Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners


Гайд Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: полезные советы для новичков

Hyde for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 With useful tips for beginners, you can help you quickly get used to complex game mechanics on such as alchemy, blacksmithing and theft, as well as at the very beginning to get good equipment and prevent serious mistakes that may come to you in the future. Some of the recommendations will be useful even to those who spent more than a dozen hours after the game.


What should be done first of all

What is the style of playing the game

already in The prolon, when you encounter a hundred of a canopy of the Trill castle, Indo will need to answer who he is. The game at the same time hints that your answer will affect how the initial experience points will be distributed. Immediately note that the scatter will be as follows:

  • The soldier will receive +1 points for conviction, coercion, eloquence, horse riding and drinking, as well as +2 points for scholarship and alchemy.
  • The adviser will receive +1 points for the possession of different weapons (with the exception of shaft), dexterity And the strength, as well as +2 points to the possession of pole weapons.
  • The scout (ranger) will receive +1 points for theft, sword ownership, psar, invisibility and terrain, as well as +2 to vitality. In addition, endurance increases by 4 points.

GUDEN KIN Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

It should be noted that this will not affect the gameplay dramatically, since later you can still build your own build, but this choice can simplify the beginning of the campaign. We advise you to choose an “adviser” option, since the combat system and theft will depend to a certain extent on your personal qualities (reaction speed and attention), but belief depends on the characteristics of the character, and diplomacy will have to be used quite often in conversations.

Choose any loot

at the beginning of the game any object will be useful to you – you can either put it on your character, or then sell it for at least a few pennies of the merchants. For example, in the quest “salvation” , when you help Bozhenya, who went out, you should definitely inspect the corpse of the robber, which was killed by Jan Ptacca.

In general, make it a rule to yourself, if you saw a corpse or an ownerless chest (box, bag), then be sure to wrap it and take absolutely everything from it, of course, if this does not violate the law. We add that if you want to get good equipment at the beginning of the game, we recommend that you go southeast of the troskovitsa and find fresh graves (see screenshots below) that you can dig up if you have a shovel.

GUDEA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Prove the alchemy

Many skills are useful for the player, but one of the most interesting of them, especially at the initial stages, is alchemy, so we extremely advise you to engage in its development. The game itself tells you to do this, teaching the cooking of potions already in one of the first plot quests, when you help Bozhenya in the manufacture of chamomile tincture.

Гайд Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: полезные советы для новичков

It should be spent at the alchemical table as much time as possible to open a perk called “The Secret of Equilibrium” , which will allow you to prepare high -quality drugs even when you make small errors.

when to get to Truskovitsa, go to the emerichy pharmacist, sell him the potions cooked from Bozhena, and then buy a recipe for the infusion of calendula from him (restores health), as well as Belladonna with nettles.

GUDIDA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

GUDEA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Then leave the pharmacy and find a small wooden building to the northwest of it, in which you will find your own alchemical table. At the rack on the right, you will find a recipe for a decoction of Artemisia, which increases the strength, which will a little simplify the battle at the beginning of the game. In addition, the dryer is located here.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for newcomers

Gide King Dom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Prepare a saving shnaps

on the alchemical table we recommend the first thing to prepare a saving channel from the previously bought nettles and belladonna, as this is the only legal way of a quick manual saving in the game. We talked about this in a separate guide.

GUDIDA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Do not forget to spend skills of skills

After passing the prologue, you will have a large number of retained skills of skills that you can spend on the opening of various perks that many game mechanics will noticeably simplify. Go to the “player” menu by pressing the “P” key, and then look at the yellow stars burn near the skills – they mean that you can open a specific perk.

Note that access to the new perks opens up for every two levels of increase in the skill. To pump skills, you just need to engage in appropriate activities, that is, if you want to increase the riding, you need to jump on a horse more often, alchemy – cook more potions, owning a sword – to fight mainly on swords, and so on.


