Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

In Genshin Impact, Emilia is a 5-star character who belongs to the Dendro element and uses a spear in battle. In a squad, she can serve as a secondary damage dealer who plays through Burning. In this guide you will learn about her best builds, weapons and artifacts, as well as recommended commands with her

Note: Fontaine Perfumer is not officially released yet, so the information provided here is based on information obtained during beta testing. We will update the guide if necessary when she is released in the game.

Emilia's Main Features

How to Get Emilia

In the second half of the 4.8 update (August 7), this talented perfumer from Fontaine will appear in the banner, increasing her drop rate. In the future, this character will only be obtainable through Prayers. Unfortunately, HoYoverse has never held an event that would reward a 5-star fighter, so you definitely won’t be able to get the fragrance expert for free.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Builds

Emilia's Stat Progression

The table below shows how the heroine's basic stats change as she levels up.

LevelBase HPBase AttackBase defenseBonus to critical damage
40+6099151328< /td>9.6%


901356833573038.4 %

Standard critical damage and critical hit chance are 50% and 5% respectively.

Emilia's advantages and disadvantages

Using her unique abilities, the perfumer can inflict significant Dendro damage to an entire group of enemies, even outside the battlefield. Its advantages also include:

  • It has a relatively high base attack power, which has a positive effect on the damage it deals, since its abilities depend specifically on this indicator.
  • It is relatively easy to assemble, since it is enough to increase attack power and crits, and critical damage will increase with elevation.
  • Significantly increases the usefulness of the Burn reaction (Dendro + Pyro), which was previously ignored by most players.
  • She is an excellent sub-detonator, capable of almost constantly inflicting Dendro status on enemies, since the duration of her elemental skill exceeds its cooldown by 8 seconds. At the same time, Burning itself places a Pyro aura on nearby enemies, so this reaction will be reproduced regularly.
  • Significantly reduces the damage from Burning for the active character, allowing him to be painlessly near the flame. At the same time, the damage dealt is sufficient to use the Hunter of the Twilight Court if necessary.
  • The low cost (50 units) of elemental burst allows you to use it every rotation (under certain conditions). At the same time, it can almost completely replace the heroine’s elemental skill.
  • The perfumer perfectly plays her main role even without constellations. For those who plan to open them, it will be enough to stop at C1.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

However, it is still impossible to call Emilia an ideal character, since she also has her own disadvantages:

  • Emilia's damage is significantly reduced without Burning, so a Pyro character must be present in the squad, which reduces the variability of teams. In packs for Steam, it is also highly recommended to take another Dendro applicator, otherwise the fire will be constantly extinguished by water. The fact is that in terms of application, the perfumer is approximately at the level of Colley, significantly inferior in this matter to Nahida or Bai Zhu.
  • It should be remembered that Emilia only benefits from Burning, but does not enhance the reaction itself like Chevreuse Overload or Nile Budding. For this reason, you should not upgrade her elemental mastery and take Dendro main DD with her into the squad, because he will not receive any benefit from Burning. So all that remains is to wait for the release of a damage dealer that plays off this reaction, or a buffer that can strengthen it.

Emilia’s abilities

When performing a normal attack, “Shadow Hunting Spear,” the heroine performs up to 4 spear strikes, and with a charged attack, she performs an upward strike, spending a small amount of stamina. During her fall attack, she rushes to the ground, hitting all enemies in her path, and upon landing, deals area damage.

Explanation: Regular attacks can only boast of decent multipliers, nothing more, so you will rarely use them when playing as a sub-detonator. However, if you were able to unlock her C6, which gives her simple Dendro attacks an infusion, and have powerful buffers on your account, including Bennett (C6), then you can easily turn her into a full-fledged main DD.

After using an elemental skill “Extracting Fragrances” the heroine summons the Lumidus box, which deals damage to Dendro in an area. It has the following features:

  • With a certain periodicity, releases the Fragrance of Pure Dew at nearby enemies, which deals damage to Dendro.
  • If there are mobs with Burning nearby, then every 2 seconds they will emit 1 Fragrance, which the Lumidus box will begin to collect. Collecting 2 Fragrances will increase her level, allowing her to release an additional Fragrance with increased damage and range.
  • When it appears, the box has the 1st level, and its maximum can be increased to the 2nd level. If she does not collect a single Fragrance within 8 seconds, her level will return to level 1. Only one box can be on the field at a time.

