In Honkai: Star Rail, hexanexuses are one of the types of puzzles in Lofu Xianzhou, solving which you will receive chests with treasures. You will also be able to unlock a secret quest and several achievements. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all these riddles and how to solve them.
Solving hexanexus puzzles
To solve the hexanexus puzzle, you need to rotate its areas so that the physical block of the cube matches the plates hanging on both sides (see the screenshot below for clarity).
In this case, you can select any side of the cube (click on the icons next to the shape itself), and then rotate them left or right using the arrows in the lower right corner of the screen or the “A” and “D” keys. The side you choose will be highlighted in yellow by the game.
Remember to change the viewing angle to better understand which side to choose and how exactly it needs to be rotated so that the green cubes match the images on the side holograms. We add that after starting a secret quest from a mysterious organization, the puzzle will be slightly complicated by the appearance of special patterns on the blocks, which must also match the plates on both sides.
If you are confused and want to return the puzzle to its original state, then click on the “Reset” button in the lower left corner of the screen. Next, we will look at absolutely all the puzzles with hexanexus, indicating all the steps to solve them. To make it easier for you, we will also show the whole process on gifs.
Cloud crossing (all hexanexuses)
There are four hexanexuses in total in this area. It will be possible to take up finding and solving them after completing the story quest called “Among those struck by Mara.” The map below shows the approximate location of the puzzles.
First Hexanexus
Travel to the Landing Zone Dimensional Anchor in the southern part of the location, and then go a little to the northwest, and you will find the desired cube on a separate area on the left. The exact location is shown in the screenshots below.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Rotate the viewing angle as shown in the first screenshot below, and then rotate the selected side clockwise twice.
- Select the very top of the cube and rotate that side clockwise twice.
- Rotate angle of view as shown in the third screenshot below, and then rotate the selected side clockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (see the fourth screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus
Teleport to the Well of Green space anchor, and then just head east and go down the stairs. In a small area, you will find the next rubik's cube.
Then follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the top side of the shape as shown in the first screenshot below, and then rotate it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (see second screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus
Travel back to the Well of Greenery, then head northwest and follow the path below to reach the bottom platform with the next cube.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and then rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot ) and then rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and then rotate it clockwise twice.
- This will solve the puzzle ( last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
The Fourth Hexanexus
Move to the Well of Greenery: South Wing anchor and then start heading east. To unlock the path, interact with the controller located on the platform on the right.
Then follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and then rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and then turn it counterclockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Port Stargazer Navalia (all hexanexuses)
A total of three Hexanexus can be found in this area. It will be possible to take up finding and solving them after completing the story quest called “The whirlpool of stars, insight is coming.” The map below shows the approximate location of the puzzles.
First Hexanexus
Travel to the dimensional anchor “Wharf” and then start moving east, passing up and down stairs, and bypassing all opponents. The cube is located on a separate area at the very end of the location.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Rotate the viewing angle as shown in the first screenshot below. Then rotate the highlighted side clockwise twice.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus
Teleport to the Raging Flame Path of Corrosion Cave, then head east a bit and you'll find the cube you need on the landing.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Rotate the viewing angle as shown in the first screenshot below. Then rotate the highlighted side clockwise twice.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus
Travel to the Ship Hatchery – Rostock anchor, then run up north. Go across the bridge to a small area where the cube you need is located.
Then follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Divination Board (All Hexanexus)
There are a total of four Hexanexus found in this area on two different levels. It will be possible to take up finding and solving them after completing the story quest called “New Friends – New Joys”. The map below shows the approximate location of the puzzles.
First Hexanexus
Travel to the south anchor of the Lucky Divination Platform and then move north , go up the stairs and turn left. On a large platform, you will find the cube you need.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second hexanexus
Teleport to the Supreme Matrix of Foresight and use its eastern teleport screen to get to the platform on the right. There, go north to a small area where you will find a cube.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Rotate the viewing angle as shown in the first screenshot below. Then rotate the selected side counterclockwise once.
- Select the selected side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the selected side (third screenshot) and rotate it twice clockwise.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
The third hexanexus
From the previous lip, go down a little to the southeast, and you will find the cube you need on a small platform.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Rotate the viewing angle as shown in the first screenshot below. Then rotate the selected side clockwise once.
