to find Pan Ptachek in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 , Indo will have to find a spy that has disappeared into the Kutna-Gore Yana Lichtensteinsky . Now within the framework of the 16 plot quest “in the dungeon” It is necessary to contact Katerina, who found out the information in Kutna Gore. The only clue in the case will be a commoner Kozhaitin, who boasted of his work on a rich master.
In this leadership, we will tell you how to find Kozhaitin and get to Liechtenstein with his help.
Passing the quest “In the dungeon”
After you talk with a dry feature at the end of the “Remember the devil” mission, it doesn’t matter what replicas you will choose in the dialogue, you will have two plot tasks “damn flo” and “in the dungeon”.
Talk to Katerina
SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/V-Podzemele-V-V-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-Najti-Lihtenshtejna-E5DA479.webp” Alt = “in the dungeon Deliverance 2: How to find Liechtenstein ” />
the first of the list of tasks within the framework of this quest will talk with Katerina, who is currently in Kutna Gore.
Follow the east of the region and, having reached a big city, find Katerina in the tavern ” at the gallows “. In a conversation with a girl, choose absolutely any remarks, since the outcome of the diahon will be the same.
Katerina will tell that the search for Liechtenstein was unsuccessful and will have to start small. One beggar named Kozyatin dared that he spy on a certain noble gentleman. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/V-Podzemele-V-V-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-Najti-Lihtenshtejna-4A1081BP” Alt = “in the dungeon Deliverance 2: How to find Liechtenstein ” />
Katerina will send you to find Kozyatin, who is usually in a very specific tavern, under the name “hole” .
follow Southeast Kutna-Gory, where the “hole” is almost in the backyard of the city. However, you will not find Cozyatin himself there. To get a little information, talk with the Korchmar, who in turn will send you to the local leader Cheneku .
Achieve respect Chenya
The day, Chenek is in the same tavern, at one of the tables. Talk to him and try, or pay him 200 pennies , or pass verification of eloquence . In this case, Chenk will give you a tip where you can find Kozhaitin.
However, if you did not have money or you failed a check, you will have to fight in a duel with a local strongman nicknamed Goliath . SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/V-Podzemele-V-V-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-Najti-Lihtenshtejna-11b6a06.webp” Alt = “In the dungeon in Kingdom Come Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: How to find Liechtenstein ” />
Go to the courtyard of the Korchma and go to the barn, where Goliath is located and an impromptu arena for a fight. Talk to him to start a fist fight. Remove all your armor and shirt and follow Goliath.
it does not matter whether you won or not, the fight will still impress Chenya and he will tell about Kozyatin everything that he knows.
Chenka will tell you that Kozhaitin was beaten and he is hiding somewhere between the hackest and the horse market. He will also advise paying special attention to Korsmu and baths , since Kozyatin is often mistaken there.
exhaust all the dialogs with Chenec. He will also offer you an additional task that you can temporarily abandon.
Arrange a Kozyatin trap/find out the details of the chisel of Kozyatin
you can find Kozyatin immediately, waiting for the night and go to the search area. He can accidentally get to you among the passing citizens, since at night this character usually robs drunkards.
However, if you want to exhaust all the tasks of this quest, start the search during the day, with the mining tavern “Vorona stallion” . Talk to the Korsemar Weiman , who will advise you to contact one of the girls from the local bath, with which Kozhayatin spins the shashni.
You can only go around the entire area of search from the other side. Go to the baths and talk with a girl named Hanka from Prague , who will give you the very “girlfriend” of Kozyatin.
Now, go around the baths and find a girl named Sewing Maria . She can both pace the floors and rooms, and serve customers directly in the bathhouse. From 23:00 to 1:00 she usually is located at the table on the ground floor and plays in the bone.
Before you start a conversation, preserve it. If you win a test of charisma, the girl immediately gets sick about how to find Kozyatin.
If you still fail, Maria is noticeably nervous and will say that she urgently needs to leave. Just follow the girl and she will lead you to the house where Kozyatin is hiding. Wait until she starts to notify Kozhaitin that someone is looking for him again and talk to Maria.
In some moments after a conversation in the baths, the girl may not go to Kozyatin. Ask her to pour you to drink and spend time with her. However, if the time is too late, then most likely, after that, Maria will go to bed.
Kozhyatin's whereabouts
Kozhaitin will be very well hidden in the attic of one of the sheds, near the korchma” Raulus stallion “.
To get to it, follow the square with the fountain and go along the road until you stumble on the sign of the tailor. Now you need to go past her and wrap it on the next alley. Go to the barn and climb the stairs up.
go through the entire attic and go down to the neighboring courtyard, where you can’t get the other way. Now, get into the window of the next barn and talk with Kozyatin.
Before starting a dialogue with him, you will remain. If you go through the check, you will be able to convince him to tell you about shmuele which is associated with Lichtent. Or you will have to bribe Kozyatin for 150 pennies . However, if you agree to give him money and fail the next test for charisma, Kozhyatin will say that now he needs 500 pennies .
Talk to Schmuel
Shmuel will be in the Jewish quarter of Kutan Gory, on the northeast of the city. Talk to him, choosing absolutely any remarks, and you will get the following task.
Smell to the meeting of the newcomers
to finally get to Liechtenstein, Shmuel will ask you for a small service. You need to find a meeting of the newcomers , infiltrate them and find out some information.
Now rewind the time to 24:00 so that a new marker leading to an abandoned yard in the Rudokopov quarter appears on your map. As soon as you get to the right place, Katsen will start, where Indo will ambush.
you may not defeat the opponents, but only wait for the moment the next katsen. You will find out that it was Shmuel that arranged this trap by taking you as a spy of Sigismund.
Further, Indrog will be in the face of that very Liechtenstein. Tell him about everything that happened in the canes with Indro and Ptachek. Choose absolutely any remarks – it does not matter. In the end, Liechtenstein will send you in search of Pan Rukhtard . After the conversation is completed, the following plot task “Via Argentum.”