Class = “Aligncenter” SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/PIR-V-V-COME-DELIVANCE-KAK-KAK-VINO-I-ZASHITITBORZH-107A80A.webp” Alt = “Feast in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find wine and protect the ratbor”/>
during the performance of the 20 plot assignment “Pir” in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 you will return to Ratborge fortress again. Now, you need to celebrate the creation of a new union and repel an unexpected attack of the enemy.Passing the quest “Pir”
The “Feast” task will begin at the end of the plot quest “Royal Gambit”. You will return to the Ratborg fortress and playing the Bogut again. After heavy, but not scented negotiations, Jost and Pana from Ratay will be away from the fortress. The remaining guests will decide to arrange a holiday and drink for the successful beginning of a new enterprise.
Call the guests
you can optionally get around all markers to talk and celebrate with each specified guest. However, this task is not mandatory.
Talk to Brabant
Babile Brabant will be at the window in the southern part of the room. Talk to him about the fault, choosing any dialogue options.
Talk to a dry feature
dry line you will find in the yard sitting on a bench. Gins will complain about a boring holiday, and you can offer him to play in the bone.
Talk to the barrel from Kunstat
And the last guest with whom you need to talk will be in the western part of the court under the stairs. Go up to him and chat about the upcoming wedding of Yana Ptachek.
Talk to Liechtenstey
of Ioanna Liechtensteinsky in the same room in which this quest began. Talk to him, choosing any remarks, and he will give you a new task – to find the best wine , hidden by the owner.
Find a jug of wine
You can take the wine in the basement of the pub, where you talked with a barrel from Kunstat as part of the last quest. Go down the stairs and take a jug with any wine from the table.
as soon as you take wine and get to the exit, a new Katsena Otto von Bergovs will start with his soldiers. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/PIR-V-V-CINGDOM-COME-DELIVANCE-2-KAK-NAJTI-VINO-ZASHHITITIT-RATBORZH-89CF5A8.webp” ALT = “PIR in Kingdom COME Deliverance 2: How to find wine and protect the ratbor ” />
Protect Ratborge!
now you need to fight the soldiers and try to recapture the fortress from the enemy.
Save brother (optional)
along with this additional task, the receipt of Achivka ” die, but not now “. As soon as you return to manage for the Bogut by holding L.alt, you can inspect Krishtof surrounded by the soldiers of Bergov. Help him quickly fight off opponents. To get this trophy, you need to keep your brother alive until the end of the battle.
After you destroy half the enemies, the game will switch to Indro, who will rush to the ratbor of it to report that he recognized on the city council.
Help Friends!
You can manage Indo even outside the fortress. Since he will still be equipped with a feeder’s outfit, change it to armor and take the weapon in advance.
To update the task, run to the gates of the fortress and start cleaning them.
overcome the attackers! SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/PIR-V-V-CINGDOM-COME-DELIVANCE-2-KAK-NAJTI-VINO-ZASHHITITIT-RATBORZH-5EC5433.WEBP” ALT = “PIR in Kingdom COME Deliverance 2: How to find wine and protect the ratio ” />
In order to get a trophy “Direct, but not now” , you must also make sure that Krishtof will survive. Try to kill the remaining enemies as soon as possible.
After the last soldier Bergov is killed, the conversation with Boguta will begin and Achivka will be unlocked.
To find out what happened
Despite the fact that your friends survived, many important people fell from the allies of King Vaclav. Graduate all the remaining dialogs and run to inform Shmuel and Liechtenstein about the impending trouble.
Tell Shmuel and Liechtenstein about the threat to Kutniki Jews
Liechtenstein will be in the yard. Talk to him and first of all inform that at that time the Jewish quarter in the Kutan Gore was going to plunder the allies of Sigismund.
Next, climb the upper floor of the fortress and talk to shmuel .
Tell the rabbi and Shmuel about what you learned at the city council, and by choosing a replica “we will not waste time” the new storyline “Exodus” starts.