Medei in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds


Media Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bolds

in Honkai: Star Rail Mede is a 5-star character who has an imaginary type of battle and belongs to the destruction path. In the detachment, he can play the role of the main Damagar, inflicting huge damage with an enhanced skill. In this guide you can learn about his best build, light cones and relics. We will also talk about the recommended teams with him.

The main features of the meter

how to get the midjes

of this hero can be got only during an event jump. In the near future, the corresponding banner will be launched as part of the second phase of Patch 3.1 (March 19). If you want one of the first to know about his next rewrte, then we advise you to add this article to the bookmarks.

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bilds

We add that Hoyooverse only once gave a 5-star event in honor of the victory in the nomination for the “best mobile game of the year” and once for passing various events, so it will be highly likely to unlock the last prince Kremin with the help of jumps.

Progressing of the characteristics of the meter

in the table below You can see how the basic parameters of the hero are changing as its level increases.


Note that its critical damage, the chance of critical hit and mockery is 50%, 5% and 125 units, respectively, at any level, and the supply of energy is 160 units. using the basic attack “vow of travel” the hero causes imaginary damage to the chosen enemy in size 25 ~ 65% of its maximum health. At the same time, it restores 20 units of energy and pierces 10 units of resistance.

Explanation: ordinary unremarkable blows that can cause relatively considerable damage thanks to the high basic HP hero. However, you will practically not use them, since your main goal is to accumulate a charge (see a description of talent) using the skill. Strong>The hero spends 50% of his current health and causes imaginary damage to the chosen enemy and neighboring goals of 45-112.5% ​​and 25-62.5% of his maximum HP, respectively. At the same time, it restores 30 units of energy and exhausts the resistance of the chosen enemy and neighboring goals for 20 and 10 units, respectively. In the case of a lack of health, the use of the skill will reduce the weaving scale of the life of the meter to 1.

After applying the enhanced skill “to kill the king to become the king” The hero spends 35% of his current health and causes imaginary damage to the chosen enemy and neighboring goals of 55-137.5% and 33-82.5% of his maximum HP, respectively. At the same time, it restores 30 units of energy and exhausts the resistance of the chosen enemy and neighboring goals for 20 and 10 units, respectively. In case of lack of health, the use of the skill will reduce the current life scale of the meter to 1. This ability is activated automatically.

After applying the super -hungry skill “Kill God to become God” The hero spends 150 charge points and causes imaginary damage to the chosen enemy and neighboring targets of 140-350% and 84-210% of his maximum HP, respectively. At the same time, it restores 10 units of energy and depletes the resistance of the chosen enemy and neighboring goals for 30 and 20 units, respectively. This ability is activated automatically. While it acts, the charge cannot accumulate.

Explanation: Standard skill It is required to accumulate a charge and transition to a special condition. To do this, the prince needs to lose 100% of his health. It must be remembered that the current HP is not equal to the maximum. For example, at the beginning of the battle, when Midea has a full scale of life, the ability will really take 50%from it, but next time it will take the remaining 50%, but only half of them, that is, 25%. He will always take only half of what the character has right now, and not from its maximum value.

If you want to take away 100%with two skills, you will just need to cure the hero. However, at the beginning of the battle, you can not bother with this, but simply use the equipment to immediately get 50 units of charge. In this case, after activating the skill, you will instantly go into an enhanced regime. We add that the skills of the skills do not spend skills.

After the transition to the “blood revenge”, the standard skill reinforced who spends slightly less current health and inflicts a little more damage. Their main difference is autonomy, that is, they themselves choose the goal and attack it without your participation. It is impossible to abandon the skill and carry out the basic attack.

this attack cannot be called the strongest, but it is still an important source of Damag Mide and allows you to gain additional charge. For this reason, supports are important to him that promote the action of the Allies, and he does not spend skills points.

Now we go to Supported skill , which inflicts several times more damage than a conventional skill and does not spend health, but consumes a charge (more in the description of talent). That is, the main essence of the gameplay is already beginning to emerge – as soon as possible you lose HP to quickly activate the super -lover, which is the main source of Damag Mide.

