to the courtyard with the grate and to the right of it open the door locked with a level 1 lock with the help of Alohomora. Enter inside and climb the stairs to the very top. Then turn left, go forward a little, and you will find the key.
Start following the key, climbing up the second ladder even higher. After leaving the passage, turn left and you will see a cabinet with the last house token.
Open the House Chest
Now go to your House Lounge, go to the chest and put all the previously collected tokens into it. As a result, you will receive the Old school uniform of your “house”.
We are talking about the legendary external skin for the robe, that is, it does not affect the characteristics, and you can wear it with any other clothes.