Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android


Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact Private Server is a special software that to a certain extent emulates the operation of the official game server and allows you to use other than the original rules and settings of the game process. This article will discuss how to download, install and set up YuukiPS private server, the game on which allows you to try all the characters for free with arbitrary artifacts and weapons.

Note: on the developer's official resource, you can also find links to a project to create a completely custom server on an emulator, similar to the one we talk about in this material. The following is purely a matter of safely upgrading the Genshin Impact client to play on a designated private server.

Private vs. Official: What's the Difference

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

You are probably already familiar with the process of playing on a regular Genshin Impact server when you download and install a regular game client from the developer's website, or through various legal launchers or stores from other publishers (Epic Games Store, Google Play, App Store). In this case, you get a product originally conceived by the developers and working according to the same rules for all players.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

For many popular games, pirate servers appear sooner or later, which can modify the usual gaming experience with additional settings or modes. These changes are already made by the owners and creators of such servers at their own discretion. Often the main reason for the existence of private game servers is the ability to play for free, but since Genshin Impact is distributed according to the Free2Play model, the focus of unofficial servers has shifted towards removing all restrictions that are present in the game.

The most actively developed and maintained fans of the pirate server project – YuukiPS, on the example of which we will consider the pros and cons of this game mode.

The possibilities of a private server, its pros and cons

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Before we move on to installing and connecting to a private server, we should evaluate the options it offers, including:

  • The ability to open all the characters and weapons in the game;
  • Initially a completely open world with travel points;
  • Infinite amount of resources for prayers, as well as pumping talents and weapons;
  • Open Twisted Abyss;
  • Ability to play together with members of the same private server;
  • Using the console to create items and even monsters around.

With all this variety of possibilities, something on a private server still missing:

  • No quests, including daily quests, can be completed;
  • No events from the official game;
  • No chests, materials, or puzzles in the world;

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the currently available functions of the private server, first of all, allow you to try absolutely any teams of characters with different weapons and sets of artifacts. If this matches your goals, you can proceed with the installation.

What are the risks of playing on a Genshin Impact private server

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Let's touch on an important point right away: in theory, the development and even use of unofficial servers violates the game's user agreement, although this mostly concerns the authors of these modifications. To access a pirated server, you will need to download and install some proprietary software, which always involves some degree of risk. On our own behalf, we can add that the project code is hosted on GitHub and formally any interested person has access to it, and in addition, all the programs indicated in the article are successfully tested by anti-virus software. Nevertheless, the user does all manipulations of this kind at his own peril and risk. We did it and share our experience with you.

Installing and configuring the Genshin Impact private server

Where to download the private server

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

In this section, we have collected all the key links you need to further install and configure the connection to the private server. You can also check them yourself on the project page.

You can use the table of contents to jump to the installation point of interest. In the process of connecting to the server, we used:

  • .NET 6.0 Runtime – is required for the operation of a third-party launcher, therefore, to configure this private server on Windows, you will need to first install this package from Microsoft;
  • YuukiPS Launcher – the official page of the private server developer on GitHub, updated here new patches version of the launcher; you need to download archive;
  • YuukiPS Launcher for Android is an application for playing on a private server from an Android phone;
  • YuukiPS Launcher for iOS is an application for playing from Apple smartphones ( not working temporarily).

Installing Private Server Launcher on PC

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

First of all, you need the most common game client from the official launcher. You can download it from the official website of the developer, we indicated the desired item in the screenshot above. The pirate server is guaranteed to work only with this official Windows client. If the game is already installed, you can immediately proceed to the next step.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Going to install the bootloader from YuukiPS, first install the .NET 6.0 Runtime platform. After going to this site, download and run the specified file using the Download x64 link from the β€œRun desktop apps” section.

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Agree to install the package and close the window when it is finished.

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

Now everything is ready to set up access to the private server itself. Download YuukiPS Launcher.

