Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Guide to the Best Build

In Genshin Impact, Yumemizuki Mizuki is a 5-star character who belongs to the Anemo element and uses a catalyst in battles. In a squad, she can play the role of a driver with the ability to heal allies. In this guide you will be able to learn about her best build, weapons and artifacts, as well as the teams recommended with her.

Note: Bath Shareholder Aisa has not yet been officially released, so the information provided here is based on information obtained during beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.

Mizuki's Main Features

How to Get Mizuki

In the first phase of update 5.4, this representative of the Baku people will appear in the banner, which will increase the chance of her dropping. In the future, this character can be obtained using standard spins or the Prayer of the Chronicles. Plus, you'll be able to get it completely free in the fall of 2025, when they give away standard legendary heroes in honor of the project's birthday.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best build

Mizuki stats progression

The table below shows how the character's basic stats change as they level up.

< td class="center">340

< td class="center">11236

LevelBase HPBase AttackBase DefenseElemental Mastery Bonus


8262140< /td>49157.6

The standard critical damage and critical hit chance are 50% and 5% respectively.

Mizuki's Abilities

When performing a normal attack “Pure Heart, Pure Dreams”The heroine performs up to 3 Anemo fan strikes, and when charged, she spends a small amount of stamina to cast a short spell that deals Anemo damage to an area. When performing a strike while falling, she quickly rushes to the ground, hitting all enemies in her path, and after landing, deals Anemo damage to an area.

Explanation: The attacks are performed relatively slowly, so you won't be able to get much benefit from the buffs of Xing Qiu and Ye Lan. The shots have a good range, and their damage is slightly higher than Sucrose's, but this is still not enough to use them effectively.

After using the elemental skill “Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage”, the heroine activates the “Dream Floating” mode, thanks to which she can float above the ground, and deals Anemo damage to nearby enemies in an area once.

This state is characterized as follows:

  • Mizuki constantly flies forward, periodically dealing area-of-effect Anemo damage to nearby mobs.
  • You can choose the direction of flight, and the range to collect Yumemi-Style Snacks increases.
  • The damage of the Dispersion reaction that allies activate increases proportionally to the heroine's elemental mastery.
  • Dreamfly ends when Yumemizuki leaves the battlefield or when the skill is used again.

Explanation: Mizuki's primary combat mode, where she will hover above the ground non-stop (she can't get very high, but she can direct her movement), automatically dealing minor Anemo damage every 0.75 seconds to all enemies within 4 meters of her. Normal and charged attacks cannot be used in this state. Interruption resistance is slightly increased.

Thus, after activating the E-shka, you just need to hover near the opponents. The application will work once for two hits, that is, Dispersion will cover only half of the hits on the same mob. But the damage from this reaction at the 10th level of the skill will increase by 0.45% for 1 unit of elemental mastery, that is, at 900-1000 MS (it is quite possible to get such a value) the bonus will already be 405-450%, which is quite a lot.

Let's add that “Dream Floating” immediately ends when Mizuki leaves the battlefield, so it will not be possible to assemble a revolver squad (when the heroes quickly enter the field only to use the ult, for example).

Burst of Elements “Therapy of the Secret Sources of Anraku” allows the heroine to create a whirlwind that sucks in nearby objects and enemies, inflicts Anemo damage in the area and summons a mini-baku. The latter moves behind the active character and periodically creates 1 Yumemi-style Snack nearby.

If the snack is picked up by an active character with health above 70%, it will explode, releasing a Munen Wave that will deal area-of-effect Anemo damage to nearby enemies. Otherwise, the ally who picked it up will restore their HP proportional to Mizuki's MC. If Mizuki herself picks up the snack and activates healing, the amount of healing will increase by 100%. If the snack is not picked up within a certain time, it will explode.

Explanation: The whirlwind pulls in enemies in a similar way to Sucrose. Every 1.5 seconds, a greenish cloud with a picture of food will appear, which must be picked up to heal the active character or inflict pocket Anemo damage (the radius is the same as E). In the second case, the application is triggered every 2.5 seconds, so you won't be able to close many Dispersions.

Periodic healing will be useful for any active character, but it is still intended specifically for Mizuki, since she will receive double healing, and in the state of “Floating in Dreams” will be able to pick up snacks from a greater distance.

It is also impossible not to mention the extremely useful passive talents of the bathhouse owner. The first of them is called “Restless Voice of the Bright Moon”. When triggering the Disperse reaction and while in Dreamfloat, Mizuki increases the duration of the state by 2.5 seconds. This bonus can occur once every 0.3 seconds and up to twice during a single state.

