How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves


How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: endless saves

Many players have a question about how to save in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. The thing is that the sequel has an unusual save system, due to which it is impossible to save your progress at any time without having a certain item with you. In this guide, we will tell you about all the ways to create saves in the game, where the saves are, and how you can get infinite saves.

How to save in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Like the first part, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has a save system with a lot of limitations. For the most part, you get used to it pretty quickly, but sometimes it causes inconvenience, especially when you don’t know all the features of its work. Therefore, below we will consider all the ways to create save files in the game.

Use autosaves during quests

Luckily, the game has an autosave system, but it is very unreliable. The fact is that saves are made only at the beginning and at the end of the task, as well as upon completion of certain goals. But it is impossible to predict in advance when exactly this will happen.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: endless saves

You may well encounter situations when you seem to have completed a number of story tasks and actions, but autosave still does not occur, since it is also necessary to physically reach a certain place on the map. As a result, any accidental death, crash, freeze or error can lead to a rollback of your progress upon reboot. So we strongly advise you not to rely on the autosave system in the sequel.

Sleep in your own bed

You will save the game if you sleep in your own bed. However, you should take into account several features of this system:

  • Falling asleep on any bed and spending several hours resting is guaranteed to heal Henry.
  • In some story missions, certain characters may host you in their home for free, offering you a spare room. This room will often have a storage chest, allowing you to lighten your inventory by storing items you don't currently need.
  • You can also talk to tavern keepers and innkeepers to rent a room from them for the night (usually 30-50 groschen). Sometimes they'll just give you a place in a barn, which won't have a chest, but you'll still be able to save your game.
  • You can sleep in beds that are not yours (for example, when you invade someone else's house), and even heal your hero this way, but you will not be able to save in this case.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

Visit the baths

In some settlements you can find places for relaxation – baths. Chat with the owner of such an establishment and choose any of the available options (take a bath, wash clothes or use the “additional service”) to also save your game.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: endless saves

Create and use saving schnapps

This is the most reliable and convenient method of manually creating saves in the game, because you can use it almost at any time. Life-Saving Schnapps is a consumable potion that you can buy from merchants, find in the open world, or brew yourself. As long as you have such an item in your inventory, you can activate the “Save Game” option in the main menu without any problems.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

How to make a life-saving schnapps

You will automatically receive the recipe for this potion almost at the very beginning of the game – do not forget to study it in the “Books” section of your inventory. If you accidentally lose the leaflet, you can buy another copy from almost any apothecary. To make a life-saving schnapps, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wine as a base.
  • Nettle x1
  • Belladonna x2

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

If you have these items, find any alchemy table and start making a potion by following these steps:

  1. Pour Wine into the cauldron.
  2. Add Nettle to the cauldron.
  3. Boil the cauldron for two hourglass turns.
  4. Crush 2 belladonna with a mortar and pestle.
  5. Add the crushed belladonna to the cauldron and boil for one hourglass turn.
  6. Pour the finished decoction into a container.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

If you did everything correctly, then the life-saving schnapps will appear in your inventory, which you can use right away.

Move between regions

Once you reach the second half of the game and unlock a new region, you will be able to quickly move between them. To do this, you just need to talk to the coachman and tell him where you want to go – Kuttenberg or Trosky. The game will automatically save, even before you make a payment.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: endless saves

Use the “Save and Exit” option

In the main menu, you can find the “Save and Exit” function, which you can also use at any time, but it has a couple of serious drawbacks:

  • When used, the game will immediately close, forcing you to restart it. Of course, this adds a lot of hassle, especially if you just want to check another answer in the dialogue.
  • There can only be one such save file, so using this option will overwrite the previous save.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

Given this information, we still advise you to use mainly saving schnapps, and use the “Save and Exit” option only when finishing the game.

If you find this saving mechanic too tedious, you can remove it from the game altogether. Below we will tell you how to do this.

Infinite saving in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Using console commands

The first thing you need to do is unlock the console in the game. To do this, go to the Steam library, find Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, right-click on it and open the “Properties” section. Then, in the window that opens, in the “General” tab, find the text field under the “Launch Options” inscription and enter the word there: -devmode.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

Close the window and enter the game. Then simply press the “~” key (tilde or “Ё”) to open the console. Here, use the command wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1 to disable the consumption of the saving schnapps, that is, you must have at least one such potion in your inventory.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

If you are too lazy to buy, brew or find it, you can use the command wh_cheat_addItem 928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1, after which one bottle of the drink will immediately appear in your inventory. In a separate guide, we talked in more detail about the codes and cheats in the game.

Unlimited Saving II Mod

Modder EddieShoe has already created a modification that allows you to save the game without using the saving schnapps, giving you an unlimited number of saves. Note that you will still be able to unlock achievements.

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: infinite saves

To use it, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the archive with the mod from the NexusMods portal using the following LINK. The “Unsafe” version bypasses the save lock system, allowing you to save even during battles (most likely, it works less stably).
  2. Open the game folder in Steam. By default, the directory looks like this: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverance2
  3. Go to the “Mods” folder, and if it does not exist, create it.
  4. Unzip the previously downloaded archive to any convenient location, and then copy the “USII” folder to the “Mods” folder.

Now enter the game and simply press the “F5” key to quickly save at any time. Before doing this, we advise you to check if the save system works in the main menu to avoid possible errors in the future.

Where are the saves in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

If you, for example, decided to create a backup save before any manipulations with the game, then you, of course, need to know where all the game saves are stored. Below we will indicate their location on different operating systems.

Save files in Windows

You can find them in the following directory: C:Users[username]Saved Gameskingdomcome2savesplayline0. There may also be this option: C:Users[username]Saved gameskingdomcome2savesplayline0

How to save in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: endless saves

Let's add that files named “autosave” denote autosaves, and those named “exit” denote those created when using the “Save and exit” option.

Save files in Linux

When using the Linux OS, saves for the game can be found inside the Steam folder: [folder where the Steam]/steamapps/compatdata/379430/pfx/

We hope this information will help you save in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 in different ways, create infinite saves and find the location where saves are stored on your computer.

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