in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 The Kutnoi tournament is a repeating side quest, within which you can participate in duel with various opponents in three disciplines at once. If you have difficulties with the capture and passage of this task, then study our leadership.
Passing the Kutnorsk Tournament quest at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
How to start a task
Before you can take up this mission, you will need to go through the previous part of the chain called “Ars Dimicatoria”, no matter who you helped – menhard or Mikulash, since later you can contact any of them to record the tournament.
So, go to the fencing room located in the southwestern part of Kutuna Gora, and find inside the building or in the courtyard of Menhard (Mikulasha) and talk to him. Then select the answer option: “About the Kutnoi tournament …”. You will learn that there are three disciplines: battles on long swords, free fights with your own equipment and duel on short swords with a shield.
You can only sign up for one discipline or at once for everything, but you will have to pay 100 pennies for participation in each of them. You can also find out from him when exactly the tournament will take place – it is held once a week. You can either go about your business, or wait for the start of a fight in a fencing fraternity, paying for shelter and food up to 100 pennies (the total amount depends on how many days left before the event).
Note: we recommend that you choose the expectation in the fencing hall, since the game can be amused and the quest will cease to be updated even after the day of the start of the tournament. If you still encounter such a bug, then skip the current tournament and sign up for the next. However, in this case, you will lose a little reputation.
go to the tournament
Having waited for the right day in the fencing hall or having come to the city at the appointed time, go to the surgery zone, located in the southwest of Kutna-Gora, right next to the wall. As soon as you go into the allocated area, a KAT scene with a performance of Friedusha will begin.
Burns tournament equipment and enter the red (yellow) angle
After the adviser’s speech is completed, you will automatically receive (and equip) from Bronnik Lefla your equipment for the first or only discipline, but for subsequent disciplines you will need to approach the blacksmith to change equipment again. You will find him near the recreation area.
Listen to Friedusha again and wait for the change in the quest task. Then drink elixirs if necessary and go into the corner that you were called. You can show off in front of the audience if you wish, getting a weapon. Wait until your opponent does not take the opposite angle, and attack it only after the text “Drink!” Appears on the screen.
note: if the opponent can not go to the arena, getting stuck in textures, then simply scroll for 1 hour ahead, after which the battle should begin automatically.
The weapons used and your opponents will differ depending on the chosen discipline, however, the rules will be the same as in “ARS Dimicatoria”, that is, in each category you will need to fight with three rivals and defeat each of them in two rounds.
However, if you can end up with two enemies in a row, then immediately win in your discipline, that is, you will not have to fight with the third rival. We add that if you are unwilling to watch the battles of other participants, you can simply scroll the time in advance.
take the award for the victory in the duel
Having won in one or at once in all the selected disciplines, go to the chests standing on the table near the foot of the main tribune, and open them. Inside you find money (the more often you participate in tournaments, the higher the amount will be, but for the first time for one discipline you will be given 200 pennies) and an element of equipment (usually this weapon).
we immediately note that you will not get any unique weapon here – Own weaped weapons or found in quests will still be better. But it can then be sold at a bargain price. Plus, it is here that you can get a funny jester costume .
Return the tournament equipment
by completing the tournament or ending the first discipline and preparing for the next, be sure to go to the A broncer Leflu and give it the previously received equipment, and then take a new equipment. We add that you can also give him half a grave of pennies and leave a given set for yourself, however, it is quite mediocre, so we do not advise buying it.
This is all the general information about the Kutniye Tournament task in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Once again, we will remind you can repeat it every week. Plus, you can take up the next mission of a line called “Symbol of Brotherhood.”