>This attack is also carried out automatically, but, fortunately, the goal is always the strongest opponent or the enemy by which you previously hit Ulta., he receives 20 charge points and restores 15-22.5% of his health after the attack. The hero inflicts imaginary injuries in the amount of 96-192% of his maximum HP, respectively, to the chosen enemy and neighboring goals. Plus, he imposes a mockery of attacked enemies in two moves. The next application of the skill “kill God to become God” first attacks the chosen goal. This effect works only in relation to the new goal.

Explanation: Ulta causes very significant damage and forces the affected opponents to attack the Mide, which accelerates the accumulation of the charge for the subsequent activation of the over -sided skill and the receipt of additional energy for the re -use of ultimate. We add that “to kill God to become God” will aim to those enemies that you have chosen as goals when applying superpowers.

the most important ability of the crown prince is the talent “blood for blood” , since it is on its base that all its gameplay is built. So, for every 1% health spent, he receives 1 charge point (maximum 200 points). When the value reaches 100 points, they are immediately spent to go to the “bloody revenge”, the recovery of the health of the meter by 15-30% of the maximum HP value and its action is 100%. >

In the “bloody” state, the maximum life scale of the hero’s life increases by 50% of its current maximum health value, and the protection will fall to 0. At the beginning of his course, the character automatically applies “to kill the king to become the king”. When the charge gains 150 points, being in this mode, Midey immediately receives 1 additional. The move makes the attack “to kill God to become God.” . 

Explanation: at the 10th level of talent after the transition to an increased state, it restores 25% of health, and its maximum life scale increases by about 1.5 times, which allows you to reach an indicator of 11-12 thousand units without problems. Protection falls up to 0 so that it does not interfere with continuing to accumulate the glasses of the charge.

At the same time, the character control, in fact, passes AI, since he himself activates the enhanced skill and chooses the goals (usually the strongest enemy on the field), that is, you can only maintain it with support and healers so that he does not “measure” it. However, death for him is only a return (if the trace effect has ended) to the usual mode with 50% of health, after which you need to accumulate 100 charge points again as soon as possible.

in condition Blood worth ”must continue to accumulate the charge so that when receiving 150 points and above, Miday used the super -related skill, and this occurs in its additional move, which should not be confused with 100% promotion, that is, it does not change the order of moves and does not reduce the duration of the effects.

cannot also not mention the technique of “Cage of complete defeat” , the use of which allows you to attract opponents into a certain zone and put on them the effect of stunning for 10 seconds, because of which they will not attack your detachment. If you independently attack the stunned enemies, then when joining the battle, they are defined to imagine in the amount of 80% of the maximum health of the Mide and a mockery of 1 move is imposed on them. Plus, 50 charge points are immediately given.

Mide's traces

In addition to the above abilities in the Hero Tree in the Tree also includes other amplifiers that give passive bonuses or permanent increase to characteristics. This is mainly about increasing maximum health, critical damage and speed. You can get acquainted with them all in the picture below.

Next, we will briefly consider the special traces with our own mechanics:

  • Water and Earth – in the case of a mortal wound in a state of “blood feud”, Mede will not come out of it. This effect can work no more than three times per battle. Thus, when your health drops up to 1, Midey will again restore 50% of the life scale, and so 3 times. But even if you are wounded for the 4th time, then you will just just go to the usual state, and you will have a chance to score 100 points of charge again.
  • The thirst for Tiranov – being in a state of “Wendett” the hero becomes invulnerable to the effects of control. A logical trace, given that it attacks automatically in an enhanced mode. A very useful thing when battle with some bosses.
  • The bloodied chiton – if the maximum health of the meter at the beginning of the battle exceeds 4,000 units, then for each additional 100 units its critical chance increases by 1.2%, the effectiveness of the charge from opponents is 2.5% and incoming healing by 0.75% . The maximum can be taken into account no more than 4000 additional HP. That is, with 8,000 points of life, he will be able to get +48% of the critical chance of hitting, +100% of the accumulation of charge from enemy strikes and +30% to the treatment of allies. It is because of this trace that the majority of relics are recommended to take on HP.

