Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan Impact: Hyde for the best build

in genshin impact Iansan is a 4-star character that refers to the electrical elements and uses a spear in battles. In the team, she will be able to play the role of a support, the buffing main damager. In this guide we will talk about its best build, weapons and artifacts, as well as detachments recommended with it.

The main features of Iansan

How to get Iansan

In the first phase of renewal 5.5, the head coach of the sports club of the fertile land will first appear in the banner, which will increase the likelihood of its loss. Then it will be added to a standard prayer, which will reduce the chance of the falling out of the famous nutritionist Natlan. At the same time, developers often conduct events in which 4-star heroes are given for free. We will definitely inform about this when the appropriate event appears.

Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Hyde for the best build

The progression of the characteristics of the Iansan

The table below shows how the basic parameters of the character change as his level increases.

levelBasic attack

Bonus to attack


basic basic HP Basic Protection
1 894 22 54 0%
20 55 137 0%
40+ 4913 118 294 6%
7021 169 420 12%
80 9445 228 566 18%
90 10657 257 638 24%

The standard indicators of critical damage and the chance of applying a critical hit are 50% and 5%,The heroine carries out up to 3 strokes with a spear, and charged-spends a certain amount of endurance and makes a lunge that causes damage to all enemies in the way. During the attack in the fall, she quickly flies to the ground, hitting all opponents on the way, and when landing causes damage in the region.

In a state of blessing of the night spirit, the loaded Iansan is transformed into a powerful thunderous descent, in which it spends endurance and violently strikes the ground in front By itself, applying an electric damage over the area with the property of the night spirit (ND).

Explanation: in the standard mode, they are unremarkable for most spearmen by blows that you are unlikely to use often, but in the intensified one you will have to use a charged attack at least once after e-shki (endurance is not spent) to activate the first passive talent of the heroine that increases its attack.

after using elemental skill. After using elemental skills “Lightning onslaught” The heroine attacks in front of herself, inflicting electrical damage to the opponents on the way with the property of a night spirit. She also restores 54 points of ND, and she goes into the blessing mode of the night spirit. If you use a regular attack for 5 seconds after the end of the blow (that is, click on the LKM), then Iansan will immediately make one thunderment without spending endurance.

In the indicated state, the nutritionist moves faster, and if you squeeze the sprint button, it will completely go into the ons of the lightning on a mode, which will increase its movement rate even more for a short period of time. In it, she will be able to perform flying jerks using the relief, and even run through water or liquid phlogiston (without damage), spending more points of ND.

the blessing of the night spirit will end as soon as the last ND glasses are used up or the elemental skill will be re -used.

>>Explanation: in the battle, the skill, in fact, is required only to go into a state of blessing of the night spirit, after which you need to immediately quickly press the LKM to perform a charged blow without the consumption of endurance and activation of the first passive talent. In the open world, it helps to quickly overcome the distance, especially in Natlan.Allows the heroine to make a powerful clatter with his feet, inflicting electrical damage in the region with the property of the night spirit. Then she extracts a precious meter of kinetic energy. When using the ability, Iansan receives 15 points of ND and activates the blessing of the night spirit, which ends as soon as the meter leaves the battlefield.

The Kinetic energy meter is constantly moving after the active character and increases its attack power depending on the number of points of the Iansan:

  • In the case when Iansan has less than 42 points of ND, the attack force increases in proportion to its attack strength and ND points.
  • In the case when Iansan has 42 points of the ND and higher, the measuring switches to the mod “Flame support!”, Giving a higher attack of the attack power, depending on the corresponding parameter of the Iansan.

Plus, the meter constantly calculates the distance traveled by the active character (with the exception of Iansan itself) and once per second restores the coach of ND points in proportion to the distance traveled over the past second. The meter disappears at the end of the blessing of the night spirit or after 1 second outside the battle. While it is active, the condition does not end, even when Iansan is inactive.

Explanation: the multiplier of ultrasound at the 10th level is about 775%, which is very good, but still not enough to turn Iansan into sub-DD. Therefore, the main application of the ability is the Buff of the Power of the Major Damager, which is displayed in the form of an icon following the active character.