This way you will get the archive, which you need to unzip to any place convenient for you:

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

  • Or open the archive with a double click and select all the files in it (Ctrl+A) and simply drag it to the prepared folder;

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

  • Or, right-click the archive in File Explorer and select Extract All… from the context menu.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

One way or another, you will receive a folder with a program to start connecting to a private server. Look into this directory and find the YuukiPS.exe file there (we have additionally highlighted it in the screenshot), it is this launcher that launches this launcher. You may receive a message that the program will be executed with administrator rights, or a security warning that the file is not signed. In these cases, you will additionally have to confirm your consent to the launch.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

In the window that opens, first of all, you need to set the path to the game client installed on your PC. You can view it in the official Genshin Impact launcher by going to the options next to the launch button and looking for β€œInstall Location” – this is the same folder that you need to specify in the Config section.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Once the path is specified, information about the installed client version will be pulled into the Config tab. In order not to specify the path each time, also click Save on this tab.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Now you can go to the first tab of the program – Connect. Double click on the YuukiPS line and click Launch.

Note: here you can remove the pirate from your game settings by simply double clicking on Official Servers.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

You may then see additional certificate installation messages and a Windows Firewall warning. You must agree to both, otherwise the connection to the server will not occur.

Installing the private server launcher on Android

The private server we are considering is also available for the version of the game on phones with the Android operating system. You will get exactly the same features as in the PC version, because technically you will connect to the same unofficial server.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

First of all, you need to download the unofficial application from the author's website. We have shown this process in the screenshot above. Since many devices block direct download of application files from external sources, the file is currently being downloaded – this is the full-fledged launcher of the private server in question, you only need to rename it, removing the β€œ.zip” ending from the name (if the file is already ends with .apk and looks like an application, nothing needs to be done). When you end up with an .apk file, you can run it and install it like a normal Android app.

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

The app will launch just like a regular Genshin Impact and will actually need to reload the game content. In total, the application, along with the data, will take about 22GB, keep this in mind when installing. You can, of course, temporarily delete the official game application, but in the method we are describing this is not required at all, you can leave both the regular game client and the unofficial one with a private server on your phone.

Installing the private server launcher on iOS

Instructions for using a private server on iOS are posted on the developer's website, but this method does not work at the moment.

Playing on a Genshin Impact private server after installation

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

No matter how you set up access to the server in question, if everything is done correctly, at startup you will see the familiar welcome screen of the game with an invitation to enter your account login and password (unlike the regular version of the game, where this data would have already been saved). No registration process is required to play in the β€œpirate” mode, you just need to specify an arbitrary login and password in the appropriate fields (entry with unique data is equal to registering with them). Also make sure you have the β€œEurope 1 (GC)” server selected, otherwise you won't get the Ayaka bot.

Important: We strongly recommend that you do not use your official Genshin Impact account details as this you will pass a pair of login/password to a third-party resource, which should be avoided. When playing in parallel on an official server and a private server, double check where and what data you enter.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

If you plan to use this account more than once, then it is better to remember or write down this data so as not to set up your squad from scratch each time. The private server saves your account configuration, although it does not work perfectly, we have seen cases of logging in to different accounts already configured by someone using the same credentials.

Console commands and object IDs of the private server

How to open the private server console in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

Finally, when you get to the server, go to the chat menu by pressing Enter and add the Ayaka chat bot – in the dialogue with it you will also see some local analogue of the general chat, and you will be able to send console commands.

Private server Genshin Impact: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Key console commands

The most basic commands include:

