Handing a hand in the muttering thickets of groves and a sanctuary of the providence of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins


Handing in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the murmur in the KhSR: how to find coins

the hand of the muzzle of the muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis, added to xr ( honkai: Star Rail ) with patch 3.1 – this is a flying mechanism necessary to solve puzzles, destruction of objects and selecting coins of quirks. Collecting golden tokens, the exact number of which is indicated when you press the palm icon, the player will be able to get valuable treasures, as well as ordinary and hidden Achivka associated with hand control.

In this guide we will continue to analyze where to find all the hands of the new locations, and how to find every coin of quirks, as well as fulfill the condition to obtain three buttons from Collections “ to comprehend the incomprehensible “.

All hands in the muttering thickets of groves of the muses and the sanctuary of the providence of Janusopolis in the XSR

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

On the release of Amphoreus, we have already considered how to find all the mechanical palms and get to each token with their help. With the renewal of 3.1 in the XSR, two more locations appeared, and with it the new hands of heating:

  • museum of the groves of muses: 1 hand (3 coins).
  • The sanctuary of Janusopolis: 3 hands (9 coins);

All coins of the quirks in the mumble of groves of the muza

The hand of Zagreing 1

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

There is only one place in the grove of muses, within which you can control a robotic hand-this is a platform with columns in the northeast of the 2nd floor of the tree. Activate the mechanism near the pond and go in search of three tokens of the quirks , and then take the valuable casket near the remote control.

The first coin

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The first coin is in the foliage at the end of the giant branch growing in the north from the remote control. Having gotting closer, make aiming the aiming blow of the palm ( English “R” “R” on PC ) and direct it on the box – it will fly away from the attack, and the coin will be able to freely pick up.

the second coin

Handing the hand in the mumble of groves of the muses and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find the coins

the second toonchik is under a mini-teleport on the southern edge of the platform with a remote control.

third Coin

Hand of the muse of the groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the KhSR: how to find the coins

and the last token soars high above the western side of the site.

Hand of the muzzle in the muttering thickets of groves and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands in the muzzle of the groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the KhSR: how to find coins

the second in the account of the mechanism, but already in the sanctuary of Providence, is located on the northern 3D card ( between the anchors “The Gate of Fate” ). There are two remote controls inside – you can use any, but only in dawn . The casket relying on the presence of all coins will wait for the book of miracles at the lower level of the room. Let's start collecting three tokens :

the first coin

Handing in the mumble of groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

one medallion soars under the sphere of miracles at the lower level of the card.

Hand of the muse of the groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the KhSR: how to find coins

is in a deepening under the stairs on the lower tier ( eastern wing, near the right bowl of weights

the third coin

Hand of the muse of the groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the KhSR: how to find the coins

and the latter soars over the statue in the upper part of the hall ( southeastern corner ).Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Handing in the muddy thickets of groves and a sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

the third palm can be controlled from two remote controls at once: they are located within the pavement between the anchors “ the gates of fate path of the path of the path pilgrims “(Both are -1 tiers, but easier to go down under the bridge on any of the elevators marked on the map with a small arrow ). Having finished collecting coins, run to the northern lift and get a valuable treasury. And now to the whereabouts of the three tokens :

the first coin

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

To find the first medallion, you need to fly up to the northern remote control and break the boxes ( eng. The “R” key to PC ), blocking the passage into a small room – there will be a coin under them.

The second coin

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

The second token soars the recess under the northern remote control of the palm.

the third coin

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

and the third – in a round gap between the beams on the southern half of the bridge.

Hand of heating 4

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

And the last, fourth mechanism can be launched inside an elongated 3D card in the southeast of the sanctuary ( the anchor of the “end of the path” ). Make sure the location is switched to dawn . Having finished with the search, you will also get a valuable chest. We will begin to search for three coins of the quirk :

the first coin

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Handing in the muzzle thickets of groves and a sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

before activating your palm, return to the sphere of miracles And bring the light on the face of the statues ( there will be the first coin ).

The second coin

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

The second coin is on the chandelier in the central half of the corridor.

the third coin

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Janusopolis providence in the XSR: how to find the coins

and the third coin soars under the ceiling on the northern output from the location.

All Achivka with a hand, heating in the mumble of groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis

Hand of the muse of the groves of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find the coins

in version 3.1 with the hand of Zagre, the receipt of three acres:

  • ” – will be given out if you attack the door in front of the gates of fate in the sanctuary of providence;
  • underground box ” – you can get if you destroy the petrified enemy under the bridge in the sanctuary of Providence;
  • fishing Flies ” – opens after the destruction of the winged enemy on the branch in the grove of the muses.

We will consider in detail how to fulfill the conditions for obtaining all three achievements.

Achivka“ Introductory Course ”

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Handing in the muttering thickets of groves of muses and a sanctuary of Yanusopolis providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Achivka “ Introductory Course “With the condition” Hit the gates of infinity in the sanctuary of the predictions of Janusopolis, driving the hand of the Zagre “( +5 nephritis ):

  • get into the providence sanctuary, get to any control panel on -1 tiers between the” gates of fate “and the” path of the pilgrims “. Next, fly up with your hand to the southern anchor, and then aim towards the giant gate in the north and click on the attack so that the device flew to the entrance and crashes into it at all speed.

Achivka “underground boxing”

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hands of the muzzle muzzle and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR: how to find coins

Achivka “ underground boxing ” with the condition “overcome opponents hiding under the sanctuary of Janusopolis predictions, healing the hand.” ( +5 nephritis ):

  • Take control over your hand under the pavement in the center of the providence sanctuary, go down to a round gap in the middle and charge a fist on a petrified enemy.

Achivka “Catching of flies”

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hand of the muzzle muzzle in the mumbled thickets and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR: how to find coins

Hand of the muse of muse and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the KhSR rods and the rod of the groves: how to find the coins

Achivka “ fishing of flies ” with the condition “do you think if you hide on a tree, then overcome the enemy on one tree in the museum of the muse The blow of the hand is heating. ” ( +5 nephritis ):

  • Using a hand in the northeast of the grove of muses, go down to the branch of a tree growing just below the nearest mini-teleport and direct the attack on the winged monster.
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