Activate ultimately only after applying the skill, since the explosion itself gives only 15 points of ND, and the skill accrues the maximum 54 points, which are enough in the theory for 9 seconds of action bonus (6 points are spent every second), but in practice everything is somewhat different.

It should be remembered that the maximum factor of 27% will act only when Iansan has 42 ND points or more. Otherwise, he will begin to drop sharply with the descending of glasses (at 30 points of ND Buff, for example, will be only 15%). Fortunately, the developers have added the opportunity to constantly make up for the glasses of the night spirit – for this you only need to force the active hero to move around the battlefield.

According to preliminary data, you can get about 0.7 points for 1 meter of distance traveled. At the same time, animations are also taken into account, even if the hero does not go anywhere, however, to a lesser extent than sprint and jerking. So if you are constantly moving, you can hold the maximum buff during all 12 seconds of the ability.

We add that the maximum bonus of the attack power depends on the ultimate level, and on the 10th Leulele is 690 units, and on the 13th-all 810 units, which, by the way, spurks to the opening of the 5th constellation. If you want to get the highest buff, then you will have to carefully invest in the attack of the attack by Iansan.

You cannot also not indicate the extremely useful passive talents of the nutritionist. The first of them is called “Improved training with burden” . After the thunder in descent from the opponents, the heroine for 15 seconds receives the effect of accurate movements, with the action of which her attack the attack increases by 20%, and she additionally receives 1 point of night spirit when they are restored by means of a meter of kinetic energy.

Among other things, after spending or restoring ND glasses with an active character, the subsequent restoration of the night spirit Iansan, using a meter, additionally restores 4 points. This effect manifests itself once every 2.8 seconds. At the end of the blessing of the night spirit, the effect of accurate movements disappears.

Explanation: So, you need to get on the enemy with a loaded blow in a state of blessing of the night spirit, in order to immediately get a bonus to the power of an attack for Iansan itself, which significantly simplifies the pumping of this parameter to obtain the maximum buff for an ally from the ultimate. Plus, the passive gives additional ND glasses when they are restored during the explosion of the elements (when the active hero moves), and Damageers from Natlan will give 4 times more points.

the second – checking the level of kinetic energy

– Iansan gives 10 seconds the effect of the warm -up, when the closest members of the team activate the outbreak of the night spirit. With his action, when the heroine restores at least 1 point of ND, she heals an active character by 60% of her attack. This effect occurs once in 2.8 seconds.

An explanation: only the characters of Natlan are capable of causing an outbreak of night spirit when applying spontaneous damage, and the more there will be in the team, the more often it will be able to activate it: from 18 seconds at one Natlanz and up to 9 seconds – at 3/4. Therefore, in any case, you can treat an ally, but it will constantly be possible to do this only with three natives of the Kingdom of Kingdom in the detachment.

However, even in this case, you will not receive a lot of treatment from Iansan. Suppose you were able to gain 3,000 units of attack. It turns out that in 2.8 seconds you can heal the active character at 1800 HP, and for the entire rotation – by 5400 units. This is noticeably smaller than that of Bennett, so it is advisable to keep the second hungler or thyroidist in the group.

As for the third passive “The gift of the possessions of the night: perseverance and aspiration” , when Iansan is in the areas of Natlan with phlogiston mechanics, it is able to apply the transmission of the night spirit. When an active hero uses a sprint, abides in a state of movement of some talents or is at a certain height in the air, when a character changes to Varez, the following effect is activated: the coach, appearing on the field, enters the blessings of the night spirit and receives 25 points of the night spirit. The transmission of the night spirit can be activated by your detachment once every 10 seconds.

In addition, in Natlan during the movement, Iansan uses the relief changes to make jumps, the damage damage is significantly reduced.

Explanation: if briefly, with the help of this passive you can extend the action of an enhanced sprint (long press) after activating the elemental skill, interacting with the flagiston, that is, it will be noticeably more convenient to move along Natlan. which restores 10 units of phlogiston in the areas of Natlan with phlogiston mechanics, when its level falls below 50%.  This effect can manifest itself every 10 seconds.To unlock them, a character’s luck is required, issued during the loss of duplicates of the heroine, which, of course, is random. However, the probability of obtaining 4-star characters is much higher than legendary, so you can well open at least a couple of constellations.

