Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use


Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle is an important item in the game Black Myth Wukong, opening a secret location with a boss in the second chapter. Just like with other peculiar keys in this game, the rattle will initially not give any clue as to how exactly to use it. However, there are several special locations where a child's voice will ask you to use it.

How to get the rattle and use it to open a new boss, we will tell you in this guide.

Where to find the Old Rattle

The point where you need to start the path is Wind Limit Bridge, in the location House of the Yellow Wind.

From the incense altar, move forward across the bridge with enemies and immediately turn left. Go to the stairs on the right and climb them to the destroyed wooden houses. Turn right and after a while, jump down. In front of you there will be a large gate with three enemies sitting on it. Kill them to unlock the doors and move on.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Go through the gate and run up the path where there will be an important incense altar – Village of the Wind's Reach. Activate it and follow further. Go across the bridge and then turn left. Go around the house and come out to a spacious square, where on the left there will be a huge bridge with the boss Servant of the Tiger.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Fight him and the Old Rattle will appear in your inventory. Now you need to go around three locations, which in turn must be activated with this legendary item. Finding them will not be easy, since these locations are unremarkable at first glance.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Locations for activating the Old Rattle

First location

You need to start going around all the necessary places from the Gate of Winds point in the House of the Yellow Wind location. Follow the road forward and turn left when you reach the light stone building. Then immediately turn right and cross the suspension bridge.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Once you get to the other side, turn left under the wooden building. As soon as you come out onto a small wasteland, the screen will turn gray and you will be able to activate the quest item you found earlier. You will hear a child's voice urging you to use his Old Rattle. As soon as the colors return to the game, proceed to the next location.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Second Location

Return to the Windward Village altar where you defeated the Tiger Guardian boss earlier, and turn around and run back the other way. Go through the gate again, turn left, where the opportunity to use the rattle will appear again in another empty space.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Third Location

Return to the very beginning of the location Sand Gate Village, incense Entrance to the settlement. Run forward through the large gate and turn left. The landmark will be part of the wooden fence. Go behind it and activate the Old Rattle for the last time.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

A cutscene will appear where the spirit of the same boy whose voice you already heard when you used the rattle will appear in front of the main character at the well. He will be very surprised that you found this secret place. After that, the boy will invite you to go down into the well with him and play with his friend.

Old rattle in Black Myth Wukong: where to find and how to use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Once the cutscene is over, follow the boy into the well, where you will find the Crazy Tiger boss at the bottom. Defeating this boss can earn you the Sandy Tomb achievement if you have already killed or will kill all the other Tiger Guardians.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

You will also get the epic spirit of the Crazy Tiger from the chest, located near the battle site, take the Plague Bottle. This bottle is capable of restoring health by only half, but at the same time increases attack damage for some time.

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

Old Rattle in Black Myth Wukong: Where to Find and How to Use

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