- Select the selected side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the selected side (third screenshot) and rotate it twice clockwise.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
In addition, after solving 10 Hexanexus puzzles, you will receive a message from the Hex Club asking you to answer a few questions. You can choose any answers, as this will not affect the opening of the secret quest.
The fourth hexanexus< /h3>
Go back to the very beginning of the platform and go to its southwestern part to use the teleportation screen and get to another area. You can also simply teleport to the western base terminals from the Supreme Foresight Matrix.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot ) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- Select the highlighted side (fourth screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- As a result, you will decide puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Craft Commission (All Hexanexus)
There are a total of four Hexanexus found in this area. It will be possible to take up finding and solving them after completing the story quest called “Branching Horns and Tangled Roots.” The map below shows the approximate location of the puzzles.
First Hexanexus
Teleport to the anchor “Transition to the Academy of Mastery”, and then go south, climbing different stairs. On a small platform you will find the cube you need.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- As a result, you will decide puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus
From where you solved the last puzzle, go forward a little and interact with the teleportation screen. You may need to solve the jade diagram puzzle to activate the teleporter:
- Select the topmost hexagon and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the right hexagon and rotate it until the “5” icon reaches the bottom right base.
- Select the topmost hexagon again and rotate it clockwise two times.
- Select the topmost hexagon the bottom hexagon and rotate it counterclockwise so that both glyph icons are in the right places.
Now use the screen and you can cross over to the eastern platform, where you will find the cube you need.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot ) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it once counterclockwise.
- Select the highlighted side (fourth screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus
Travel to the Creation Furnace and then just go down south if you have a door open here. Otherwise, you will have to go around. The exact location of the cube is shown in the pictures below.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot ).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Fourth Hexanexus
From where you solved the previous puzzle, head west and use the screen here to move to the western platform. Here you will immediately find the cube you need.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot ) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Hexanexus Secret Quest
Once you solve the 15th Hexanexus riddle and open a valuable chest, you will be contacted again by a representative of the Hexanexus Club. You can choose any answers, as a member of this secret organization will want to meet with you anyway.
Travel to the Mastery Academy Pass anchor and then head north to find a club member named Egghead. Chat with him. Next, you will need to solve the riddle with a modified hexaneksus located near you (the solution is presented below).
Open the chest and talk to Unimok again. He will tell you that improved versions have appeared in place of the previous cubes. You will receive 10 arrows and one condensed ether from him. Plus, you will unlock the Asta La Vista Hexanexus trophy.
Handicrafts Commission (Hexanexus 2.0)
There are a total of four altered Hexanexus found in this area. They are in the same locations as the previous ones, so we won't list them on the map again.
First Hexanexus 2.0
It is located in the same place where you will first meet Egghead. This cube will be the first upgraded Hexanexus you encounter during the quest.
Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot ) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- Select the highlighted side (fourth screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
The Third Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise two times.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and turn it clockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
The Fourth Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise two times.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Cloud crossing (hexanexuses 2.0)
A total of four Altered Hexanexus can be found in this area. They are in the same locations as the previous ones, so we won't list them on the map again.
First Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot ).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- As a result, you will decide puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
The Fourth Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and turn it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Stargazer port Navalia (hexanexuses 2.0)
A total of three Altered Hexanexus can be found in this area. They are in the same locations as the previous ones, so we won't list them on the map again.
First Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and turn it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- As a result, you will decide puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot ).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Divination Board (Hexanexus 2.0)
A total of four Altered Hexanexus can be found in this area. They are located in the same places as the previous ones, so we will not indicate their location on the map again.
First Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot ).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Second Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (third screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Third Hexanexus 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise two times.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and rotate it counterclockwise twice.
- As a result, you will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
Hexanexus 4 2.0
Its location is shown in the screenshots above. Next, follow these steps to solve this puzzle:
- Select the highlighted side (first screenshot) and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the highlighted side (second screenshot) and turn it counterclockwise once.
- This will solve the puzzle (last screenshot).
If the pictures do not seem clear enough to you, then we advise you to look at the gif below. It shows the whole process of solving the riddle.
After solving all the updated hexanexuses, a representative of the Hex Club will contact you again. You can choose any answer options, as they, apparently, do not affect anything. You will also unlock two new trophies: Myth of the Cave and Rubik's Torment.
These are all the Hexanexus puzzles in Honkai: Star Rail. We hope that this information will help you find and solve all the puzzles with cubes in Lofu Xianzhou.