Explanation: Allows you to extend the duration of E to 10 seconds when closing Dispersion, so the team must have Pyro, Electro, Cryo and/or Hydro characters. However, this is the standard composition for the heroine even without taking this passive into account.

The second – On the mind during the day, in dreams at night – increases Mizuki's elemental mastery by 100 units for 4 seconds when she is in the “Dream Floating” state, and Electro, Pyro, Hydro or Cryo attacks of other team members hit enemies.

Explanation: The bonus is small but pleasant, because it will increase not only the damage of Dispersion, but also the heroine's healing abilities. The main thing is not to forget to take characters of the specified elements.

As for the third passive “All ailments eradicated”, if Mizuki is on the team, dishes with restorative (except resurrection) characteristics can restore 30% more health. The chance of the passive triggering depends on the friendship level with the corresponding character (for the Traveler, this effect is always active). In general, it will allow you to save healing dishes.

Mizuki Constellations

To open them, you need to accumulate the character's Luck, which is given when duplicates of the heroine fall out, which, of course, is random. Given the small chance of getting 5-star fighters, you will need to spend a lot of time and money to unlock all the constellations. However, even without them, Mizuki copes well with her role as an Anemo Driver.

The table below provides a list of all the constellations with their descriptions and benefits for the character.

In the Misty WatersWhile in Dream Floating, Mizuki applies Twenty-Three Nights of Waiting to nearby enemies every 3.5 seconds for 3 seconds. The effect is reset when an enemy with it takes Anemo damage that triggers Dispel, and the damage of this reaction is increased by 900% of the bathhouse mistress's Elemental Mastery.Provides direct damage for Dispel, but relatively small. Let's say Mizuki has 900 MS and fights 4 enemies. In 10 seconds, she will be able to activate the effect 3 times. As a result, she will only deal an additional 97,200 damage per rotation (8100 * 3 * 4), and this does not take into account the resistances of mobs.
A dream will reveal your silhouette …When activating “Dream Soaring”, each point of the heroine's MS gives a 0.04% bonus to Electro, Pyro, Cryo and Hydro damage to all other team members until the state ends.At 900-1000 MS the bonus will be 36-40%, which is quite good. In addition, to get it you will just need to activate E-shka. The best Constellation for Mizuki.
With the dawn the night leftThe skill level increases by three. Maximum level: 15th. Slightly strengthens the shield, which does not make a big difference.Brings average benefit.
Flowers by the waterWhen you pick up a snack, damage is dealt, healing is received, and 5 energy is restored for Mizuki. You can regenerate energy in this way no more than 4 times during the duration of one ult.Increases the number of Dispersions, maintains the survivability of the active hero (easier to play with Furina), and closes the issue of lack of energy during boss battles. A surprisingly good Constellation.
Under the Fading MoonThe ult level increases by three. Maximum level: 15.     Slightly increases damage from an elemental explosion.Provides average utility.
HeartachesThe damage of Dispersion activated by team members can be critical when Mizuki is in Dreamwalker mode. The critical hit chance is 30%, and the critical damage is 100%.In short, 30% of reactions will deal double damage. The resulting increase in total damage per rotation will be relatively small, so C6 looks weak.

If you decide to try your luck, we recommend that you stop at C1 and C2, which will provide additional flat damage and an extremely useful buff for all allies, which will increase the overall DPS of the squad. We will add that if you have a choice between the first Constellation and a signature weapon, we advise you to choose the second option, as it will bring more benefits.

However, if you, despite our warnings, still decide to spin Mizuki and you have the opportunity to knock out C2, then it is better to postpone attempts to get her signature and spend all your efforts on Constellations. In addition, there are good alternatives for the bathhouse attendant in terms of weapons.

How to play as Mizuki

First, let's remember what an Anemo Driver is – this is an Anemo character with Emerald Shadow, who spends most of the time on the battlefield, but the main damage is caused by sub-DD from the pocket like Ye Lan or Bei Dou and chain reactions that occur as a result of Dispersion. The advantage of such units is the ability to inflict a large amount of damage to a crowd of mobs, and the disadvantage is low damage to one target, so you can't fight bosses, and the need to constantly poke the attack button.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

So, Mizuki is a classic Anemo Driver, except that you no longer need to mercilessly click on the LMB or phone screen – just press the skill button, and then hover next to enemies, automatically performing Anemo attacks on them. However, this gameplay deprived the heroine of normal and charged attacks, which is why Xing Qiu and Ye Lan became practically useless to her, and it was they who allowed her to at least slightly increase damage to single targets.