< H3> Talk to the bar and other NPC

Immediately after the completion of the prologue (ends with the “Troski” mission), talk with a beggar named Bar, who asks for alms on the main street of Truskoye near the shameful pillar. Ask it about everything to get a little pennies and find out useful information about the world.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

< /p>

She will also advise you to go to the master Kot, which will lead to the beginning of the side quest “Boy: Training I” , which we strongly advise going as soon as possible to study the basics of combat mechanics. You can find it in a tabor of nomads west of the hut where Bozhena lives with his daughter. We advise you to come here when your skills are “fighting” and “owning a sword” will reach at least 8 units. Fighting with a cat and defeating him in battle, you will learn a masterful strike and, most likely, get additional perks.

GUDEA KIN Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

We recommend that you communicate with other characters with whom the dialogs are available, especially if they are marked with icons with exclamation signs, as this will allow you to take secondary missions that can bring additional experience and awards. We add that even ordinary communication with people will increase eloquence.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Get the first horse

The world of the game is huge and exploring it on foot for a long time, so we advise you to get your first horse as soon as possible. Of course, you can simply steal it, but this is not the most reliable way, plus, it is very dangerous. Fortunately, you can get Sivka for free-for this you need to go to Semin, located southeast of the Truskovitsa, and talk to the groom of the ballet. We talked more about this in a separate guide.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners


 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

HADE Dom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

go through the quest ruler of the miller and the blacksmith

When you receive the plot quest “Uninvited guests at the wedding”, you will be indicated in the diary that you can get to the wedding with either a miller or a blacksmith. However, we advise you to fulfill both chains of tasks, since in the lineup you will learn how to forge a weapon (you can create swords and sell them) and you can bother the valuable good from the bandits, and in the cruise line – study theft and get an excellent thieves' suit.

Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

GUDEN KING Dom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

it is important: even if you have passed any ruler and have already visited the wedding, you can still come to a blacksmith or miller to go through The second chain, however, with small changes in its history.

Find Barbos

Immediately after the prologue you will receive a side mission “Barbos” related to the search for your dog. We do not recommend that you put off this quest in a distant box, but try to fulfill it as soon as possible, although it is very long. The fact is that at the end you will receive a dog in allies.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for newcomers

P>The dog will not only accompany you everywhere and indicate interesting places, but also help in battle, distracting one of the opponents. The main thing is do not forget to feed it in time and iron sometimes.

Useful tips for beginners

Basic mechanics

Use quick movement

Yes, the game has a system of quick travels to key locations (settlements, inns, roadside chapels and so on). However, you can quickly move only to the place where you have already visited earlier at least once. To do this, you just need to put the cursor to the blue icon with the image of the cart wheel and press the “Travel” button. Kingdom-Come-Deliverance-2-Poleznye-Sovety-dlja-Novichkov-F53900B.Webp “Alt =” Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners “/>

Find a place for sleeping

As soon as possible, find yourself a suitable free place for sleeping with a convenient bed, where you can restore your energy. It is extremely desirable that there is a pot with food nearby, so that you can also increase satiety if necessary. At the beginning of the game, the best points will be – the house of a blacksmith or miller. Remember their location and return there when you need to relax.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

If you are on the road, and you need to sleep somewhere, then look for camps , which are often located next to the paths. In them you can find a bonfire with a boiler and a place to sleep. They are marked on the map with an icon of tents. However, be careful, since often such parking lots use bandits.


participate in shooting competitions

try to take part in all shooting competitions that are found on your way, since they not only allow you to earn money pennies, but also perfectly pump accuracy, which during the battle is quite difficult to develop, because the enemies quickly run to the hero, which is why you have to switch to a near battle.

GUDEN KING Dom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

The shooting machines are usually displayed on the map with an icon of targets with arrows. Near them, competitions are often held. In some competitions, you need to use onions, and in others – a crossbow. True, you will have to get used to the shooting system first, because there is no sight in the game.Some books allow you to increase certain skills when reading them, which is very useful, especially if you need to increase the skill that cannot be pumped naturally (for example, drunkenness, if you drink little alcohol). Reading books is best sitting on a comfortable bed. You can buy them from clerks and merchants or get for the passage of quests.