  • /g all – opens all locations and areas of the game map along with movement points.
  • /g weapons – gives out all possible weapons pumped to the maximum (ascension and awakening).
  • /g avatars – getting all characters with a full set of upgrades (level 90, all constellations and talents), a separate command is provided for the Traveler.
  • /prop godmode on – turns immortality on, to turn it off /prop godmode off.
  • /prop us 1 – grants infinite stamina.
  • /heal – Resurrects all characters and restores health to their maximum.
  • /g artifacts – Fills inventory with randomly generated level 20 legendary artifacts.
  • /prop player level 60 – Sets adventure rank , in this case the sixtieth.
  • /prop wl 8 – Sets world level to 8.
  • /prop abyss 12 – Unlocks all floors of the Twisted Abyss.
  • /give [name] [amount] [level] – Adds a specific item to the inventory. Instead of the name of the thing in English, you can indicate its ID (listed below). Write everything without square brackets. For example, if you need a pocket teleport, then write: /give 220005.
  • /help – ask the Ayka bot for help.
  • /help [command name] – ask the bot for help Ayka at the specified command.
  • /s [ID] x[amount] lv[level] HP[health] – Summons selected mobs. You can only specify the level for enemies. For example, if you want to summon 15 level 20 Anemo Slimes with full health, then type the following command: /s 20010301 x15 lv20.
  • /give [ID] [level] – allows you to get the specified character of the selected level. For example, if you need a level 90 Ye Lan, then write: /give 10000060 90
  • /teleport X Y Z N – allows you to teleport to the selected coordinates. The letter β€œN” represents the region number (from 0 to 7).
  • /give [ID] lv[level] x[amount] – allows you to get the selected artifact of the desired level and in the required amount. Below we have explained in detail how to get the set you need.
  • /killcharacter – allows you to instantly kill the active hero.
  • /talent [ID] [level] – allows you to change the talent level of the active hero hero.
  • /weather [weather ID] [climate ID] – allows you to change the weather conditions.
  • /list – allows you to see all the players currently on the server.
  • /position – you can see the exact coordinates of the place where you are now.
  • /changescene [n] – instantly moves you to the specified region. Instead of β€œn”, specify the number of the area (from 0 to 7).
  • /resetconst all – allows you to reset all constellations of the active hero. You need to restart the game for the command to work.
  • /dg [dungeon ID] – allows you to move to the specified dungeon.
  • /setFetterLevel 10 – allows you to increase the friendship level with the active hero to 10- level and get his name card.
  • /setConst – allows you to add constellations to the active hero.

Traveler Commands:

  • /prop se <element> – makes it possible to choose an element for the main character. Instead of <element> specify the element you need: Electro, Geo, Dendro, Anemo.
  • /setConst 6 – allows you to unlock all six constellations for the main character, regardless of its element.
  • /talent all 10 – allows you to increase the level of all the talents of the main character to the 10th. Does not depend on its element.

Combat and leveling commands:

  • /stat cdr 1000 – Removes the cooldown for an elemental skill.
  • /prop ue 1 – Allows you to use an elemental explosion indefinitely.
  • /killall – Instantly deals with all nearby enemies.
  • /g 102 0000 – Grants adventure experience points. Instead of the last four zeros, enter the amount you need.
  • /g 201 0000 – Gives out source stones. Replace the last four zeros with the amount you want.
  • /g 202 0000 – gives the plague. Instead of the last four zeros, enter the amount you need.
  • /g 101 0000 – Gives out character experience points. Instead of the last four zeros, enter the amount you need.
  • /g 104003 0000 – gives books of hero experience. Instead of the last four zeros, enter the number you need.

IDs of characters, enemies, bosses and items

Each object and creature in the game has its own identification number (ID). Knowing it, you can add the necessary items to your inventory, call certain mobs or add new heroes to your team. Below we list the most useful IDs.

Character IDs (avatars):

  • 10000002 : Ayaka
  • 10000003 : Genie
  • 10000005 : Traveler
  • 10000006 : Lisa
  • 10000007 : Traveler
  • 10000014 : Barbara
  • 10000015 : Keia
  • 10000016 : Diluk
  • 10000020 : Razor
  • 10000021 : Amber
  • 10000022 : Venty
  • 10000023 : Xiang Ling
  • 10000024 : Bei Dou
  • 10000025 : Xing Qiu
  • 10000026 : Xiao
  • 10000027 : Ning Guang
  • 10000029 : Kli
  • 10000030 : Zhong Li
  • 10000031 : Fischl
  • 10000032 : Bennet
  • 10000033 : Tartaglia
  • 10000034 : Noelle
  • 10000035 : Qi Qi
  • 10000036 : Chong Yun
  • 10000037 : Gan Yu
  • 10000038 : Albedo
  • 10000039 : Dione
  • 10000041 : Mona< /li>
  • 10000042 : Ke Qing
  • 10000043 : Sucrose
  • 10000044 : Xin Yang
  • 10000045 : Rosary
  • 10000046 : Hu Tao
  • 10000047 : Kazuha
  • 10000048 : Yan Fei
  • 10000049 : Eimiya
  • 10000050 : Toma
  • < li>10000051 : Eola