The table below shows a list of all constellations with their description and benefit for the character.


Increases the duration of the kinetic energy meter by 3 seconds. When Iansan restores the glasses of the night spirit with excess, he gets the effect of the maximum force that increases the damage of the active character by 25% by 3 seconds.

In general, Iansan has good constellations, and given that it is relatively easy to reach, we will advise you to decide Open at least C1 and C2 in order to simplify the pumping power of attacks to the right values, make the gameplay more convenient and get an additional buff for allies.

How to play for Iansan

gameplay Iansan rotates around her passive training with improved training with weighing ” and ultrasound: the first gives the Buff of the power of attack the heroine itself and allows her to restore the points of the night spirit, and the second – increases the force of attack by the main Damagar when our coach goes into the“ Pocket ”.

to activate a passive talent, it is necessary to make thunder descent, that is, after applying the elemental skill, you should simply quickly press the button of the basic attack (LKM) and then the heroine will perform a charged blow without a waste of endurance, and you will immediately receive the buff.

Note: if you open the 2nd constellation, then you will no longer have to perform a charged attack, since the necessary effect can be obtained by activating ulta.

After that, use the explosion of the elements, causing a slight damage, and giving Buff to the power of attack an active character. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly maintain an Iansan scale of the night spirit on an indicator of 42 points and higher to obtain the maximum bonus, so you need to move on the battlefield by Damagar all the time, making a jerk and various attacks. Recall that animations are also taken into account.

Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Gide for the Best Build Class = Note: You can determine the current number of night spirit points in a special scale that will be located near the active character on the right side.

, in general, its optimal rotation will look like this:

  1. Given that Iansan is Buffer, you can start rotation with it. Activate her spontaneous ability to obtain 54 nights of the night spirit and activate the blessings of the night spirit.
  2. Make a loaded thunderer, just once pressing the basic attack button (LKM) to activate the effect of accurate movements that gives the Buff to the power of the Iansan itself and allows it to restore ND points under the action Ulta.
  3. Activate the ultra to call the kinetic energy meter, which will follow the active character, giving him a buff to the power of the attack and hoping the distance he has taken. In general, you need to switch to the main damager and over the next 12 seconds (or 15 seconds with open C6) to damage the enemies, regularly making a jerk to support the scale of the night spirit of Iansan.
  4. after the end of the Buff, again switch to Iansan and repeat all the above actions.
  5. However, Iansan is definitely impossible to call an ideal character, since she also has its disadvantages that go straight from the pluses:

    • will be useless for damage, whose damage is scaled from HP, and not immediately exclude from the list of non -evolution and non -evolution and non -vocational Mualani.
    • It restores the glasses of the night spirit with characters who practically do not move during attacks or are not natives of Natlan. All this imposes certain restrictions on the selection of the Allies.
    • , although there is treatment, but it is very insignificant even in comparison with the same Bennett, so you will either have to improve your evasion skills, or take an additional healer/shield to the detachment.
    • In a cooperative, Iansan is not able to give Buff to allies or herself, therefore it becomes practically useless for the team.

    The best build for Iansan

    The best weapon

    When choosing a spear, priority should be given to those copies that increase the power of the attack, and also accelerate the restoration of energy and/or give Buffs to the team. The table below presents the most interesting options.