We add that after the Lumidus box appears, a Soul Breathing Needle will appear in front of it every 10 seconds, causing Dendro pneuma damage.

Explanation: The box looks like a green lamp and is stationary, but this is not a problem since it has a 16.5 meter radius. Every 1.5 seconds it fires a projectile that deals Dendro damage to one enemy. The duration of the E is 8 seconds longer than its cooldown, so it can easily be squeezed into many rotations.

Every 2 seconds, Burning creates 1 Fragrance, so after 4 seconds, the box gains level 2, which increases its multipliers by 4 times, allowing it to deal huge damage. This is what turns the skill into Emilia's main source of damage. In addition, E-shka can apply Dendro every 3 seconds, so this heroine can easily maintain Burning alone (the main thing is that there are no Hydro characters in the squad).

Elemental Burst “Interpretation of Fragrances” gives Emilia the ability to create a level 3 box by removing an existing lamp. She does not collect Fragrances, but continuously launches Fragrant Dew at nearby enemies, causing Dendro damage to them. 1 drop is fired once every 0.3 seconds, and each enemy can be targeted no more than once every 0.7 seconds.

After the duration of the ult expires, a level 1 box is created again. However, if the deferred box was level 2, then it will be returned, and its duration will be reset.

Explanation: In 2.8 seconds, the ult will have time to fire 10 projectiles (E-shka during the same time it manages to make only 2 launches), but one enemy can receive no more than 4 shots from them, so it is best to use it against several enemies rather than single targets. It costs only 50 units, so every rotation can be used.

Let’s add that after the ultimate ends, the box that was previously removed from the battlefield is returned, so you don’t have to re-enter the 2nd level of the lamp if you have already done this before. Plus, its duration is reset. In 22 seconds, you can easily gain energy and use the elemental burst again. Thus, during the battle you can use the E-shka only once, and then use only the ult.

It is also impossible not to mention the extremely useful passive talents of the perfumer:

  • Lasting Fragrance – after collecting 2 Fragrances, the Level 2 box spends them and shoots the Perfume of the Clear Dews, dealing area damage to Dendro's opponents equal to 600% of the heroine's attack power. This damage is not E-shka damage. Increases the damage from the skill by about 75% more and enhances the Dendro status imposition. It is this passive that will force you to continue to cast Burn on enemies.
  • Rectification – the heroine's damage to enemies with Burning increases by 15% for every 1000 units of her attack power. Maximum damage can increase by 36%. So we recommend getting at least 2400 attack units from Emilia.
  • Gathering aromas from space – if there is a box on the battlefield, all team members receive 85% resistance to Burning. This bonus makes life much easier for melee damage dealers.

Emilia's Constellations

To open them, you need to accumulate the character’s Luck, which is given out when duplicates of the heroine appear, which, of course, is random. Given the low chance of getting 5-star characters, you will need to spend a lot of time and money to unlock all the constellations. However, even without them, Emilia can play the role of a sub-DD without any problems.

If you still decide to try your luck, you can stop at C1, which significantly strengthens the E-shka and the first passive, making them even more deadly to enemies. If you have a choice between this constellation and a signature weapon, then we advise you to take the first option, as it will bring you more benefits.

Here is the complete list of constellations:

  1. Light Fragrance Extraction – increases damage from elemental skills and Perfume of the Clear Dews by 20%. Plus, when allies activate Burn or damage Dendro, an additional 1 Aroma is created. This effect appears once every 2.9 seconds.
  2. Higher tone of lake light – when an enemy is hit with an E-shock, ult or passive, its Dendro resistance drops by 30% for 10 seconds.
  3. Fragrant essence – skill level increases by three. Maximum level: 15th.
  4. Heart of Lumidus – increases the duration of the ult by 2 seconds and reduces the interval for selecting an enemy as a target by 0.3 seconds.
  5. The Aroma of Pure Dew – the level of the ult increases by three. Maximum level: 15th.
  6. Plume of Markot – when using a skill or an elemental explosion, the heroine receives a Lasting Fragrance for 5 seconds, during which her normal and charged attacks begin to deal Dendro damage increased by 300% of her attack power. Plus, these hits create 1 Flavor (if you receive 4 Flavors, the condition ends). This buff occurs no more than once every 12 seconds.

