during the massacre in the rangbor, which arrived in time indro will bring unkind news. Bergov ordered the attack by the Jewish quarter of Kutna-Gora to deal with people who help Liechtenstein. And now, in the process of passing the 21st plot task “Exodus” at kingdom come deliverance 2 , you will have to go to Kutna-Goru to save everyone who could stay alive.
In this article we will tell you how to get into Kutna-Gorus, save the people of Shmuel and bring people to a safe place.
Passage of the quest “Exodus”
Upon completion of the “Pir” task, this plot mission starts immediately after a conversation with the cube, which you will meet at the exit of the fortress.
Sit on a cart in Kutna-Goru! SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/ISHOD-V-V-COME-DELIVANCE-2-KAK-SDERZATAKU-NA-SINAGUGU-B9E78EE.WEBP” Exoding to Kingdom Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: How to restrain the attack on the synagogue ” />
Talk to the bandit, choosing any dialogs. Now get on the wagon with the rest of the companions to get to the Kutna-Gora. You can both join additional dialogs and use a quick movement by choosing a special replica.
get to the city
by approaching the walls of the city, follow the shmuel to go through the secret passage directly to the tavern “King Solomon” . Having reached the fork, Shmuel will stop and decide to divide. Now Indo will have to follow the Korchma together with Liechtenstein in order to pick up all the important papers.
as soon as you get to the basket cellar, the dialogue with John will begin.
Important: if the rabbi and Shmuel do not stop at the fork, find them in the tunnels and wait a few minutes. If they do not return after some time, load the early conservation.
Search the tavern
Now you need to search the whole of the tavern and deal with all the remaining enemies. You will find one of them on the way upstairs in the kitchen and the last three will be in the attic.
Put the bodies for pennies, and also grab with you onions with arrows, which can be useful to you later.
Class = “Aligncenter” SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/ISHOD-V-KINGDOM-COME-DELIVERANCE-2-KAK-SDERZHAT-TAKU-SINAGUGU-DFA0B.webp” Alt = “Exodus in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to restrain the attack on the synagogue” />
wait for Shmuel near the Korshma
As soon as you kill the last soldier, your task will be updated. Exit through the main entrance to the korkma and talk with Shmuel, choosing any phrases in the dialogue. Liechtenstein will return back to the Korchma, and Indo and Shmuel have to gather people in the synagogue.
go for shmuel/go to the mother of Shmuel
Now follow the shmuel. He will lead you out of the alley and ask him to find his mother hiding in his house. Go to the building marked on the map and enter the room on the left, where Sarah will be.
run through the rear yards!/Kill the shooters on the walls!
Follow the sarah to get to the synagogue bypass paths. However, in the backyard you will stop arrows that will shell you from the city walls.
If you previously took the bow from the corpses of the soldiers, kill with its shooters to clear the way.
If you don’t have a bow with you, follow the left part of the yard and climb the wall up the stairs. So you can deal with enemies in close combat.
as soon as the arrows are neutralized, follow Shmuel's mother further.
Punch your way through the house!
a woman will stop next to the entrance to the house you need to go. Go inside and kill the two opponents . Schmuel arrived in time will help you deal with them.
As soon as you, together with Schmuel and his mother, leave the house, Katsen will start. Eric will arrive in the Jewish quarter with his soldiers to attack the synagogue and finish off the survivors.
Hold the onslaught under the walls of the synagogue!
Now you will have to recapture the attack of soldiers. Try to protect yourself from enemy blows in time not to get bleeding. However, you do not need to cope with all opponents. Try only to stay alive in of the course of 5 minutes , after which the Kutni-Major escape will start.
Talk to Sarah about the blacksmith Martin
at the end of the Katsen, you will find yourself at the exit of the tunnel. Follow the house opposite where Sarah will be, Mother Shmuel.
Talk to it and exhaust all the dialogs about the stepfather of Indo – Martin. After the conversation, the quest will be considered completed.
now you have to return to the” damn place “and proceed to the next main task” Fox Lovoy. “