  • 10000052 : Raiden
  • 10000053 : Sayu
  • 10000054 : Kokomi
  • 10000055 : Goro
  • < li>10000056 : Sara

  • 10000057 : Itto
  • 10000058 : Yae Miko
  • 10000059 : Heizo
  • 10000060 : Ye Lan
  • 10000062 : Aloy
  • 10000063 : Shen He
  • 10000064 : Yun Jin
  • 10000065 : Cookie Shinobu
  • 10000066 : Ayato
  • 10000067 : Kolley
  • 10000068 : Dory
  • 10000069 : Tignari
  • 10000070 : Nilu
  • 10000071 : Saino
  • 10000072 : Kandakia
  • 10000073 : Nahida
  • 10000074 : Laila
  • 10000075 : Wanderer
  • 10000076 : Faruzan
  • 10000077 : Yao Yao
  • 10000078 : Al-Haytham
  • 10000079 : Dehya
  • 10000080 : Mika

Boss ID:

  • 20011601 – Hydro Hypostasis
  • 20040101 – Electro hypostasis
  • 20040201 – Anemo hypostasis
  • 20040301 – Geo hypostasis
  • 20040501 – Cryo hypostasis
  • 20040601 – Pyro hypostasis
  • li>

  • 20050101 – Oceanid
  • 20020101 – Eye of the Storm
  • 22060101 – Golden Wolf Leader
  • 26050101 – Ancient Geovishap
  • 26020101 – Cryo Fern
  • 26020201 – Pyro Orchid

Enemy IDs:

  • 20010101 – Dendro Slime
  • 20010301 – Anemo slime
  • 20010501 – Electro slime
  • 20010801 – Cryo Slime
  • 20011001 – Hydro Slime
  • 20011201 – Pyro Slime
  • 20011401 – Geo Slime
  • 21010101 – Hilichurl
  • 21011201 – hilichurl with stone shield
  • 21020601 – mitachurl with ice shield
  • 21020401 – lavachurl with frost shield
  • 21020501 – lavachurl with stone shell< /li>
  • 22010101 – Void Pyro Mage
  • 22010201 – Void Cryo Mage
  • 22010301 – Void Hydro Mage
  • 22010401 – Void Electro Mage
  • 23020101 – Agent of Fatui
  • 23050101 – Mirror Maiden
  • 24010101 – Guardian of the Ruins
  • 24010201 – Ruin Hunter
  • 24010301 – Ruin Thresher
  • li>

  • 25100101 – Electric Kairagi
  • 25100201 – Kairagi Pyro
  • 26010201 – Jumper Pyro
  • 26010301 – Electro Jumper
  • 6030101 – Geovishap Hatchling
  • 26060101 – Electro Cicine
  • 26060201 – Hydro Cicine
  • 26060301 – Cryo Cicine

Item IDs:

  • 220005 – pocket teleporter
  • 220006 – Adept Seeker's Furnace
  • 220007 – Thick Resin
  • 220008 – Dry Rations (Menu #30)
  • 220009 – Anemo Treasure Compass
  • 220014 – little fairy Blue-eye
  • 220015 – little fairy Rose
  • 220016 – little fairy Turmeric
  • 220038 – little fairy Viola
  • 220062 – little fairy Tina
  • 220017 – thermal bottle
  • 220018 – camera
  • 220021 – transducer
  • 220023 – Endora (pet)
  • 220025 – lira of the winds
  • 220026 – Teapot of Serenity
  • 220034 – Electric Treasure Compass
  • 220046 : Network of Omnipresence
  • 220047 : Launch Tube
  • 220048 : Luminous Stone Adjuvant
  • 220049 : Bokuso Box
  • 220056 : Chest of Cards
  • 220057 : Dendroculus Echo Stone
  • 220058 : Dendro Treasure Compass

This list contains only a small part of all IDs, since their number exceeds several thousand. A complete list of identification numbers can be found in a special document. The download link is available HERE (fully in Russian and relevant for patch 3.5).