name Description
all at first is difficult to during the battle and the active blessing of the night spirit for every 6 points of the ND, the heroine restores 15 units of energy. This effect occurs once in 18 seconds. Thanks to this constellation, you may not take artifacts or weapons to restore energy, focusing more efforts on pumping the power of attack. Useful bonus.
laziness – enemy of training!When activating ultras, Iansan also gets the effect of accurate passivation movements. Plus, if the heroine is not on the field under the action of this effect, then the power of the active character will increase by 30%. removes the need to carry out a charged attack after E-shki and increasingly increases the power of the main damager. Also a very useful constellation.
Nutrition in science The level of skill increases by three. Maximum Leoel: 15th.It gives average benefits, since the damage of the skill will still be insignificant.
the importance of progressAfter the active character, in addition to Iansan, activates the ulta during the action of the kinetic energy meter, the coach receives 2 levels of the spirit effect, which acts up to the exit of the meter from the battle. This effect can occur once during the action of the same meter. When Iansan, with the help of him, restores ND points, 1 glass of strength of spirit is consumed, and Iansan additionally restores 4 points of ND. In addition, if the meter restores the ND glasses with excess, then with the subsequent restoration of Iansan, using the meter, it will restore the additional value of glasses equal to 50% of this excess., if briefly, this constellation will obtain an additional 8 points of ND for the effect of one explosion of the elements. It will be easier for you to support the scale of the night spirit at the mark above 42 units in the absence of allies from Natlan. Surprisingly, too, a useful constellation.
This is not the limit! Maximum Leoel: 15th. allows you to increase the maximum bonus of the force of attacks from the explosion of the elements to 810 units, which is very good.
instructions of the athletes of blessed lands Now the ultimate bonus will be valid for 15 seconds, not 12, and the active hero will apply even more damage. True, you can only get a buff only if there are Natlan Damagers – it will be more difficult to accumulate a sufficient number of ND points with the rest.

Passive ability

The best artifacts

we advise you to choose sets that can increase the energy and restoration of the attack and restoration of the attack and restoration Iansan, as well as give Buffs to her allies. The table below demonstrates the optimal options.

The name and rarity characteristics (level 1-90)

shining harvest (5 stars)

restoration of energy: 12 ~ 55.1%

basic attack: 46 ~ 608 units

Increases the force of attack by 28 ~ 56% of the VE value of more than 100% (the maximum of ATC can increase by 80 ~ 120%). You will also receive 30 ~ 50% energy recovery for 12 seconds after the use of ultimate.

The best option for Iansan, who noticeably simplifies its assembly, since it gives an increase in the two most important parameters of the heroine, so you can easily gain 2999 attack strength (if opened C5) and at the same time will not need energy. It should only be remembered that on the same Ryden or Xiang Lin, this weapon will bring much more benefit to the team.

a spear of fallow (4 stars)

Restoration of energy: 6.7%~ 30.6%

Basic attack: 44 ~ 565

critical criticisms Home with a 60 percent probability is created by elemental particles that restore 6 energy units. The effect manifests itself every 12 seconds.

A great option that completely eliminates the lack of energy not only Iansan, but also its entire team. At the same time, you will not have problems with a set of 2555 attack power to obtain maximum buff. The hat will have to take a critical chance for a passive. However, everything changes after the opening of C5, because then you will have to gain 2999 attacks, which will be already problematic.

tamayuratay but Okhanasi (4 stars)

Basic attack: 43.73-564.78

restoration of energy: 6.67-30.63%

gives +20-40% to the attack and +10% to the speed of movement after the activation of E-shki. The bonus lasts 10 seconds.

A great free option for Iansan, who not only provides it with energy, but also gives an increase in attack, which simplifies the balancing of the stats. We advise you to take this very spear instead of falling after opening C5. But only this weapon, unfortunately, could be obtained only within the framework of the Patch 5.4.

the pacifier of troubles (5 stars)

Power of the attack: 3.6% ~ 16.5%

Basic attack: 49 ~ 741

During its equipment, the use of elemental skills increases the power of attack by 3.2 percent per second. The effect works for 20 seconds, folds up to 6 times and doubles if the character is not on the battlefield. It also increases any spontaneous damage by 12 percent.

gives a huge increase in the power of attack, so you can easily gain the right value with the open C5, and fits perfectly into the Iansan rotation. However, without C1, it is necessary to get the restoration of energy in artifacts.

