“Forbidden Fruit” is the second additional quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 along the Miller's quest chain. After completing the search for the scroll of Hermes Trismegistus, Kreisel will give you a new task – to find a saltpeter deposit.
How to find a saltpeter pit, as well as complete additional tasks, we told in our guide.
Walking through the quest Forbidden Fruit
This quest will begin immediately after you give the parchment to Kreisel and the “Materia Prima” quest will be considered complete. Listen to the miller and agree to complete another task. This time, Henry will have to find the saltpeter pit in the vicinity of Troski and taste the crystals.
Note: The pit will be marked on your map immediately, and you can go there, ignoring the side quests. However, in this case, you will not be able to get the Flayer's Gloves.
Talk to Bonka
Kreisel will advise you to talk to his assistant named Bonka, who is located in the Den, near the mill.
Follow the path south beyond the mill, cross the bridge, and take the path on the left. Walk along the slope toward the pond until you reach the quest marker.
The miller advised Henry to grab any herbs for Bonky. To gain some reputation, you need to have at least onefresh grass in inventory.
For a good reputation in the dialogue with the girl, use the following answers: “I'm looking for a saltpeter pit” > “Poet” > “I have something for you” >“I wonder what will come of this” > “Let's chat” > “From a family of blacksmiths” > “He seems magical to me” > “That's a lot” > “No” > “Gravedigger?”
As a result, Bonka will send you to the gravedigger at the Troskovitsa cemetery, who arranged that very saltpeter pit.
Visit the gravedigger
The cemetery is located to the east of Troskovitsa. On the way to it, you will also find a butcher to buy meat as a gift for the gravedigger, on Bonnie's advice.
However, even the sausage bought as a gift will not relieve you from the need to carry out some of Ignatz's cruel orders.
The best dialogues would be: “I need to find the saltpeter pit” > “Tell him the truth” > “Of course, I understand that” > “I need to think about it” > End the conversation.
The Gravedigger will be ready to leave at dawn (5:00 AM). If you disturb him at any other time of day, you may receive negative reputation.
Accompany the Gravedigger on his rounds
Wait until 5:00 AM by setting the time with the T key and approach Ignatz. Climb into the cart with him to start his work. During the ride, you can also gain some reputation by using the following dialogue options: “Bonka is not a thief (Lie)” > “I see nothing”.
Find the carcass in the ruins of the farmstead
Once the cart stops at the old farm, follow the marker on the map through the bushes, where the wolf will be waiting for you.
Warning: To keep the Fast achievement, you must not eat meat or kill animals during the entire game. To keep the achievement, fight off the wolf with unarmed attacks until it runs away.
The door to the hut will be locked. To get inside and inspect the snares, go to the right side of the building and jump over the fence. Find a window and climb inside. Before taking the deer carcass, don't forget to unlock the front door.
Protect Ignatz from the farmhands
As soon as you return to the cart, you will see that the gravedigger has gotten into a little trouble. Several men will accuse Ignatz of doing something nasty.
This conflict can be calmly resolved through dialogue. By choosing the following option, which has a high chance of success: “Do I look like a thief to you?”, you will be able to calm the people down.
If the check fails or you want to solve the problem with your fists, use unarmed attacks. After a couple of blows, the farmhands will run away.
Talk to Ignatius, put the bag in the cart and move on.
During the trip to the next destination, the gravedigger will start a conversation with you again. The following response options are best: “I'm happy to help” > “She's lying” >«I'll take a look».
Find the source of the infection (additional)
Once you reach the farm, two markers will appear on your map. One of them will lead north to a small river from which pigs drank, whose carcasses you will now have to take. Run to the bank where the bucket will be, turn right and follow the stream until you see the corpses of two deer in the water.
Examine the find (l. alt) and return to Ignatz to tell him that his suspicions have been confirmed.
Remove carcasses from farms
Time to get down to the main task – pick up pigs from the pen. Wrap the carcasses in sacks and haul them to the gravedigger's cart.
Talk to Ignatz and tell him that you have completed his task again.
On the way to the last objective, use the following response: “So far so good”.
Take care of the greengrocer's dog
Next time you stop at the greengrocer's house to deal with his dog.
Ignatz will give you all the necessary items and a tip on where the dog is. Follow the marker until you find that the dog is not in the pen.
To find the dog and complete the quest, go out onto the road and follow the eastern side of the area. You will hear the dog barking under the large tree marked on the map below. As you get closer, you will find Bonka there, who will express a desire to take the dog.
To avoid killing the dog, use the following answers:“I asked first” > “I don't want to kill him.”
If you decide to kill the dog with poisoned hare, do not forget that in this case you will no longer receive the achievement “Fasting”.
After the conversation, Bonka will take the dog with her and all that remains for you to do is talk to the gravedigger. Tell Ignatz that you took care of the dog, but your answer will not convince him much if it is still alive.
You can calm Ignatz down with the following answers: “I killed him (Lie)” >“It wasn't a dog” > “It was a man in disguise!”
It doesn't matter if you lied gravedigger or not, after the cutscene you will find yourself with him at that very pit.
Use the following answers to gain some reputation: “So that's it, then?”> “Kreisel will draw inspiration here” > “Maybe it will be.”
After the conversation, the gravedigger will reward you with the Flayer's Gloves.
Find the Saltpeter Pit and Taste It
Now it's time to go down into the pit with the animal carcasses and finally taste the crystals. Interact with the walls of the pit so that Henry confirms that it is saltpeter.
Return to the Miller
Use fast travel and return to the mill in Lower Semin. Talk to Kreisel and find out his plan on how to get to the wedding and what needs to be done to do it. As a result, the mission “Opus Magnum” starts.