Last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win Radmila


in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 The last will is a side quest during which you will need to help the widow, taking part in a honest duel and defeating Radmil. If you have difficulties with obtaining and passing this task, then study our leadership.

The passage of the Last will quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to start the task

Before you take up this mission, you will need to go through the previous part of the chain called “ARS Dimicatoria”, and you need to help Menhard from Frankfurt. Most likely, it is also necessary to complete the task “Symbol of Brotherhood”. After that, return to the fencing hall, which is located in the southwestern part of Kutna-Gora.

The last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win radicla

Последняя воля в Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win Radmila

The last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win radicla

The last will in Kingdom Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come Come COME Deliverance 2: How to win Radmila

As usual, find the master in the courtyard of the fencing fraternity or in his office, located on the 2nd floor of the building. If you came here at night, then he will sleep in his bed in the bedroom on the same floor. Speak with him and choose the answer “Do you have work for me?”. You will learn from him about the widow who requires the services of a swordsman, capable of presenting her interests in a duel.

The last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win radicla

As a result, a red mark will appear on your map indicating the location of the widow. The right place is a little east of the fencing hall. Go through the stone arch, climb the second level on the stairs and enter the door on the left. Inside in the back room on the left side, find Hertha and talk with her – agree to help with her problem.

Talk to the opponent

You will need to talk with the future enemy. To do this, go to the city center and enter the shoemaker shop, over which the pointer will hang. Entering inside, find the farmer Radmila and chat with it. He will not want to retreat, but he will ask you to specially lose to him.

The last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to win radicla

For consent in deception, you can demand money from it by passing the test for the impression (difficult). In this case, you will receive only 175 pennies from it at the end of the mission (this is not to mention treatment costs), and the widow will give you the whole 250 pennies , so the choice is obvious. We add that you can invite him to take a loan, but he will refuse in any case.

Next, you will need to choose a fight weapon: a sword, a hunting cleaver, a saber or an ax. Of course, you should choose the option with which you are best managed. After that, return to Herth and tell her about everything. When she asks if you are ready for a duel, say yes, and you will automatically move to the right place.

The last will in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to win radicla

note: sometimes the dialogue can have fun, which is why the widow will constantly tell you, which is now too late for conversation. In this case, either scroll the time for 1 hour and try to chat with her again, or rewall the clock right away the next morning – then she will definitely speak with you.

Defeat Radmila in the duel

by moving to the right place, look at a small cost of scene, and then enter into a fight with Radmil. Note that it will be dressed in heavy armor, but not the best quality. In addition, a fighter from him is useless, so at this stage of the game you will have to overcome it without problems, especially when using skilled strokes.

having defeated Radmila, chat with him, and then listen to the judge. The result of the dispute will be resolved in favor of the widow, who as a reward will give you 250 pennies. Plus, you will improve your reputation. On this task will come to an end.

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