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for Best Builds

heavenly axis (5 stars)

Energy restoration: 8% ~ 36.8%

Basic attack: 48 ~ 674

Increases the likelihood of crows by 8 percent, and the speed of a standard attack is 12 percent. In addition, the blows of ordinary and charged attacks on opponents have a 50 percent chance to cause an intangible blade that applies 40 percent of damage by area from the attack indicator. This effect works no more than once every 2 seconds.

has a high basic attack, but without percentage bonus, and gives the necessary Iansan energy. She will be practically useless to her passive, since the heroine’s damage will increase slightly.

conqueror of the vortex (5 stars)

attack force: 10.8% ~ 49.6%

basic attack: 46 ~ 608

increases The strength of the shield is 20%~ 40%. Increases the attack indicator by 4% ~ 8% by 8 seconds in case of enemies. The bonus is summed up to five times and occurs once every 0.3 seconds. When the character is protected by the effect of the effect increases by 100%.

It gives a lesser increase in the power of the attack than the pacifier of trouble, but still quite significant, so it can be a good replacement. True, the presence of a thyroid gland in the team is desirable.

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

a rudist bunch

the force of attack: 6% ~ 27.6%

base attack: 44 ~ 565

When the hero heals or receives treatment, he is endowed with a label of unity for 30 seconds. In total, you can get up to three marks. When activating elemental skills or ultrasound, all tags are consumed and the effect of rebuff is created for 10 seconds: for each attack, the attack force increases by 3%~ 7%for each spent mark, and the damage bonus by all elements is 7%~ 13%. The effect of rebuff can occur once in 15 seconds. The character receives unity marks, even if he is not on the battlefield.

Another good option for the power of the attack, Iansan itself can actively activate the passive, because it is able to heal the active character.

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

the spear of the message of the winds (4 stars)

Basic attack: 42-510

Power of the attack: 9%-41.3%

After applying the elemental reaction, the attack strength by 12-24% and the skill of the elements by 48-96 units for 10 seconds.

also gives a significant increase in the attack power, however, totor the passive must be activated by the elemental reaction, that is, to use the Iansan e-shke after other support or sub-dd.

cutting waves of the fin (4 stars)

the force of attack: 3% ~ 13.8%

Basic attack: 45 ~ 620

increases the damage From ulta by 0.12% ~ 0.24% for each unit of maximum energy of all team members. The bonus limit cannot exceed 40%~ 80%.

It gives less an attack than the above options, but significantly increases the damage from the ulta Iansan, especially if it is in a team with Ryden.

Artifacts Bonuses Advantages of

Iansan in Genshin in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

the hero of the hero’s burned city

2 parts: when a team participant uses a flash of a night spirit, the carrier restores 6 units of energy.

4 parts: After activating the reaction carrier associated with its elements, all team members receive 12% damage bonus of the corresponding element associated with reactions for 15 seconds. If the owner of the set, activating the specified buff, is in a state of blessing of the night spirit, then all members of the group additionally receive 28% of the elemental damage associated with reactions for 20 seconds. This effect can manifest itself, even if the hero is not on the battlefield. Bonuses of the same sets of artifacts are not summarized.

It is mined in the dungeon “The sanctuary of the myriads of spirits.” As usual, it is the best set for the Natlanovites in the role of support, as it gives a significant Buff to the allies. The main thing is not to forget to close the reactions of the heroine to activate the passive.

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyda for the best build

the ceremony of the ancient nobility

2 parts: increase damage from the explosion of the elements by 20%.

4 parts: When using Ulta, the force of attacks of all team members increases by 20% by 12 seconds. The effect is not summarized.

A good alternative to the previous set, if the detachment of another support or sub-DD is already wearing a scroll. With the help of him, you can even more increase the power of the main damager.

Iansan in Genshin impact: Hyde for the best build

emblem of dissected fate

End of the gladiator/Fragment of harmonic imagination/Memories of Simenava/Kinovar Pispler/echoes of offering/Night whisper in the forest of the respondent echo/incomplete dreams

2 parts: 2 parts: 2 parts: Increase energy recovery by 20%.

2 parts: increase the force of attack by 18%.

In the absence of the above sets, you can temporarily use half sets with suitable stats. If you have enough VE, you can combine two sets for the attack.

