In Honkai: Star Rail, the Kamnegrad Tournament of Extraordinary Talents is a Patch 1.5 event where you will compete in the new Belobog Fight Club Championship. By defeating all your enemies, you can earn a variety of rewards, including star jade, credits, and a secret martial arts manuscript. In this guide, we will tell you how to start this event and pass all its tests.
How to start the “Tournament of Outstanding Talents of Kamnegrad” event
The event starts on December 6, 2023 at 12:00 server time, and will end on the 25th of the same month at 03:59. Before you can take part in it, you will need to meet a couple of conditions, namely:
- Achieve at least Mastery Rank 24.
- Complete the adventure mission called “Gladiator”.
- Complete the story quest chain “Under the scorching dawn sun.”
If you have dealt with all the above requirements, you should automatically receive the starting quest for the event. Otherwise, look at the travel log in the main menu, select the required event and click on the “Take Part” button. Then head to the Fight Club located in Kamnegrad (Yarilo-VI) and chat with Dr. Dig there.
Detailed information about completing all tests will appear on December 6, 2023…