“Damn flock” in kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – 15 storylines, during which Indo will have to find the surviving members of the gang Dry line. Also, for a correctly completed bandit mission, you can get Achivka “Dirty Seven”.
How to find all the robbers and get an achievement, we will tell you in our guide.
The passage of the “Damn flock”
this task starts automatically, after saving the gyneck nicknamed the dry devil in the framework of the mission of the “line”. Since along with this task another plot quest “in the dungeon” begins, we recommend that you start with this quest to get Achivka “dirty seven” . Despite the fact that at the end you will join your detachment only two to get an achievement you need one way or another To personally see the rest of the bandits (living or dead).
To ask the cube about other gang members
After you saved the gyneca and with it reached the “damn place”, the task will begin to search for the fled bandits. We'll have to chat with the cube . In the dialogue with him, you can learn about the five remaining robbers from the gang of a dry line: about Matush, Borzhka, Komar, Ranke and Yanosh.
at least a trophy is called a “dirty seven”, a junk and a cube are also considered part of a gang.
exhaust all the dialogs to get the necessary markers on your card. The search for bandits can be started in any order.
the first of the desired bandits named Borzhik is currently in the city “soil”.
It doesn’t matter at all that you will choose in a dialogue with Borzhik, he will flatly refuse to return to criminal cases.
The best dialogue options for obtaining reputation, we noted at the screenshots below.
Pray with Borzhik
Sent to pry with Borzhik and follow it, answering it with a dry line “In general, I myself am not yet I know. “
correctly choosing replicas in the next dialogue with a former bandit, you can get a treasure map from it.
in case of an error, Borzhik can start a fight with you. Do not use weapons so as not to accidentally kill it. It is not known whether you can get a trophy in the event of a murder.
ask about the wound in the tavern
After a conversation with Borzhik, you will have to go to the inn on the way between printer and bilans.
Talk to the korsmar named tolfram raus and ask him a few questions about the wound and mosquito to add two more marks to the map.
Next, follow the village of bilans along the southern road from an inn. Find the local tavern and again talk to the owner of the wound. He will direct you to chat with local players in the bone.
Talk to the bones
go out into the yard and find a table with three players. Go up to them and start a dialogue with a player named Zden. The best replicas will be as follows:
“Do you know something about the wound?” & gt; “With pleasure!” & gt; “Lead me”
As soon as the players get up from the table, follow them outside the tavern to the cesspool. After a short conversation with Zdin, you will find out that the Railway owed the money to the players and decided to escape using the need. However, his escape was unsuccessful and the poor man drowned in a cesspool.
now you have to decide what you can do. If you refuse to pay the debt of a wound or find his corpse, the men will attack you. You can take advantage of an eloquence check or pay to avoid searching for the bandit’s body.
Find the wound in the cesspool (optional)
But in order to get a trophy associated with this quest, you will call on your own to get the corpse of the wound out of sewage, choosing the following remarks: “I feel painful” & gt; “He is not my friend” & gt; “I will pull out a wound” & gt; “Where can I look for him?”
Pull out the wound out of sewage and give the onion to the players in the bone (optional)
go to the pit and find the body of the unsuccessful robber in the place that we marked in the screenshot.
Click the F button to raise the body and take it to the ground. Enough the corpse and talk with health again to give the leather of the wound or redeem it.
Talk to the butcher's wife in the przhitoki
Now follow the third member of a gang of dry line – mosquito . You need to get to the city of Przhitoki and talk with the wife of a butcher By the name of Eve. A day earlier, she was caught her husband with Komar. You can find Eve in the last house on the edge of the village, on its northern side.
Find out the butcher’s wife about the mosquito and his whereabouts at the moment. It does not matter if you do not pass the verification of eloquence – the desired marker, in any case , will appear on your map.
Before you go further, try to raise your charisma to a possible maximum, for example, using suitable clothing. Otherwise, if you do not go through the next check of skills, you will have to get into a fight With all the townspeople who went to deal with the mosquito.
Save the mosquito
Follow the east from the city, until you see a large tree at the end of the path. Stepping closer, you will see the townspeople who are going to hang a mosquito.