As for the main characteristics of artifacts , then take the sand clock for the power of attacks (or restoration of energy with its lack of it), the cup (bowl) – for the force of attack, and the crown (hat) – for the force of attack (or critic. Chance using a spear of favorite). The priority of choosing secondary parameters is as follows: energy restoration (dial to the recommended value), attack and Crete. Chance (if you use a fallow weapon).

Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Hyda for the best build

If we talk about the optimal indicators of the attributes of the heroine , then they look as follows:

  • The power of the attack: 2555 units (C1) or 2999 units (C5) are numbers taking into account the Buff of the first passive.
  • Energy restoration: 180-200% if there is a second electrical character, 140-160% when the weapons are added here, 100-120% when adding an open C1; In the absence of all these buns, 230-250% VE is required.
  • The chance of a critical hit: 50%+ in the case of using a combi spear

The best commands for Iansan

Iansan is suitable for any Damager whose damage is scaled with the power of attack. If you are looking for the best option for her, then pay attention to the natives of Natlan (Chaska, Varesa, Kinich and Mavuika), with whom the nutritionist will be able to quickly restore the glasses of the night spirit. With them you can easily activate Buff from the 6th constellation.

In the absence of Natlanovites, you can pay attention to the characters that are actively moving during attacks, for example, they often make blows in the fall (ko min and Xiao) or have high -speed attacking animations (clorinda). If we are talking about slightly less mobile fighters (Arlekino, Sayno, Ryden and Ke Qing), then you will have to make more jerks.

Once again, we note that Iansan treats relatively little, so it is extremely desirable to have a second hiber or shy in the team that could support the main damage in a viable state. Suitable, for example, Sitlali, Bennett, Shilonen (crystal shield), Xian Yun or Shever. The table below shows all the optimal units.

Sub-DD support


Iansan in Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the best build

ku mines

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan at Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Syan Yun

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for Best Builds



Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Hyde for the best build

Mavuika (Xiang Lin)


Iansan at Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the Best Builds


of the hour

Iansan in Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyda for the best build


Iansan at Genshin Impact: Hyda for the best build


Iansan at Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


mavuika (Xiang Lin, Piro)

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build



Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Xiao (ka min)

e Lan (Sin)

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Syan Yun (Kazuha, Lan Yan)


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Mavuika (Arlelexino)


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build



Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyda for the best build

Yae Miko

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build



Iansan in Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the best build

Fishl (Kudze Sarah)


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Clorinda (Ryden)

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

E Lan (SIA)

Zhong Li (cazeus)

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Ryden (Clorinda, Sayno)

Iansan at Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the Best Bilds

Mavuika (Daehya)

Iansan in Genshin in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Clorinda (Ke Qing)

Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

Xiang Lin (Pypestor Pies)

Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Hyde for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyda for the best build


Iansan in Genshin Impact: Hyde for the best build

ka min

Fishl (Oroeron)

Iansan in Genshin ImpaCT: Hyde for the best build



Iansan pumping

How to increase the skills

to collect many diverse materials, namely:

        • teachings, instructions and philosophy of “rivalry” – are mined on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays in the dungeon “Fiery Roins.”
        • A wooden whistle of a sentinel, a metal whistle of a warrior and a golden whistle of a warrior crowned by the head – fall out with the Zavrian -like tribes of the tribe, bought for a star brilliance or created using alchemy.
        • Deny and verdict – falls from the weekly boss servant.
        • Crown of insight – can be obtained during the events, as well as the events, as well as by pumping the sacred sakura, the tree of eternal permafrost, the tree of dreams, the fountain “Lucin” and fire tones.

        If we talk about priority of pumping talents , then the first thing you should increase the explosion of the elements, since the Buff of the attack power depends on it, and then the elemental skill. You can not download the basic attacks.

        How to exalt the character

        get ready for the search and collection of a large number of different materials. Their list and production methods are indicated below.

        Iansan in Genshin ImpaT: Hyde for the best build

        You can get amethysts of the vajrad from the electrical hypostasis, dwashing, ancient geovishap, aemachi, the manifestation of thunder, electrical fern and sea skate of the millennium pearl. They are also sold in a souvenir shop. A clamping gaze falls with a gloomy papillus. Draglit is the local curiosity of Natlan. In a separate guide, we indicated its location.

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