 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 P></p><h4> Stock on dried food<div id=

Do not keep ordinary food in your inventory for a long time, since it spoils over time. You can determine its freshness by the parameter of the state – if the value is indicated in red, then in no case do you eat this food, otherwise you will get poisoning (your health will begin to decline over time), which can be cured by gastric drug (its recipe, by the way, sells a pharmacist Emmerich in Truskovitsa).

for this reason, we do not advise you to keep simple food at all – it is better to store dried fruits and dried meat in the inventory. You can either buy these products from merchants (for example, a butcher), or make them yourself using a dryer. Recall that you can find it right in Truskovitsa, in the shack opposite the pharmacy.


 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Follow the appearance

Try to always look presentable, especially before you are going to speak with someone in the plot, since your charm will depend on how the interlocutor will take you. You can see the current value of this parameter in the inventory. There you can prepare a special outfit just to communicate with people.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

To increase this indicator, you should also monitor your energy and satiety, since if they fall strongly, then you will get fines to your characteristics. Plus, you should caress your face as often as possible and at least sometimes visit the bathhouse, where your hero will be able to wash from head to toe.


The quality of equipment matters

The quality is displayed in the form of bronze, silver and gold icons with numbers (from I to III) and is indicated next to weapons or armor. The higher this parameter will be, the more damage will apply weapons or the higher the protection will be at the armor. The subject of the same type can have different quality, so try to choose the things that it is higher.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for newcomers

Use the sharpener H4>

Unfortunately, near-fight weapons in the game are quickly stupid, because of which the damage falls. For this reason, try to natter your swords and axes as often as possible, as soon as you see a sharpener wheel nearby. At first, this will take a lot of time, since your skill will be at a low level, but over time you can complete this process faster and faster until it will occur almost instantly.

GUDEA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

 Guide Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

Making weapons

About the forging itself in details, we told in the passage of the quest “The son of a blacksmith”. In it, the game gives detailed information about the basics of creating weapons on the anvil. Here we note that the weapons you have created can also be of different quality – it can even get a platinum icon with the number IV, which is practically not found in the open world and on sale.

GUDIDA Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

to achieve such quality, you will need to pump the level of craft up to 16 units and unlock the perk called ” Martin's Secret “. To do this, you will have to forge a huge amount of weapons. However, this will also allow you to earn a lot of pennies.

Combat system

Stay to save time

It doesn’t matter if you go through a quest where you need to fight enemies, or you see an enemy camp with the bandits ahead – be sure to survive before the fight by drinking a saving schnapps (we told above how to get materials for it, and where you can cook it at the beginning of the game). Even if you are confident in your abilities, still do manual preservation.

GUDED Gdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for beginners

you will often fall into situations in which, for example, you can fill up 5 robbers, and the 6th will still finish you. If you are not preserved at the same time, you can be very far from the battlefield, which is why you will have to spend a lot of time to return to the right place again. So do not forget to constantly do preservations.

Kill enemies secretFar from the best tactics to go to enemies in a frontal attack, especially if there are a lot of them. You can, for example, try to remove 1-2 of them from afar using your bow or crossbow, taking a position on the hill. You can also sneak up to them from behind and eliminate at least the 1st enemy with the blow of the dagger (be sure to equip it in the inventory).

(the jumping key + direction of the direction) when you see the green icon of the shield on the enemy. Then the enemy will lose balance, and you can break through its protection without any problems.

This tactic is best suited when battle with heavily armored opponents and the use of the sword. After evasion, perform a stitching blow or a charged attack, constantly changing types of damage. Be sure to also conduct training at the cat to learn the workshops of the blows. Fast it quickly in battle. Place the sword in one cell, and in the second-a mace or an ax that is better suited for battles with enemies in heavy armor.

 Hyde Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Useful tips for newcomers

, however, however, however. This advice will be useful only in the first half of the game, since subsequently you will apply so much damage even with a sword that you simply do not need a change of weapon.

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