Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50


Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

In Zenless Zone Zero, the guarantor is a special system that allows you to get a 5-star character or amplifier with a 100% probability through a certain number of Searches signal. In this guide we will tell you how this mechanism works and how the soft guarantor and 50/50 in ZZZ are calculated.

In the last section, using the example of different banners, we will indicate the number of attempts and polychromes required to obtain certain heroes and weapons. This will allow you to at least roughly calculate your future expenses.

How the guarantor system works in Zenless Zone Zero

We are talking about the number of Signal Searches that you should complete during the gacha before how you are guaranteed to receive an agent, banbu or amplifier with a rarity of 4 (A-rank) or 5 (S-rank) stars. However, there is always a possibility of obtaining these objects without reaching the appropriate number of attempts.

Garant v Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

Number of signal searches for a guaranteed drop:

  • 4-star amplifier – 10 attempts
  • < li>4-star character – 10 attempts

  • 4-star banboo – 10 attempts
  • 5-star amplifier – 80 attempts
  • 5-star banboo – 80 attempts
  • 5-star character – 90 attempts

This means that if after the 9th search you still have not received a 4-star weapon or hero, then on the 10th attempt you are guaranteed to get a drop with a rarity of 4 stars or higher.

This also applies to more rare items – if after the 89th (79th) spin you still have not received a 5-star agent, then your next attempt with a 100% probability will bring you a legendary hero.

Important: These rules apply to the Star Line-up, Dedicated Channel, Sonata of Dissonance (Amplier Channel), Newbie Banner and Banbu Channel.

Why you need to know the guarantor

When searching for a signal in standard or event banners, you will, in any case, sooner or later, receive a legendary weapon or hero. However, knowing approximately how many attempts you have left before the drop appears, you can spend the polychromes and copies you have more efficiently.

How to determine the number of spins until the guarantor

You do not need to record information about all the characters and weapons you receive yourself, as it can be viewed in the banner menu in the “Signal Register” section. The marked page lists all 4- and 5-star item drops so you can easily calculate how many attempts you have left to get the hero, banboo or weapon you want.

Garant in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50 /50

Note: Each banner has its own guarantor counter (read more about this below), so on the left side of the screen you can select the required signal search type.

Drop probability and Soft guarantor

Players have already We managed to calculate the probability of characters, amplifiers and banbu dropping out in different banners. The table below shows the relevant data.

< th scope="col">4 stars

Banner5 stars3 stars
Dedicated channelCharacters: 0.6%

Characters: 7.05%

Weapons: 2.35%

Weapons: 90%
Amplifier ChannelWeapons: 1%

Weapons: 13.125%

Characters: 1.875%

Weapons: 84%
Star cast

Characters: 0.3%

Weapons: 0.3%

Characters: 4.7%

Weapons: 4.7%

Weapons: 90%
Banbu Channel Banbu: 1%Banbu: 15%Weapons: 90%

In addition, in Zenless Zone Zero, as in previous HoYoverse projects, a hidden drop system was also discovered, called a soft pity, which increases the chance of a drop after a certain number of attempts. After the 74th spin in the event and standard banners, the probability of 0.6% will gradually increase to 20%, and then reach 100% on the 90th jump (hard guarantee or hard pity), that is, starting from the 75th attempt , you will have an increased chance of getting a 5-star agent. 

The same goes for the Sonata of Dissonance weapon banner and the Banbu Channel, however in them the soft guarantee starts around the 65th spin, also increasing the base 0.8% to 20% on the final attempts, and then reaching a 100% chance on 80 -th jump.

Important: If on the 10th attempt you received a legendary rather than an epic character (weapon), then a 4-star item is guaranteed to drop out to you on the next spin.

50/50 rule: random characters drop

When you receive a hero with a 5-star rarity in the event Search for a Signal, there is a 50% chance that it will be an agent that does not belong to the banner on which you are making spins. This situation is called the 50/50 rule.

If you did not receive the hero indicated in the banner, then you are guaranteed to get it at the next soft or hard guarantor. In this case, the countdown will begin from zero.