Aidolons of the Mide

The materials of the same name are required when the hero duplicates fall out, which, of course, It is random. And if you take into account the rarity of the drop of 5-star characters, then be prepared to spend a lot of money and time on this. Fortunately, even without Aidolons, Miday can easily play the role of the main damager in the team.

The table below presents all the Aidolons and their benefits for the character:

Power of the attack Protection hp speed < /Th>
1 58 26 211 95
20 113 51 412 95
40 217 99 792 95
60 322 147 1172 95
80 426 194 1552 95

< TD>Already at the beginning of the battle, Midey immediately goes into a “blood feud” state, and the requirements for the charge to use the skill “kill God to become God” are reduced to 100 points.

If you plan to knock out the Aidolons and you have a limited budget, then you may well Stop at E1 and E2 . They will make the meter more useful in modes where you need to fight with a large number of enemies, increase the damage they do and accelerate the accumulation of the charge. If you have a choice between the first Aidolon and the signature, then we advise you to knock out weapons, since it will bring more benefit.

how to play for the Mide

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

at first glance it may seem that the mechanics of the meter were too muddy, but in fact everything is quite simple – you only need to gain 100 points of charge as quickly as possible to Hurry to the “bloody revenge” as soon as possible. This scale can be accumulated in the following ways:

  • Activation of equipment before the battle gives 50 points.
  • The use of superpowers gives 20 points. For example, Jinl).
  • spending your own health through the skill (1 point per 1% maximum HP) or enemy attacks (2 points for the lost 1% maximum HP at 8000 Lake Hero).

The main method is precisely the last, that is, you will need to constantly spend and restore the health of the meter, activating its skill and substituting it under the blows of enemies. In this case, the scale of his life at a high level should be maintained in order to accumulate more than the charge points when using the skill, as it takes away from the current HP indicator, and not the maximum. For this reason, a good healer (ideally Loche), not a thyroid gland, must be present in the detachment with him.

MEDED in the HONKAI Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

After the transition to an enhanced regime, you should even more carefully be observed by surveillance of his health, because although the life scale will increase by one and a half times, however, protection will fall to 0. In addition, the skill of “kill the king to become a king”, which will be applied automatically and non -alternatively , will continue to spend the HP HP. You will now need to quickly score 150 charge points in order to carry out an overly shifted attack “to kill God to become God” in your additional move and inflict giant damage to enemies.

It is extremely desirable to maintain the status of “blood feud” throughout the battle. However, even if Midey receives deadly damage, he will not get out of this regime – for the entire battle you will have 3 such chances. If he is mortally wounded for the 4th time, then he will not die again, but only goes into a normal state (now if he is killed in it, then this is finally), and you will need to quickly introduce him into an enhanced regime.

Media in the Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

In general, the optimal rotation for the meter will look as follows:

  1. be sure to try to activate the Mide technique before the battle, to immediately get 50 units of charge, which will simplify the transition to an enhanced state.
  2. < Li>When the move crosses the meter, use his skill, as it does not spend skills. You will spend half of the hero’s health, but get 50 charge points. If you previously activated the technique, then now you will go to “bloody feed”. Otherwise, continue to use a skill, treat and substitute the character under the blows until you give it the appropriate status.

  3. in the “blood feud” mode, Mede will automatically attack enemies with an enhanced skill, so you can only support it with support and treat. When he will gain 150 units of charge, he will automatically make an over -legged attack “to kill God to become God”, causing giant damage to opponents.
  4. Your further task is to maintain the reinforced state of the hero until the end of the battle. Ultu apply by readiness, as it not only inflicts damage and accumulates the charge, but also treats Mide. Huge damage with reinforced attacks, both single enemies and opponent groups. Its pluses can also be attributed:

    • A universal damage from the destruction path, designed to destroy as strong single bosses, still large enemy groups, so it can be used for different game modes, ranging from the “oblivion hall” and ending with “pure fiction”.
    • has an unusual by gameplay, which involves the waste of its own health for the accumulation of the charge necessary for the transition to the enhanced regime, He walks automatically, which may interest the veterans of the game, which are bored with standard game mechanics. 
    • It is capable of performing the function not only of Damager, but also of the tank, distracting the attention of enemies with the help of mockery. At the same time, he can independently heal himself with the help of superpowers.
    • his build is relatively easy to build, since it is enough to increase only one characteristic – health. The damage on his attacks depends on this parameter. Plus, its increase allows you to increase Crete. A chance, and critical damage increases traces.
    • Allows saving skills points, since the hero simply does not spend them when using skills. True, he does not make them, since you almost never use basic attacks with it.