Getting an arbitrary artifact on a private server

Everything is more or less clear with the characters and their parameters, as well as with weapons. If you are not aiming to copy your specific set of heroes from the official server, but are simply trying to figure out the maximum potential of the pack, then fully pumping them with basic commands will suit you. But artifacts have too much variability in their parameters, so in this case you will want to get some kind of set with certain parameters. This is also possible.

Genshin Impact Private Server: How to Download and Install on PC and Android

Use the GC-Tools site to generate the artifact. Its interface is intuitive, we have highlighted all the necessary buttons in the screenshot. After creating the layout for the β€œdream artifact”, copy the code from the bottom field and paste it into a message for the bot on a private server.

Note that if you are too lazy to create optimal sets of artifacts for certain characters on your own, then you you can simply DOWNLOAD a text document with ready-made sets for most heroes.

FAQ on Genshin Impact private server

The game is very slow. What to do?

This can happen if you spawn too many mobs, characters, or other creatures. In this case, we advise you to quickly kill them all with the appropriate command.

The character is bugged or fell into the textures, and teleports do not work. What should I do?

In this case, use the /changescene or /restart or /reload command.

Unable to call the Ayka bot. How to be?

You won't be able to spawn a bot on a European server with GIO in brackets, so select only one with GC.

Genshin Impact private server: how to download and install on PC and Android

Can I play private with friends?

Yes, the private server supports co-op mode.

When it works current update version?

Usually, the authors of a private server publish an archive with its new version within one week after the release of the next patch for the game. You can download it from the links above.

Is it possible to play the Twisted Abyss on a private server?

Yes, and access to it is open from the very beginning.

Can I unlock new Battle Pass levels and earn rewards?

There is a Battle Pass on a private server, but it is often impossible to interact with it and level it.

Do I need to uninstall the YuukiPS launcher if I want to run the official Genshin Impact?

No, no need. You can either just close the launcher or select Official Servers from it.

Genshin Impact Private Server Error Resolution

Does not launch with β€œNo Game File Config Found” error

< p>Most often appears after the server is updated to the latest version. Disappears on its own within 7 days after the release of the update. If the error continues to occur, then most likely you downloaded the original client from the Epic Games Store (delete it and download the files from the official website).

The error may also appear if you did not specify the entire path to the launcher games in the β€œConfig” section of the private server launcher.

Crashes with error 4214

There are three ways to solve this error:

  1. Uninstall the YuukiPS launcher, then download it again and update the game client.
  2. Check the integrity of the game files using the official launcher. To do this, click on the 3 bars next to the inscription β€œStart playing”.
  3. Download the RSAPatch.dll file from GitHub. Then open the game folder and find the mhypbase.dll file – create a backup copy of it, and then delete it. Rename RSAPatch.dll to mhypbase.dll and copy it to the Genshin Impact directory.

When choosing the third method, if you want to play the official version again, be sure to return the original version of mhypbase.dll to the folder.

Fails to start with β€œ0% or 45% download” error

When you try to login to the server, the download process may stop at 0% or 45%. This error mainly occurs on phones when certain files are missing or installed incorrectly. To find out for sure, go to the Android > data and find the folder. Check its properties – its weight should be approximately 18-20 gigabytes. If it is noticeably lower, then the installation failed.

In this case, you will have to download the Genshin Impact client again, and then follow all the steps from our instructions again.

What's next

Given the instability of the private server, the lack of game quests and events, it is mainly used to create and test arbitrary teams with the best weapons and artifacts. You will be able to watch the abyss with any legendary heroes at the maximum level in the sandbox mode. It is possible that in the future the server will acquire new features, but now it is primarily a combat simulator with flexible settings.

In this guide, we have considered setting up a connection to the Genshin Impact private server with the current update 3.5. It is likely that the server project will develop or, on the contrary, may be abandoned. We will try to monitor the situation and update the information as significant changes appear. We invite you to share your experience in the comments, as it may help other players with a similar problem.

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