An illustrative example: Let’s say you started spinning the “On a Wave of Calm” banner, hoping to knock out Ellen, but on the 50th attempt you unexpectedly received Grace. This situation is a 50/50 loss, so you will need to again perform from 1 to 90 signal searches in order to now have a 100% chance of getting Ellen.

If you are lucky , and you win 50/50, then the guarantee for the next drop of a specific hero in the event banner will still be 50%. This will continue until you draw a standard legendary character again.

Each banner (event and standard for weapons and characters) has its own portable guarantor counter. It resets when you receive a 5-star rarity drop.

Note: This rule does not apply to a newbie banner that disappears from the list after the 50th attempt. But on the basis of it, a reroll method is built, which allows you to get the desired 5-star hero at the very beginning of the game.

If a temporary banner on a hero or weapon ends, its counter is transferred to the next event banner. Let's say you spent 78 jumps to drop Ellen, but did not have time to get her, since the search for a signal on Zhu Yuan began. In this case, you will not need to start all over again, that is, the SOB captain is guaranteed to fall out already on the 12th spin (unless a soft guarantee occurs or you do not lose at 50/50).

Garant in Zenless Zone Zero: how to calculate software and 50/50

Let us add that you do not have to spin one banner sequentially for the guarantor system to work, since attempts for each of them are counted separately. Obtaining a rare character or weapon in one of them resets the counter only in that one, without affecting the others.

Note: The counter does not have any time limit, meaning you can easily miss several banners, and at the same time you will retain a guarantor. However, some information about dropped items may be missing from the history, making it more difficult for you to keep a personal count.

Weapon guarantee in the event banner

It works exactly the same as in Honkai: Star Rail, that is, you do not need to accumulate fate points and choose a specific amplifier, since the probability of dropping the weapon you need will be 75% . If you don’t get the drop you wanted, then in the next 80 signal searches you will get an event amplifier with 100% probability.

Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count soft and 50/50

Guarantor for Banbu

With them, everything is much simpler. The developers decided not to torment the players, so in the Banbu Channel you are guaranteed to receive the 5-star assistant selected in the selector on the 80th spin (or earlier). A-ranked Banbu drop on the 10th attempt and are randomly selected from the list (will be shown below).

Garant v Zenless Zone Zero: how to calculate software and 50/50

Examples of calculating the guarantor for different banners

Dedicated channel

As an example, take the banner “On wave of calm”, allowing you to get such characters as Ellen, Sokaku and Anton Ivanov with an increased probability. The table below shows how many twists and polychromes you will have to spend to guarantee the receipt of the specified heroes.

< /tr>

CharacterNumber of attempts to guarantorPolychromes

Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

Any 5-star character9014,400

Garant v Zenless Zone Zero: how to calculate software and 50/50

Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

Any 4-star character101,600

Sonata of Dissonance

As an example, let's take a banner that allows you to get weapons such as Guest from the Deep, Shy Demon and Drilling Rig – Red Axle with an increased probability. The table below shows how many twists and polychromes you will have to spend to be guaranteed to obtain the specified weapon.

< /tr>

WeaponNumber of attempts to get the guarantorPolychromes

Garant v Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

Any 5-star weapon8012,800

Garant v Zenless Zone Zero: how to calculate software and 50/50

Guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero: how to count software and 50/50

Any 4-star weapon101,600

Star cast

The table below shows how many twists and polychromes you will have to spend to guarantee getting characters or amplifiers from the standard banner.

Ampliers and characters Number of attempts to guarantorPolychromes
Any 5-star character or weapon9014,400
Any 4-star character or weapon101,600

Banboo Channel

The table below shows how many attempts and polychromes you will have to spend to guarantee getting a banboo from the corresponding banner.

< tr>
BanbuNumber of attempts to guarantorPolychromes
Selected 5-star Banbu8012,800
Random 5-star Banbu101,600

We hope that the information about the guarantor in Zenless Zone Zero will help you better distribute master copies and cipher copies to obtain the desired characters and weapons.

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