    Media in the Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

    however, it was not without minuses, some of which follow directly from its pluses:

    • He inflicts less damage on a single goal than the Damagers of hunting and at the same time is not able to beat all enemies at the same time as the characters of the erudition, so in some situations “neither fish nor meat” will be read. The last problem is partially corrected by only the 1st Aidolon.
    • extremely needs supports that can advance its action forward for a faster health and accumulation of charge glasses (preferably the presence of paid Sundays and Sparkles). Otherwise, you will have to invest in the speed of the hero.
    • It needs good healers even more, which is probably not suitable for players who swing only the thyroid glands. Without regular and significant treatment for one goal, Midey will not be able to maintain his increased condition for a long time.
    • He does not go well with the characters that apply frost, conclusion or other types of long -term stunning, because in this case the enemies will not be able to attack it, What will reduce the influx of charge glasses. Not everyone’s soul is

    The best builds for the Mide

    The best light cones

    When choosing a weapon, you should pay attention to those options that increase health, critical damage (or criticism) and the probability of being attacked, and also enhance the skill. The table below presents the most interesting options.

name Description
Frost tempers the steel ridge increases the fact of the attack “kill God to become God” by the main goal by 30%, and its damage It is considered imaginary and applied to neighboring opponents with the same factor as the chosen enemy.Thus, the over -shifted skill will apply the equally high damage to all enemies, which greatly increases the effectiveness of the hero in “pure fiction” or “illusion of the end”. behind the cries of the deadIn the state of “blood feud”, the damage inflicted by the meter ignores 15% of the enemy’s protection. Upon receipt of treatment, 40% of the restored HP will be converted into the charge depending on the maximum health of the hero (up to 40 points). The reset of the sum of this charge occurs after the action of any creature. an excellent Aidolon, which will directly increase the character’s damage and allow it to activate the super -related skill faster. “> The honor brings the festival of faith the level of skill increases by two, and The basic attack is one.  The maximum level of the first increases to the 15th, and the second-to the 10th. gives average benefit. Awakens a silent lionUnder the action of the status of “blood revenge”, the critical damage of the meter increases by 30%, and enemy attacks restore 10% of its maximum health. >
the war carries out the flesh of the flame The level of ultraship and talent increases by two. The maximum levela in both increases to the 15th. gives average benefit.
the legacy climbs onto the bloody mountains You can immediately activate the enhanced regime and There is almost the entire battle in it, applying a third more than over -legged attacks. Excellent eidolon, but again, you should not be spent on it.

characteristics << Th Scope = "Col"> ability

TD Class = “Center”>

Media in the Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

far from the fire (4 stars)

The best relics

As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in corrosion caves, the table below shows the most optimal options.

The name

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

blood fire, ignition my path (5 stars)

HP: 62-1376

Power of the attack: 21-476

Protection: 18-396

Increases maximum health by 18-30%, and incoming healing-by 20-40%. In the case of using the skill or ult, it consumes HP in the amount of 6-8% of the maximum value and increases the damage caused by this attack by 30-50%. If the consumed health is higher than 500 units, then the damage increases by 50%additionally. If the current HP is not enough, then the scale of life drops to 1.

the signatural signature for the metering, which greatly simplifies the achievement of 8,000 health units, and slightly accelerates the accumulation of the charge. Plus, the skill will apply even more damage. To obtain the maximum bonus, you should dial 8333 HP units, which is easy to achieve in an enhanced state. If you choose between the E1 and the signature cone, then take the latter.