As a result, the only option left is to play through chain reactions from Dispersion, but even here there may be problems. The thing is that Sukharoz can buff the team already at C0, and our bath attendant does this only at C2. Of course, Mizuki can do more damage than our bespectacled friend if you take Furina into her squad, for example, but does it make sense when you can assemble a much more powerful team from many other event and even standard characters.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

If Mizuki is in your standard banner and you don't have any other 5-star heroes, she can be used in the first half of the game or in story quests. Her optimal rotation would be as follows:

  1. First of all, activate all the abilities of sub-DDs and supports that act from the pocket to apply elemental statuses to enemies that can cause the Dispersion reaction.
  2. Switch to Mizuki and activate her ability to enter the Dream Float state. Float near enemies, automatically attacking them with Anemo projectiles, as well as causing Dispersion, which will deal increased damage, and chain reactions.
  3. Once the ultimate is ready, we recommend using it in combination with E to increase Mizuki's healing or close additional Dispersion reactions.

However, if you really want to use Mizuki because of her design, then you can give her the role of a healer/support with Emerald Shadow, who will use her ult to heal the active character and reduce enemy resistance. However, in this case, most of the abilities of the bathhouse attendant will simply not be used.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mizuki

Using her unique abilities, this heroine can inflict massive damage to large groups of enemies. Her advantages also include:

  • Has the simplest gameplay, so it is suitable for beginners – you only need to activate the E-key and the heroine will automatically attack all enemies within a certain radius. No more need to constantly poke the attack button, as is the case with other Anemo drivers.
  • Able to independently heal herself or the active character with the help of an explosion of elements, reducing the need to add a healer/shielder to the squad. This also allows her to combine perfectly with Furina.
  • With Emerald Shadow, she can reduce enemy elemental resistance, and when C2 is unlocked, she can also increase her Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro damage bonus, making her a good buffer.
  • Relatively easy to build, as she only needs to increase one stat – Elemental Mastery, which also grows with her Ascension and can be increased by the passive talent “On My Mind During the Day, in My Dreams at Night.”
  • Elemental Skill allows her to hover above the ground, allowing her to quickly overcome small water obstacles and crevices.
  • Thanks to the passive, she saves healing dishes.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

However, Mizuki turned out to be far from an ideal character, as she has many disadvantages:

  • The inability to use normal and charged attacks after activating E-shka makes pocket damage dealers like Xing Qiu and Ye Lan useless for her, who are often used together with Anemo Drivers to increase damage to single targets.
  • It is only good for destroying large groups of enemies due to the inability to inflict large damage to single targets.
  • Does not give any buffs to the team (except for Emerald Shadow) at C0, which makes it less useful for the squad even in comparison with Sucrose.
  • The gameplay is extremely boring, so many may get bored after a couple of hours of play.
    In terms of healing, it is inferior to full-fledged healers, who can, for example, instantly heal the entire squad.

The best build for Mizuki

The best weapon

When choosing a catalyst, priority should be given to those copies that increase elemental mastery and energy recovery, as well as provide additional buffs to allies. The table below shows the most interesting options.

Name and rarityCharacteristics (level 1-90)Passive ability

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Guide to the best build

Sunny Morning Dream (5 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 58-265

Base Attack: 44~542

Increases MS by 120-240 units for 6 seconds after activating Dispersion. After hitting an enemy with an elemental skill, increases MS by 96-192 units for 9 seconds, and after hitting an enemy with an ult, by 32-64 units for 30 seconds.    

A signature weapon for Miyabi that perfectly adapts to her rotation and gives her a huge amount of elemental mastery (513 units) if you activate the ultimate and skill. However, if you still decide to spin the heroine, we advise you to try to knock out C2 instead of a signature weapon.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Dreams of a Thousand Nights (5 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 58~265  

Base Attack: 44~542

Increases the character's Elemental Mastery by 32 if there are fighters of the same element in the squad, or increases their elemental damage by 10% if the elements of other team members do not match. In addition, all party members (except those equipped with this weapon) have their MS increased by 40.

