In Honkai: Star Rail Double Indemnity is an exploration mission and part of the “Cat Among the Pigeons” quest line . During it you will have to take control of Aventurine and get to the head of the Oak clan in the Residence of the Morning Dew. To do this, you will have to solve puzzles with dream bubbles, night thrush statues and dream mosaics. If you have difficulty obtaining and completing the mission, then study our guide.
Completing the “Double Indemnity” quest in Honkai: Star Rail
How to start the task
Note that it should start automatically immediately after completing the previous mission of the chain called “Lost Generation”. If this does not happen, then try logging out of your account, wait 20-30 minutes and re-login. If you are returned to the Pathfinder, then click on the character portrait in the upper left corner, and then select Aventurine to go to the desired mission.
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How to get a clue to the nightthrush statues
Run to the red door and talk to Hendrik standing to the right of it. Go through the opened door. You will find yourself in a closed room where there are statues of night thrushes. Before you start solving the puzzle with them, you have to find a clue to the statues. Go to the quest marker near the keyhole door.
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Walk along the corridor, go downstairs and enter a spacious room with a 3D map. You will need to hit the ceiling. To do this, first take the dream bubbles from the golden bowl, and then use the bubble bridge on the right side of the entrance.
After going to the wall, activate the second bubble bridge on the left. Before this, you can take the contents of a valuable chest by dealing with two groups of enemies behind the wall. Once on the other plane, cross the third bridge and approach the quest marker next to the painting that shows the clue.
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How to solve the nightthrush statues puzzle
After examining the painting, you will automatically return to the room with birds. Now you need to rotate them in certain directions so that their location matches the hint (you can read it at any time by pressing the “R” button).
In the image above, we have numbered all the birds and shown which way they need to be turned. For clarity, let's duplicate this information:
- 1st statue – rotate it 2 times clockwise.
- 2nd statue – do not change its position.
- 3rd statue – do not change its position.
- 4th statue – rotate it 1 time clockwise.
- 5th statue – rotate it 1 time clockwise clockwise.
- 6th statue – turn it counterclockwise once.
If you do everything correctly, a cut-scene will begin, in which a there is a hidden door leading to a corridor – enter it and continue forward.
Head to the Hall of the Dream Lord and check out the diorama
Once in the spacious hall, go down the stairs on the right side. Then go to the red door that the marker points to. It will be locked, so Dr. Ratio will suggest examining the diorama (a model of the city), as it may contain a clue to this riddle.
Find a clue in the treasury
Take the left passage and go up the stairs. Once up, go to the door on the right and open it. Make your way through the corridor and enter the next large area. On the ceiling you will find the item you need – you will need to get to it.
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First, grab the Dream Bubbles from the golden bowl on the left, and then use the nearby bubble bridge. Once on the wall, go to the other side of the area and cross the second bubble bridge. It is not necessary to fight the enemies you encounter along the way.
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Returning to the horizontal plane, press the button on the far side of the room to create a bridge to the opposite side. Then interact with the fountain again to get the bubbles. Go back to the button and activate the bubble bridge ahead.
Once on the wall, go to the opposite corner and activate the bubble bridge. Again, there is no need to fight with anyone (although you can unlock a valuable chest along the way). Once on the ceiling, take dream bubbles from the golden bowl and lay out another bridge.
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You will reach a luxury chest. Behind him you need to activate the bridge. Walk along it and then interact with the sign. Listen to the conversation between Ratio and Aventurine. You will then automatically return to the main hall.
Solve the Dream Mosaic Puzzle
Interact with the diorama again and insert Gulliver's Arch into the gap . You will now need to enter the City Diorama. You will unlock the achievement “City of Dreams, Paradise of Oaks!” Run forward to the dream mosaic that the marker points to. Next you will need to collect its fragments.
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First, chat with the Oak Clan soldier standing on the right side near the huge glasses of Delight. You can choose any answers, since he will fall anyway. Now go forward to the gachapon machine ahead, watch the cutscene with Ratio and open the lottery ball. Inside you will find the first fragment of the mosaic.
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Next, enter the alley to the south and deal with two groups of opponents. Now you can safely pick up the second fragment of the mosaic.
Go back and interact with the red circle in the center of the square. You will take control of Dr. Ratio. Go through the door on the right and go down the stairs. Enter the room where opponents will immediately attack you. Deal with them and pick up the sphere launcher next to the candlesticks.
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Return to the diorama and place it in the right place. Management will again pass to Aventurin. Turn on the spheromet and start solving a small riddle. First activate all the lenses, and then rotate them as shown in the picture below. At the end, press “Space” to go to the top.
Go right to avoid the obstacle in the form of an iron gate and pick up the last fragment. Go down, sitting in the sphere launcher again, and then go to the mosaic and assemble it, placing the parts in the right places. At the end, simply leave the diorama by clicking on the location border.
Meet Sunday
After opening the door, go up to Dr. Ratio and chat with him. Then go up the stairs and enter into dialogue with Sunday. Watch the long video.
This concludes the task. As a reward, you will receive 900 experience points, 110 star jades, 120 thousand credits, 10 traveler's guides, 500 hour credits, 10 lost crystals and 1 music record. Then the quest “When the Hotel Closes” will begin.