MEDAI in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

inaccessible side (5 stars)

hp: 57 ~ 1270

Power of the attack: 26 ~ 582

Protection: 15 ~ 330

Increases the chance of applying Crete. Blow and health by 18-30%. Upon receipt of an attack or a decrease in health, the hero’s damage increases by 24-40%. Buff disappears after using the attack.

gives a critical chance the necessary matter (it will be possible to invest in relics only in Crete. Damage) and increases its health, and, therefore, damage from attacks. He will be able to activate the passive with a skill activation without any problems.

MEDE in the Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

From now on, I myself will be a sword (5 stars)

hp: 53 ~ 1164

the force of attack: 26 ~ 582

Protection: 18 ~ 397

increases critical damage by 20-32%. Gives 1 stack of lunar eclipse when an ally is attacking or his health is reduced. Each level increases damage from the next blow by 14-24%. You can dial the maximum 3 glasses. At the last level, the next attack ignores 12-20% of the enemy’s defense. Buff is removed after the attack.

Increases critical damage, thereby simplifying the balancing of the stats, and increases the damage of Mide. The passive will be activated without problems due to the constant reduction of the hero’s health and obtaining enemy attacks.

Media in the Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

Ninja recording: musical hunt (4 stars)

HP: 48-1058

Power of the attack: 21-476

Protection: 12-264

increases the maximum health of the media by 12 -24%. When the owner restores or loses HP, his critical damage increases by 18-36% by two moves. This bonus can occur only 1 time per move.

One of the few cones of destruction that improve health. In addition, the matter of critical damage will be more useful than Crete. The chance that it will simplify their balancing. The only minus of this weapon is that it could only be obtained during the event. So it remains to wait for his appearance in the Gertha store.

MEIDE in HONKAI Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bilds

The Secret Oath (4 stars)

hp: 1058

ATK: 476

Zash: 264

Increases damage by 20-40% and inflicts an additional 20-40% of damage to the selected enemies with a higher percentage of health than that of the carrier.

Significantly increases the total damage of the hero, but with the second part of the passive, everything is much more complicated. Ideally, on the contrary, you need to maintain maximum health in the midi, which will often exceed 8,000 units, so the bonus, of course, will not work. But in battles, everything often goes wrong as we planned, so if it is impossible to maintain the hero’s scale at the maximum, you can well hold the activated passive.

hp: 1058

atk : 476

Zash: 264

When the health lost in one attack exceeds 25% of its maximum HP or when the points of life absorbed by it exceed 25% of its max. NR, the owner immediately restores 15% of his health, while the damage he applied to 25% by 2 moves. This effect can work only once in 3 strokes.

easily activates the passive with its skill, which will restore the lost health and strengthen its attack. However, its main advantage is free, as you can buy it in the “passage of light cones” and get 5 impositions.

name Advantages


Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

a scientist lost in knowledge

2 parts: increase a critical chance hits by 8%.

4 parts: increase the damage from the skill and ulters by 20%. After the use of superpowers, the damage of the following skill increases by 25%.

simplifies the balancing of the Crete and increases the damage of the skill, which is the main source of Damag Mide. In general, at this time, this set is optimal for the hero.

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bilds

long -lived student

2 subjects: raises the maximum health level by 12%

4 subjects: The chance of critical hit is increased by 8% within 2 moves, provided that the equipment was attacked, or in the case when the detachment member spends the health of the set owner. The bonus develops no more than 2 times (up to 16 percent of growth to Crete. Chance). We took the sphere on the bonus of imaginary damage, and not on HP).

Now we move on to planar jewelry, which are mined in a virtual universe. The list below indicates the recommended options (numbers show the priority of choice):

Planning Decoration Bonuses Reasons for the Selection

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

1) star arena

2 parts: Increase Crete. A chance by 8%. If Crete. The owner of the owner is not less than 70%, the damage from its basic attack and skill increases by 20%. The first place is given conditionally, since in fact this kit is equal to the silent country of bones in efficiency. Much depends on your current situation. In general, it helps to balance the crites and strengthen the skill. It will be relatively easy to gain 70%, given the bonus from health.

MEIDE in HONKAI Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

2) The silent country of bones

2 parts: increase health by 12%. If the owner of the owner of the owner is equal or higher than 5000 units, then the critical damage of the carrier and his memory of memory increases by 28%. A good alternative to the previous kit if you have a lack of health. Simplifies the balancing of Crete, as Crete. шанс вы и так наберете из HP. 