An excellent alternative that gives slightly less MS, but increases Mizuki's personal damage, and gives buffs to the entire team, increasing the damage of pocket damage dealers. If you have this catalyst, you can skip the signature (of course, if it is unattended, and not on Nahid).

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Wandering Star (4 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 36~165  

Base Attack: 42~510

Every ten seconds, the character gains 24%~48% of their Elemental Mastery in Attack Power, even if they are not on the battlefield. The effect lasts for 12 seconds, and nearby party members receive 30% of the bonus. The effect stacks when other party members have this weapon.

It can be considered a half-powered version of the above catalyst, as it also increases MC and gives a buff to the damage dealer, but it does all of this about twice as badly. However, among 4-star options, it is undoubtedly the best choice, especially at the 5th stack.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Ceremonial Memoirs (4 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 48~221  

Base Attack: 41~454

When dealing damage with an elemental skill, there is a 40~80% chance to instantly restore its cooldown. The effect occurs every 30-16 seconds.

Allows you to get a considerable amount of MS (for a 4-star weapon) and reuse E-shka, and, therefore, almost constantly be in the state of “Floating in Dreams” (however, even with the 5th awakening this will not always work).

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Sea Atlas (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 24~110  

Base Attack: 42~510

Increases elemental damage by 8%~16% for 10 seconds after triggering an elemental reaction. The bonus stacks up to two times.

It can be crafted, which already makes it stand out from other options. Unfortunately, it gives relatively little MS, but slightly increases the damage of Dispel.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best build

Codex Favonius (4 Stars)

Energy Recovery: 10~45.9%  

Base Attack: 42~510

When dealing critical hits, there is a 60~100% chance of generating elemental particles that restore 6 energy. The effect occurs once every 12~6 seconds.

A great option if your team is experiencing a lack of energy. Plus, it completely eliminates the energy deficit for Mizuki herself, allowing her to activate her ult every rotation. But you will definitely have to take the crown (hat) for critical hit chance.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Epic of Dragon Slayers (3 stars)

HP: 7.7~35.2%  

Base attack: 39~401

When changing a hero, increases the active character's attack power by 24-48% for 10 seconds. The bonus occurs once every 20 seconds.

At 5th awakening, as usual, it is a great buffing catalyst, capable of increasing the active character's damage quite well. However, it does not bring any other benefit, since it does not provide any elemental mastery or energy recovery. In addition, its buff will be useless for damage dealers whose multipliers depend on HP (this applies to some Hydro characters). Mizuki should only be given this if she is used as a support/healer.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Fruit of Replenishment (4 Stars)

Energy Regen: 10%~45.9%

Base Attack: 42~510

When Elemental Reactions are triggered, Elemental Mastery increases by 24~36 units and Attack Power decreases by 5%. The bonus occurs once every 0.3 seconds and stacks up to five times. Every 6 seconds, one level of the effect will disappear if Elemental Reactions are not triggered.

Mizuki will need the energy recovery to guarantee the use of the ult every rotation and the Elemental Mastery granted by the passive (up to 180 units). In addition, this weapon can be obtained for free by crafting it.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Magic Guide (4 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 41~187  

Base Attack: 38~354

Increases damage by 12%~24% when fighting enemies affected by Electro or Hydro elements.

Simply gives the heroine MS. The passive will work quite often, because Hydro and Electro characters are welcome guests in packs with Mizuki.

Best Artifacts

As in the case of catalysts, we recommend taking artifacts that can increase elemental mastery and energy recovery, as well as give additional buffs to allies. The table below shows the best options.


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best build

Emerald Shadow

2 pieces: Gives 15% bonus Anemo damage.

4 pieces: Increases Dispersion damage by 60%. When Dispersion interacts with another element, it reduces the enemy's resistance to the corresponding element by 40% for 10 sec.

As usual, the best option for both Anemo driver and support, because 40% resistance cut is not lying around on the road.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Gilded Dreams

2 parts: increases elemental mastery by 80 units.

4 pieces: Increases attack power by 14% for each unit in the squad with the same God's Eye, and elemental mastery by 50 for each unit with a different element. The effect occurs every 8 seconds and occurs even if the wearer is not on the battlefield.

This set allows you to maximize the mastery of the heroine's elements (the passive will give exactly MS, because the other characters in the squad will be of other elements). You can take it if you failed to reach 1000 units of MS with the weapon. However, in terms of usefulness, it is still somewhat inferior to the Emerald Shadow.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Guide to the Best Build

Emerald Shadow

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Guide to the Best Build

Gilded Dreams

2 pieces: Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.

