Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles


Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

In Genshin ImpactThe Phlogiston Mining Research Facility is a secret area in Natlan where you need to solve some Saurian puzzles to get a Deluxe Chest. You can also find Notched Keys in the front, center, and back to open the carts for extra rewards. Plus, you'll unlock the Righteous Resistance achievement. In this guide, we'll tell you where to find this facility and how to solve all of its riddles.

Solving the Riddles in the Phlogiston Mining Research Facility in Natlan

Where to Find the Phlogiston Mining Research Facility

Warp to the Flame Ruins dungeon (if you haven't unlocked it yet, warp to the Pyro Archon statue near the Echo Children tribe and then just head south) and then head south along the road until you enter a canyon. You'll see Fatui tents and Saurian cages on the sides.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

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Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Continue along the path, fighting enemies or simply passing them. Descending lower and lower, you will eventually find yourself inside the Phlogiston Mining Research Center, which is run by soldiers from Snezhnaya.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

What Does the Notched Key on the Front Open

Proceed a little further and open the rich chest by defeating the Fatui agent. You won't be able to get the Sad Tepetlisaur out yet. Now jump to the very bottom of the cave and glide down, landing next to an oddly shaped cart. Deal with two more enemies, and then open the regular chest to get the Key with Notches on the Front.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Next, interact with the wooden door on the cart on the right to unlock it with the key you found earlier. As a result, you will pull a happy jumkasaurus out of the makeshift cage.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Research Center Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Guide: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Jumkasaurus Puzzle (1)

A green transformation stone will appear in front of you. Walk up to it and press the β€œT” key to transform into a Jumkasaurus. Then run to the pipes ahead, jump off the metal platform and walk along the pipe to the other side to activate the flaming seed to replenish your phlogiston supplies.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Next, climb the ladder to the top and move along the pipe. You will see it fall and a blue sphere will roll out of it. Continue further to the other side. Then turn around, lower the camera down and pick up the blue ball by pressing the β€œE” key.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Turn the camera left, press and hold the skill button, and aim at an empty slot. Then pull down the button to plant the sphere and open the grated door. Run forward and activate the hidden teleporter.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Tepetlisaurus and Jumkasaurus Puzzle

Go a little further to reach the next large area. At the bottom you will see a chest with a barrier and two Fatui. You can pick up the barrels with red crystals as a Yumkasaurus and then throw them at the enemies to deal massive damage. After dealing with the enemies, continue to the right.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Climb the wooden ladder and defeat another Fatui to unlock a rich chest, inside which you will find a Key with notches in the center (you don't need it yet). Now go to the tunnel on the left and deal with another group of enemies. On the wooden platform you will find a regular chest.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Now look to the right at the small island of earth – you will see a tepetlisaur moving in the ground there. Stand right above it and catch it so that it comes out of the ground and leaves a hook for you – pick it up.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Return to the metal platform, go to the box and place the hook on it. Next, transform into a jumkasaurus, using the green stone to the left of the cage with the tepetlisaur, and start dragging the box towards you (press β€œE”) to place it right in front of the lattice gate, as shown in the pictures below.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Next, grab the blue core with the jumkasaur (press β€œE”). The grate will lower, but the box will not allow it to close completely. Collect phlogiston (red lights), and then return back to the room with the large pump and valve. Go to it and place the blue sphere in any of the two slots.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

What Does the Notched Key in the Center Open

Enemies will burst into the room – go up again and deal with them in any way convenient for you. Then turn the camera to the right, and this is where you will find the second cart with a round door – go to it and unlock it with the key you found earlier. Inside you will find a precious chest.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Jumkasaurus Puzzle (2)

Then move into the cave that opens up, climbing up the wooden ladder. Move on until you reach a new, spacious area. If you are not already in your Jumkasaurus form, transform into it by using the transformation stone on the right and above, and then use its ability to reach the blue sphere in the cage hanging from the ceiling.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Turn around and go into the tunnel at the top. Here you will see a slot for the core – install the previously picked up ball there to open the grate. Go through the passage that appears and immediately turn 180 degrees. Take the sphere again and go down to the main room with the pump.

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Go to the device and place the second sphere on the free cell. Then turn the valve twice, turning off the system.

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Hold Out for 60 Seconds

To activate the emergency braking system, you will need to hold out for exactly one minute, dealing with the incoming Fatui. They should not cause you any problems. Once the timer runs out, you will unlock the secret achievement Righteous Resistance.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Research Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

The machine will stop and all the Saurians will get out of the cages. However, Pyro Agent Fatui will suddenly appear. This is a pretty dangerous enemy, so we advise you to definitely take your most pumped up team with a shielder and/or a healer. You will be assisted by dragons, but they will not be of much use.

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Once you've dealt with the enemy, you'll essentially complete this secret quest. A luxurious chest will appear in front of you. Open it to find the Notched Key on the Back. All that's left is to free the last Saurian.

What the Notched Key on the Back Opens

Return to the cave where you previously found the pyrocule and blue sphere in cages attached to the ceiling. There is a third locked cart with a round door here – unlock it with the key you found earlier. You will find a coholasaurus inside. It will thank you, and then a blue transformation stone will appear next to you.

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Mining Research Center: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Turn into a Caholasaurus and start swimming along the river to the west until you see a Spirit Door (orange portal) ahead. Interact with it and start floating along the stream forward, collecting another Pyrocule along the way. When you reach the end of the road, you will find a rich chest.

Phlogiston Mining Research Center in Genshin Impact: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Puzzles

Genshin Impact Phlogiston Research Facility: How to Find Notched Keys and Solve Riddles

Research Center for Phlogiston Mining in Genshin Impact: How find keys with notches and solve riddles

This concludes the exploration of the Phlogiston Mining Research Facility in Natlan in Genshin Impact.

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