In Honkai: Star Rail, Like the Morning Dew is a companion mission that requires you to find Bailu, who has escaped from the guards of the Alchemy Commission, and help her bypass the patients. If you're having trouble getting and completing this quest, check out our guide.
Like the Morning Dew Companion Mission
How to Start the Quest
Access it opened on June 28, 2023 at 12:00 server time. Before you can take it on, you will need to meet a couple of conditions, namely:
- Achieve at least level 34 of Mastery.
- Complete the story mission titled “Twisted Horns and Tangled Roots” from the Star Raft Sky Voyage.
Having dealt with the indicated requirements, wait for a certain message to arrive on your phone. We advise you to move to another location or log out of your account and re-enter the game if you still have not received anything.
The quest will appear in the very near future…