In Honkai: Star Rail, Golden Flash Chests located on Penaconia are special containers that contain various treasures, ranging from Hour Credits and ending with star jades. In this guide, we'll tell you where to find them and how to open them, as some chests require you to first solve riddles, complete a mission, or defeat dangerous monsters to gain access.
Where to find chests in the Golden Moment
Where to find chests in the Golden Moment
We are talking about the busiest place in Penaconia, which is literally immersed in luxury. The music here never stops, and the feast lasts around the clock. You will have access to this location when you begin the Exploration mission called “Long Day's Journey into Night,” but we advise you to begin exploring it after completing the quest chain so that you can visit all corners of the area.
This location consists of three levels in which you can find 35 ordinary, valuable and luxurious chests. On the map below you can see their approximate location. Next, we will tell you in detail how to get to them.
Information about finding chests will appear after the release of update 2.0 , scheduled for release on February 7, 2024…