Flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to win the boss


the captor of the flame of deep darkness in Honkai: Star Rail – The boss, whom the pioneer will meet more than once during the passage of the plot quests of the amphoraus. This mysterious enemy hides his personality and has powerful attacking skills, can debuff your detachment, and also call and absorb damaged vessels. In this manual, we will analyze the boss mechanics in more detail, pick up the best teams for the battle and tell you how to quickly defeat the kidnapper.

Where to find the captor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR

first meet the weakened version of this boss during the mission “On the grove, why are the sages silent?” From the chain “the gates are open, the shadow fell on the throne.” A more complex battle is in the task “On an enemy burning golden blood.”

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

in future updates, the enemy can also appear in game modes, such as the illusion of the end or the hall of oblivion.The kidnapper has ice, electric and quantum vulnerabilities, 20% of the resistance to other types of damage and 75% resistance to binding, frost and conclusion. The remaining characteristics of the boss are below.

In both phases, the kidnapper can be called damaged vessels. They have the same vulnerabilities and resistance, you can see other parameters in the picture below.

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

best in this battle will show themselves the characters of the ways of erudition and destruction, especially with the possibility of Bonus-Atak: Hertha and Great Hertha, Jasha. Group and explosive attacks will quickly destroy damaged vessels, taking a significant amount of CP boss and restoring their own health.

Acharon will also do this perfectly, although it is worth noting that it will be more difficult for her to recruit glasses for ultrasound: damaged vessels do not perform individual actions, but attack together with the boss, therefore, even being in the zone of Ulta Jiaotsu, the enemies will not so often give charges of dissected sleep.

The teams to break through with a firefly can still effectively deal with such opponents. Sam will be able to quickly disable damaged vessels and impose a fiery vulnerability on them, and Gallagher or Linsh will provide survival and good additional damage.

finally, the heroes of the memory path can become the basis of the detachment, especially if you have Sunday: with its advance, both the fighters themselves and their memory spirits can act much more often, destroying damaged vessels and reducing the effect of the effect Corrosion.

It is important to take strong Sistyners in a pack who can save the allies from weakening and restore a large number of CP or, in the case of thyroid glands, provide good protection.

The best commands

In the table, we collected units that show ourselves in the battle with this boss.

the phases of the battle and the ability of the capture of the flame

The battle takes place in two phases. All blows of the enemy and called vessels inflict physical damage.

The first phase

A storm of death

attacks the ally and neighboring goals.The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

attacks the entire detachment. Part of the damage obtained is converted to corrosion-it is indicated by a red strip on the scale of the HP of your hero.

Lost due to corrosion of the CP can be partially restored by attacking the boss.

Prooping pain

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

after one of the above attacks, consumes the HP and calls the damaged vessel.

decisive farewell

After the damaged vessels receives the status of damage to damage, which reduces the amount of damage. When you defeat the damaged vessel, the boss loses the 1st level of this status.

The mixing of ways

translates the damaged vessel into the status of a mutual victim. Begins to prepare the attack of grief of the underworld.

The grief of the underground world

Together with the called creature, performs a storm of death or fading fate, after which it absorbs the damaged vessel, restores HP and receives the status of disaster power.

But suffering is necessary

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

consumes all levels of disaster strength and attacks the entire detachment several times – the number of strokes depends on the number of disasters. After that, it causes damage to the entire detachment again.

The second phase

in the second phase, the boss preserves skills from the first phase and takes on several new ones.The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

gets the status of disasters, in the next action uses the following skill. In addition, the use of quiet sorrows consumes CP and calls for a damaged vessel. If, when victory over the damaged vessel, the boss has 1 or more disaster levels, it consumes this level and HP to call on another creature.

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

the attack is similar to the ability “but suffering is necessary”, however, the main damage of the boss inflicts before spending the strength of the disasters and conduct additional blows.

The damaged vessel

How to defeat the abductor of flame

Destroy the damaged vessels

The presence of called creatures significantly enhances the boss: the damage he receives is reduced, it can carry out joint attacks, save the levels of disaster strength and absorb phantoms to restore CP. Try to destroy the vessels with group attacks to weaken the kidnapper rather and prevent him from conducting powerful blows. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Pohititel-Plameeni-Glubokoj-V-Hsr-Kak-Pobedit-Bossa-A9FBA07.webp” ALT FLEMMENT IN THE CHSR: How to Win Bossa “” />

In the second phase, you will receive an additional ability – a blow to the midjest (activated by the Rab of R on a PC). It is charged during the battle and when using it blows a lot of CP boss.

Do not let the boss use charged attacks

In both phases, the kidnapper has similar skills: but suffering is necessary and do not cry through the abandoned. These are the most powerful attacks, the damage of which depends on the number of disasters. Do not let the boss accumulate these levels, destroying the phantoms, and monitor the indicator of the disaster force: it is indicated by a dark purple symbol under the health scale of the kidnapper.

Achievements for the abductor of flame

Both of the boss are in the section “Thirst for the battle” and give a reward of 5 star nephrians.

A man who has lost a shadow

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

to obtain a trophy, it is necessary that the boss has an attack “grief of the underground world” 2 times in a row and not be able to enter the synergy with a damaged vessel.

Prepare all the ultimatical skills With phantoms. After that, attack the vessels so that the kidnapper could not absorb them and restore the hp. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/POHITITEL-PLAMENI-GLUBOKOJ-V-HSR-KAK-POBEDIT-BOSSA-E735816.WEBP” ALT FLEMMENT IN THE CHSR: How to Win Bossa “” />

In order to earn this achivka, you need to destroy the damaged vessels, while “quiet sorrow.” We advise you to take the heroes with a powerful ultimatum attack on the square (Aheron, Great Gerth) and use it immediately after activating quiet sorrow to get rid of phantoms.

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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss


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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss


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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss


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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss

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The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss



The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss



March 7 (preservation)

The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss



The abductor of the flame of deep darkness in the XSR: how to defeat the boss


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