2 pieces: Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.

Can be used as a temporary option with suitable stats while you farm full sets.

As for the main stats of artifacts, then take the hourglass for elemental mastery (or energy recovery, if there is a deficit), the cup (bowl) – for elemental mastery, and the crown (hat) – for elemental mastery (or crit chance, if you use the Favonian Codex). The priority of choosing secondary parameters is as follows: energy recovery (to the desired value), elemental mastery and attack power.

If we talk about the optimal indicators of the heroine's attributes, then they look like this:

  • Elemental mastery: 1000 units (taking into account all bonuses)
  • Energy recovery: 130% (if you plan to use Mizuki against crowds of enemies)
  • Attack Power: from 1400+

If you are going to take Furina into your squad, you will definitely have to activate the ult every rotation, and when fighting bosses you will need even more energy, so in this case the VE indicator will have to be increased to 160-170%.

The best teams for Mizuki

In most cases, Mizuki acts as an Anemo driver, so she needs pocket damage dealers of different elements (Electro, Pyro, Hydro and Cryo). Unfortunately, Ye Lan and Xing Qiu are not suitable in this case, since they require the use of basic attacks.

Therefore, among the Hydro characters, only Furina remains, with whom the bathhouse attendant combines simply perfectly, because her ult allows you to activate Furina's first passive when collecting snacks. She can be partially replaced by Kokomi or Ayato, who are also capable of inflicting Hydro damage from the pocket.

Among Electro heroes, you can take Yae Miko, Ororon, Fischl, Lisa, or Kuki Shinobu, among Pyro heroes, Mawuiku, Xiangling, Traveler (Pyro), or Dehyu, among Cryo heroes, Gan Yu or Keiu, and among Dendro heroes, Nahida or Kirara.

You can also try taking a second Anemo hero (Kazuha or Venti) to your team to cover more Dispersions from your pocket. In this case, you can give him Emerald Shadow, and give Mizuki Gilded Dreams.

When deciding to use Mizuki as a support/healer, she can be paired with almost any Pyro, Electro, Cryo, or Hydro hypercarry that would benefit from cutting elemental resistances on enemies (Nevillette, Mavuika, Clorinda, Arlecchino, etc.). The table below shows all the optimal options.

Main DDSub DDSub DD/SupportSupport

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Xiang Ling

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Traveler (Pyro)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


 Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Fischl (Yae Miko)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build

Ayato (Kokomi)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Ororon (Fischl)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Kuki Shinobu (Yae Miko, Raiden)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Mavuika (Xiangling, Dehya)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Raiden (Fischl, Yae Miko)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build

Furina (Kokomi)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


 Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


 Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Mavuika (Xiang Lin)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build

Emilia (Nahida)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Venti (Kazuha, Lynette)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Yae Miko (Fischl)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build

Venti (Kazuha, Lynette)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


 Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


 Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide for the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build


Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Fischl (Ororon)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: guide to the best build

Nahida (Kirara)

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: Guide to the Best Build


Leveling up Mizuki

How to improve skills

You will have to search and collect a lot of different materials, namely:

  • Teachings, instructions and philosophies about “Frailty” – obtained on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays in the “Violet Hall” dungeon.
  • Old Guard, Kageuchi Guard, and Renowned Guard – Dropped by Nobushi in Inazuma, purchased with Star Glitter, or crafted with Alchemy.
  • Fading Candle – Dropped by the weekly Servant boss.
  • Crown of Insight – Obtained from events, as well as by leveling up the Sacred Sakura, Everfrost Tree, Dream Tree, Lucine Fountain, and Tona's Flame.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Build

If we talk about priority of leveling up talents, then the heroine's elemental skill and elemental explosion should be leveled up simultaneously, since both abilities play an important role in her rotation. You don't have to improve regular attacks.

How to level up a character

Get ready to search and collect a lot of different materials. Their list and methods of obtaining are given below.

Mizuki in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best build

Waiuda Turquoise can be obtained by fighting the following bosses: Anemo Hypostasis, Storm Terror, Magu Kenki, Unut Seteha, Algorithm of the Semi-Eternal Surveillance Operator Matrix, Seki no Kami, Suanni the Hermit, Twilight Papilla. They are also sold in the souvenir shop. The Talisman of the Mysterious Land drops from the Spiritual Hermit. The Sea Mushroom is a local curiosity of Inazuma. We have indicated its location in a separate guide.

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