How to play as Emilia

Emilia is a rather boring character in terms of gameplay, but her damage values ​​are quite high. Such duality manifests itself in literally everything. She can easily compete with one of the strongest fighters operating from the pocket – Xian Ling, but at the same time requires a strict approach to team selection, since she definitely needs Pyro allies. As a result, at least half, and sometimes 3 out of 4 places in your squad will already be taken, since you will also need a debuffer that cuts enemy resistance.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

The reason why Emilia is boring to play with is that you just need to place her box E-shaped, and then go into your pocket. Albedo is played in a similar way. Some compare her to Fischl, but she is suitable for more squads and is a 4-star character who is sometimes even given out for free. In addition, if necessary, she may well remain on the field a little longer. Emilia (without C6) does not have such privileges. 

Emilia's gameplay can be made a little more varied if you start playing from an elemental explosion, which causes significant damage and may well replace the E-shka (we described above how this happens). But, even taking into account its low cost, you will need over 160% energy recovery in the absence of a second Dendro hero in the squad or an ally with the Favonius weapon.

Emilia herself is not capable of generating a large number of particles and will not collect them, since she will have to sit in her pocket most of the time. Therefore, without a “battery” you can activate the ultimate only every 2nd rotation. You will only be able to collect a sufficient amount of HP if you are very lucky with artifacts.

However, all this does not mean that Emilia is a bad character – with the right team and a good build, you can clear any floor of the Twisted Abyss with her without any problems. In addition, it will be a good investment in the future. The fact is that with the release of Natlan, many new Pyro heroes will appear in the game, and some of them will probably also play from Burning.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

As for rotation with Emilia, then her optimal option will look like this:

  1. Apply support abilities aimed at issuing buffs and applying shields (if available).
  2. Activate Emilia's elemental skill to place a Lumidus Box on the battlefield.
  3. Switch to a sub-dealer or supports that can cast Pyro status from the pocket to create Burn, and then switch to the main damage dealer. If the main damage dealer itself can deal fire damage, then you can immediately choose it.
  4. Having accumulated a sufficient amount of energy, make sure that the box is level 2, and only then use Emilia’s elemental explosion to deal a huge Dendro damage, and then return the level 2 lamp to the field again and reset its duration.
  5. If you have no problems with a lack of energy, and you are sure that you can use your ult again after 22 seconds, then use it instead of E-shka. Thus, you will no longer have to activate the skill, and you will be able to constantly maintain a level 2 box on the field.

Best builds for Emilia

Best weapons

When choosing a spear, priority should be given to those specimens that increase critical damage, the chance of critical hits and attack power, and also enhance an elemental skill or elemental explosion. The table below presents the most interesting options.

Name and rarityCharacteristics (level 1 -90)Passive ability

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Elegy Lumidus (5 stars)

Base attack: 46-608

Crit chance: 7.2%-33%

Increases attack power by 15-31%. When the owner activates Burning on an enemy or deals damage to an enemy with this Dendro reaction, the total damage of the spear carrier increases by 18-38%. The bonus lasts 8 seconds and stacks up to two times. Can restore 12-16 energy units after gaining two levels or refreshing the duration of the second stack. Energy restoration can occur once every 12 seconds. Effects are activated even if the hero is not on the battlefield.    

Emilia's signature weapon, which increases almost all the stats she needs and completely eliminates the energy deficit, allowing her to use her ult every rotation. The signature is about 15% ahead of other options, but C1 will still bring more benefits.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Disaster of Troubles (5 stars)

Attack power: 3.6%~ 16.5%  

Base Attack: 49~741

When equipped, using an elemental skill increases attack power by 3.2 percent per second. The effect lasts 20 seconds, stacks up to 6 times and doubles if the character is not on the battlefield. It also increases any elemental damage by 12 percent.

You're probably wondering why attack power weapons are in 2nd place on the list. The fact is that Emilia is one of the few polearm users who spends most of her time outside the field and needs ATK more than a set of particles.  She will be able to easily reach the maximum number of stacks of Trouble Stopper, thereby significantly increasing the damage from her abilities. However, you will have to get crits from artifacts.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Homa's Staff (5 stars)

Critical damage: 14, 4%~66.2%  

Base attack: 46~608

Increases health by 20 percent and increases attack bonus by 0.8 percent of maximum HP. If the life bar falls below half, then the attack increases by an additional 1 percent.

Increases Emilia's survivability and attack power, and therefore damage from abilities. Completely covers the need for critical damage, so in artifacts the main attention can be paid to the critical chance. Although burning does less damage, it still slowly reduces the health of the heroes, so you will activate the second part of the passive quite often.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Jade Kite (5 stars)

Critical hit chance: 4.8% ~22.1%  

Base attack: 48~674

When hitting enemies, attack power increases by 3.2~6.0 percent per 6 seconds. The effect stacks up to 7 times and only appears once every 0.3 seconds. When reaching stack level 7, damage increases by 12~24 percent.

A good option for Emilia (C6), who will spend more time on the battlefield and accumulate stacks faster to increase her attack power and damage. However, it will also be useful for sub-DD due to the increased crit chance and high base attack.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Vortex Conqueror (5 stars)

Attack Power: 10.8%~49.6%  

Base Attack: 46~608

Increases shield strength by 20%~40%. Increases attack by 4%~8% for 8 seconds when hitting enemies. The bonus stacks up to five times and occurs once every 0.3 seconds. When a character is protected, the power of the effect increases by 100%.

A good option for Emilia, which allows you to significantly increase her attack power, and, consequently, all damage. But she must have a shield member on her team.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Mortal Combat  (4 stars)

Critical hit chance: 8%~36.8%  

Base attack: 41~454

When two or more opponents are nearby, the character’s attack and defense increases by 16 percent, and if less, the attack power increases by 24 percent.

The best option for Emilia among 4-star copies, especially with awakenings. Allows you not to think about the chance of a crit and increases your attack power quite well. Unfortunately, the basic attack of the spear leaves much to be desired.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Stone spear (4 stars)

Base attack: 44-565

Attack power: 6%-27.6%

Increases the wearer's attack power by 7-11%, and his critical hit chance by 3-7% per each team member from Li Yue. The bonus can be stacked up to four times.    

A good option for Emilia if the squad with her has at least 1 character from Li Yue, since in this case the passive will increase most of the stats she needs.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Ore Miner Drill

Attack Power: 6%~27.6%  

Base Attack: 44~565

When the hero heals or receives healing, he gains a Unity Mark for 30 seconds. Up to three Marks can be gained. When an elemental skill or ultimate is activated, all Marks are consumed and a Repulse effect is generated for 10 seconds: for each Mark consumed, attack power increases by 3%~7%, and damage bonus for all elements increases by 7%~13%. The Repulse effect can occur once every 15 seconds. The character gains Unity Marks even if he is not on the battlefield.

A good spear, significantly increasing Emilia’s attack power, and, consequently, all the damage from her abilities. However, the team must have a healer who can heal the entire squad, and not just the active hero. Plus, you will have to get crits in artifacts.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Wind Message Spear (4 stars)

Base attack: 42-510

Attack power : 9%-41.3%

After using an elemental reaction, increases attack power by 12-24% and elemental mastery by 48-96 units for 10 seconds.

Despite the fact that Emilia's MC is practically useless, this spear is very viable option due to a significant increase in the heroine's attack power. But this spear could only be obtained in update 3.1.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Builds

Kitain Cross Spear (4 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 24~110  

Base Attack: 44~565

Increases elemental skill damage by 6%~12%. When hitting an enemy with a skill, the hero loses 3 units of energy, but restores 3-5 units every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. The bonus appears once every 10 seconds.

Can be easily obtained and awakened by completing the quest chain “Orobashi's Legacy”. You can take it if there are no other options, since it increases the damage from the E-shka, which is the main source of damage to Emilia, and simplifies the activation of the ult on cooldown, since it speeds up energy recovery.

Best artifacts

As with spears, we recommend taking artifacts that can increase crits and attack power, as well as enhance an elemental skill, ult, or benefit from the Burning reaction. The table below shows the best options.

< td class="center">

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Golden Troupe


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

< p>Unfinished Dreams

2 parts: increases attack power by 18%.

4 pieces: increases damage by 50% 3 seconds after the character leaves the battlefield. In combat, if there are no enemies with the Burning status nearby for at least 6 seconds, the character will begin to lose 10% increased damage per second until it drops to 0%. If there are nearby enemies with the Burning status, the damage will increase by 10% per second until it reaches 50%. This effect occurs even if the equipped character is not on the battlefield.

The best set for Emilia, which not only increases attack power, but also significantly increases her overall damage. You can easily activate the second passive, because the entire gameplay of the heroine is built around Burning.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

< /p>

Memories of the Deep Forest

2 parts: increases Dendro damage bonus by 15%.

4 parts: if hit by an ult or an elemental skill, reduces the enemy's resistance to Dendro damage by 30% for 8 seconds. The bonus is activated even if the character is not on the battlefield.

In terms of effectiveness, it lags behind the previous set by only a few percentage points, so if you have more suitable stats, you can use it instead of Unfinished Dreams. If there is a second Dendro character on the team, then give him this set, and farm Emilia’s dreams for maximum benefit. Obtained from the Spire of Lonely Enlightenment dungeon.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Gladiator's End (or any other attack power set)

2 pieces: increases attack power by 18%.In the absence of complete sets, you can temporarily use half sets with more suitable characteristics.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Memories of the Deep Forest

2 parts: increases Dendro damage bonus by 15%.
2 parts: increases damage from elemental skills by 20%.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Golden Troupe

2 pieces: increases damage from elemental skills by 20%.

4 pieces: increases damage from elemental skills by an additional 25%. If the owner is not on the battlefield, then the damage of the E-Shki increases by another 25%. 2 seconds after the character leaves the pocket, the bonus disappears.

Unfortunately, not all damage from the box is considered damage from the E-shka, so it’s not worth deliberately farming this set for Emilia, but you can give it to her if it has good stats. In terms of efficiency, this kit will be at the level of 2+2 options. They are obtained in the “End of Sin” dungeon.

As for the main characteristics of artifacts, take the hourglass for Attack, the cup (chalice) for the Dendro damage bonus, and the crown (hat) – in crit. chance/crit. damage in the ratio of 1 to 2. The priority for choosing secondary parameters is as follows: energy restoration (to the required value), crits, attack% and elemental mastery.

We should also talk about the appropriate value of Energy Restoration for a perfumer. In the absence of a battery in the form of the second Dendro hero and supports with the Favonius weapon, you may need 165-175% VE. For each additional Dendro character you can take away 10-15%, and for the Favonius weapon – another 10-15%. 

Best commands for Emilia

Of course, the team must have a Pyro character who can play any role: support, sub-DD or main DD. His main task will be to create Combustion. However, no one forbids you to combine it with other reactions. For example, Melting would be an excellent option. However, to implement this plan you will need a good Cryo damage dealer (Risley, Gan Yu or Kaya).

You can also try to play through Par, but in this case you cannot use too fast applicators (Xing Qiu or Tartaglia), otherwise they will simply put out the fire. Plus, Emilia alone may not be enough here to impose Dendro status, so it is recommended to take her support (Nahida, Bai Zhu, Kirara, Yao Yao or Kollei).

We will add that you can use Zhong Li or Tom. Even though they are not Dendro elemental, you can still give them the Memories of the Deep Forest set to increase Emilia's damage. All optimal units with a perfumer are listed in the table below.

< /tr>

Main-DDSub- DDSub-DD/SupportSupport

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Zhong Li (Kazuha)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Kazuha (Lynette)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds< /p>


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Xiang Ling

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Hu Tao

 Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Ye Lan

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Touma (Zhong Li)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Touma (Zhong Li)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Xiang Ling (Dehya)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Gan Yu (Keya)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Xiang Ling

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Nevillet (Furina)

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Leveling up Emilia

How to improve skills

You have to search and collect a lot of different materials, namely:

  • Teachings, guidelines and philosophies about “Order” – obtained on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the Pale Forgotten Flower dungeon.
  • Meshing Gear, Mechanism Gear and Sophisticated Dynamic Gear – dropped from mecs, bought with Starlight or created using Alchemy.
  • Silky Feather – Dropped by the weekly Servant boss.
  • Crown of Epiphany – can be obtained during events, as well as by upgrading the Sacred Sakura, the Permafrost Tree, the Tree of Dreams and the Lucin Fountain.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

< p>If we talk about the priority of leveling up talents, then the first thing you need to do is increase your elemental skill. Then you can take on the elemental explosion. Normal attacks do not need to be upgraded.

How to level up your character

Get ready to search and collect a large number of different materials. Their list and methods of extraction are indicated below.

Emilia in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

You can get a fragment of the Nagadus emerald from the Hypostasis Dendro, the Feathered Mold and the Oasis Guardian Apep. The Golden Melody Fragment drops from the Golem Legate boss. Lake-colored lilies are a local curiosity of Fontaine – we have indicated their location in a separate guide.

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