As for the characteristics of relics , then you need to choose as follows:

  • Body: critical damage or hp%
  • legs: hp% or speed
  • planar sphere: imaginary damage bonus or hp%
  • connecting rope: hp%
  • Additional characteristics: Crete's chance = critical damage & gt; speed (up to 135 units, if the team is present on Sunday) & GT; HP%

If we talk about preferred values ​​of the hero’s parameters , then they should look as follows:

  • Health: 8000+ units
  • The chance of a critical hit: 100% in battle (that is, taking into account the trace and buffs from support)
  • Critical damage: 250% in battle
  • < LI> Speed: Basic or 135 units (with Sunday)

First of all, consider health. With one rope at HP%, it will definitely not reach 8,000 units, so you should decide in advance what you are ready to sacrifice – boots, a sphere and/or a jacket. We recommend choosing a sphere, since HP% will also increase the total damage to the meter. If this is not enough, then the next boots go, as the desired speed with proper luck will be possible to pick up in the sub-steaders. The indicator, that is, the meter should have 135 units, and the support of 134 units. If you manage to gain more than 160 units from Sunday, then you can not increase this parameter at all.As we have noted above, it is extremely desirable to have a matter of Mide in a team of supports that can advance its action forward so that he can more often spend his health and gain charge glasses. It is best combined with Sunday, which gives a lot of other useful buffs that last a long period of time.

As an alternative, we recommend taking a sparking, since the bonus from her ability will apply to the super -related Mide's attack, plus, she will supply the detachment with a large number of skills points. A good option is also armor. If it is not there, then take the pioneer (memory), although it is best suited to the slot of the second support for issuing true damage.

You can also take a tribbi for the role of the second support, which will increase the overall damage of the meter and will be herself Damage enemies. Instead, you can add to the Debuffer team, for example, Piel or Jiaceu.

Further, the meter requires a healer, and capable of treating a lot and often. The best option will be a loud with its attending area. Then Gallagher goes, because with the help of advancement after ultimate, he can activate a “equal exchange” passive at the right time. In their absence, you can take a lensh (also often treats) or coole (gives energy). If these heroines are not there, then take a free lynx that can increase maximum health. The optimal commands are shown in the table below.


Main-DD Sab-DD/Support Support

MEDED in the HONKAI Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds


Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds

pioneer (memory)

Media in Honkai Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

Asta (sang)

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bilds

Gallagher (lynx)

Media in Honkai in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds


Media Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bolds


Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds


Media Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bolds


Media in Honkai Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds


Media Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bolds


Media in Honkai Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

pioneer (memory)

Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for Best Bilds

Galllahr (Linsha, Khho)

Media in Honkai Honkai Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds


Media in Honkai Star Rail: Hyda for the best builds


MEDEI in HONKAI Star Rail: Hyde for the best builds

Jiaceu (sang)

Linsha (lynx, gallagher, loud)

Mide pumping

How to increase the ability (what to download first)

The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantity necessary for maximum pumping of the basic attack, skill, super -resistance and talent.

  • Borisintsev’s teeth, lupotoxic fangs and lunar brutality fangs are mined from the crimson cups in the scaly gorge or with the help of synthesis.
  • The flesh crushed by fear, a chest torn by courage and the body tested by the glory is mined from the offspring of titanium in an amphoraus, instructions and enemies in a virtual universe or with the help of synthesis. They can also be purchased for unquenchable ash in the store P-Pop.
  • The feathers of the soul – are mined during the battle with the Faisyo Boss in the Ech of the War “The Field of the Battle of the Inner Beast”, located on the “Breeder of Heaven”.
  • Prints of fate – are extracted in the virtual universe, issued by combat passage and bought for an unquenchable ash in store pom. Sometimes they are a reward in temporary events.

As for the priority of pumping abilities , then we advise the first thing, of course, to increase its skill, which is the main source of Damag Mide. Then pump ulta and talent. You can not improve basic attacks at all.

How to exalt the character

at certain levels you will need to exalt the hero by spending a large number of resources and loans: