Data Science in Genshin Impact: How to Clean Up the Dirt


Science Data Science in Genshin Impact: How to Clean Up the Dirt

In Genshin Impact, Data Science is a daily quest for Fontaine, during which you have to help Shalma, who works in the Institute Archives. To do this, you will need to remove dirt in some places. If you have difficulty accepting and completing this quest, then study our guide.

Important: According to available information, no achievements can be obtained for completing this assignment.

Completing the “Data Science” quest

How to start the quest

Let us remind you that, unlike regular quests, you cannot start a daily quest by simply going to a certain place or talking to a specific character, since they drop out randomly. Let's add that before you can start receiving quests in Fontaine, you will need to complete the mission “New Horizons of Adventure”.

Data Science in Genshin Impact: How to Clean Up the Dirt

Once you've done this, be sure to select Fontaine in the desired region box found in your Adventurer's Handbook. This way you will slightly increase the probability of getting the desired daily item. We add that perhaps this mission will only appear after completing the quest line “Chronicles of the Fontaine Research Institute.”

Data Science in Genshin Impact: How to Clean Up the Dirt

Data science in Genshin Impact: how to remove dirt

When you receive the corresponding task, move to the teleport in the southern part of the Kinetic Energy Institute. Then go east to the archive building and talk with your friend – Shalme, who will be standing near the bookshelf.

How to remove dirt

The girl will want you to help her clean up the dirt in the room, but she will ask you not to spoil the books and documents lying around. Let us note in advance that this request can be ignored, since it will not affect the ending in any way, and no achievements are provided for careful cleaning.

So take any Hydro (a free Barbara would work, for example) or Anemo character, and then use their elemental attack on the mud patch marked with a white triangle. In total, three such contaminants will need to be removed. They appear in random places, but in the same room, so their location in our pictures may not match your option.

Data Science in Genshin Impact: How to Clean Up the Dirt

Data science in Genshin Impact: how to remove dirt

Data science in Genshin Impact: how to remove dirt

If you still don’t want to upset Shalme and want to remove the dirt carefully, we recommend that you take Hydro Traveler and use his elemental skill (long press) or select Hydro Archer and use his charged shots (don't use Ye Lan as her charged arrows have a larger area of ​​effect).

Data science in Genshin Impact: how to remove dirt

After removing dirt, approach the girl and listen to her words of gratitude. If you hit the books, you will hear an additional phrase from her about this. Then the quest will end and you will receive the standard daily reward (depending on the adventure rank).

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