In Honkai: Star Rail, Masquerade Waltz is a mission for Black Swan and Twilight's companions. As part of it, you will become a spectator of an unusual battle between the keeper of memories and the “klutz in a mask.” The conflict between them arose after Sparkle sent an unusual message to Black Swan. If you have difficulty obtaining and completing this quest, then study our guide.
Completing the companion mission “Waltz at the Masquerade”
How to start the task
Before Before you can take on this quest, you will have to meet a couple of important conditions, namely:
- Reach at least level 34 of Mastery.
- Complete the storyline a mission called “Long Day's Journey into Night”, set in Penaconia.
Having dealt with the above requirements, wait for a special message to arrive on your in-game smartphone from Black Swan. In this case, your character can be in any location. If nothing happens, then try teleporting to another area and/or logging out of your account, wait 20-30 minutes and re-enter the game.