After the katsen, the outcome of the situation will depend on the dialogue you have chosen. If you fail the eloquence test, you will have to fight immediately with 5 men and have time to free the mosquito until he suffocates in the loop.
The best version of the dialogue will be as follows: “I don't care” & gt; “He belongs to a pan from Sukhdol”
After a successful check, the townspeople will leave with their cow, on which the robber was sitting. After the katsen, you will also have to save the mosquito at an accelerated pace, bandaging a rope in time at the tree trunk.
Talk to the mosquito and send it to the “Damn place” to your leader. The Pole will ask you to give him any weapon, and if you decide to agree, he will decide to get out of the butcher and his friends. You can refuse to give mosquitoes weapons, but in this case you will receive a negative reputation.
Find Janos
to find the bandit himself and talk to him directly on the area in the Myshkovitsa. Yanosh will be in the blocks under the supervision of the guard.
You can not start a dialogue with him, since nothing sensible Yanosh will still say. He will offer you to hack the lock on the blocks. The difficulty will be the constant supervision of the guards and high complexity of the castle .
However, there is another option on how to pull out Yanosh from the pads. You can try to steal the key, distract the guard and quickly free the bandit. You can steal the key at night with a soldier guarding the Janos, or at Richtarzh himself. However, we advise you to try out the other method indicated below.
Talk to Richtarge from Myshkovtsi
To save the next bandit, go to the blacksmith on the southeastern side of the square and find Richtarge. Great all the dialogues about Yanosh and Matusha.
Richtarzh Krzhizhek will tell you what Yanosh did. Earlier, the robber fought with an assistant for a blacksmith named Lutsek and he is now at death. You can offer Krzhizhek your help in the healing of Lutseck, in exchange for the liberation of Janos.
along with this, an additional task ” Ideter “, to search for Matusha will also start.
Heal the Lutececa
The easiest way to free Yanosh will be to help Lutsek . The patient will lie in the room with Richtarzh, to the right of him.
interact with the villager and examine its injuries . When successful check, Indo will decide that the patient needs the potion of “bull blood” . If you do not have this medicine, you can buy it from a pharmacist in the city of Przhitoki. If you decide to give the patient another drug, then Lutsek will die and you fail this task .
Before giving the Lutseck medicine, rinse and bind the wounds. After that, finish with the treatment and, having convinced the positive result, talk again with Richtarzh.
Pull Janos from the pads
Even despite the fact that you helped the victim, Richtarzh will agree to free Yanosh if you cover the entire loss caused by the bandit. Krzhizhek will require you to pay him 500 pennies .
However, you can immediately earn 285 pennies by going in search of a mother on the instructions of the “taxi”. Return the Richtarzh a book stolen by a robber from the monastery, and he will be willing to pay you for the work done.
After you pay Richtarzh the entire amount, he will give you the key to the pads. Return to the pond, free Yanosh and, having exhausted the whole conversation, send him to the “damn place.”
If you will be tightened with the task and the lures will die, then Janos will be hanged
Find Matusha
The easiest way to find Matusha will be according to the quest “Idar”, since the bandit will be hidden on a fairly impressive section of the card.
Take the task from Richtarzh Krzhizhek and follow the road between mouse and Sukhdol. The bandits will lift their victims in the place that we indicated in the screenshot. Wait for midnight and talk with robbers hiding in the bushes.
to perform a quest to capture the taxar, you will have to kill Matusha and pick up a rare book from the saddle from its corpse . In any case, Matush will refuse to return to the dry line and his murder will also allow you to get a “dirty seven” trophy.
Talk to a dry feature
After you were able to collect some bandits, return to the “damn place” and talk to the dry devil. Gyneca during the day can be found opposite the Korchma at the ristress.
Agree to drink with him and two attached bandits: Janos and Komar. To get a good reputation, choose the following remarks during the drinking room:
“removed from the language & gt; “For you” & gt; “Easy! (sing) “ & gt; “Drink!”
Waking up in the morning, find the gyneca and ask him about what to do next. After the dialogue with the leader, this plot mission will end. The Troth “Dirty Seven” is unlocked immediately at the end of this quest.
now intro can go to Kutna Gorus and talk with Katerina as part of the task “in the dungeon.”