In Genshin ImpactOroron is a 4-star character who belongs to the Electro element and uses a bow in battles. In a squad, he can play the role of a secondary damage dealer, dealing damage from the pocket. In this guide, we will tell you about his best build, weapons and artifacts, as well as recommended teams with him.
Note: The young man from the Lords of the Night Wind has not yet been officially released, so the data presented here is based on information obtained during beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the hero appears in the game.
Main features of Ororon
How to get Ororon
In the first phase of update 5.2, this archer from Natlan will appear in the banner for the first time, which will increase the chance of his drop. Then he will be added to the standard Prayer, which will reduce the chance of the young man from the Lords of the Night Wind dropping. At the same time, the developers often hold events in which 4-star heroes are given away for free. We will definitely inform about this when the corresponding event appears.
Ororon Stat Progression
The table below shows how a character's basic stats change as they level up.
Level | Base HP | Base Attack | Base Defense | Attack Bonus |
1 | 775 | 21 | 49 | 0% |
20 | 1991 | 53 | 126 | 0% |
40+ | 4261 | 113 | 271 | 6% |
60 | 6090 | 161 | 387 | 12% |
80 | 8192 | 217 | 520 | 18% |
90 | 9244 | 244 | 587 | 24% |
The default critical damage and critical hit chance are 50% and 5%, respectively.
Ororon's Abilities
When performing a normal attack “Spirit Vessel Shot” The hero fires up to 3 shots from a bow, and when charged, he makes an aimed shot with increased damage. When aiming, he charges the arrowhead with electricity and, if fully charged, deals Electro damage. When performing a falling attack, he releases a hail of arrows that deal damage to an area after the hero lands.
Explanation: Unremarkable strikes for most archers, which you are unlikely to use often.
After using the elemental skill «Sling of the Night», the hero throws a Soul Sphere at enemies, which will bounce off them, dealing Electric damage with the Night Spirit property. The sphere can hit the same enemy no more than once. It will disappear after 3 bounces or if there are no suitable targets nearby.
Explanation: The damage from the ability depends on the number of enemies on the battlefield – with one it will do minimal damage, and with three or more – maximal. So it is not suitable against bosses. However, even against groups of enemies its damage is quite average. But it allows you to quickly apply the Electro status, which is useful for Catalysis. If you take Charged, the application will be weak.
Burst of the elements “Echo of Dark Voices” allows the hero to inflict Electro damage in the area and summon the Supersonic Eye, which spins all the time and shoots sound waves at nearby enemies, attracting them to itself and inflicting Electro damage with the Night Spirit property.
Explanation: Ulta places a small purple sphere on the battlefield that attracts hostile mobs within a radius of 8 meters and releases 3 wide beams that rotate clockwise and deal Electro damage if they come into contact with an enemy (up to 12 hits). The damage itself is small, but this is not important, since the main task of the explosion of the elements is to Electro application to cause reactions.
It is also impossible not to mention the extremely useful passive talents of the archer. The first of them is called “Night Shelter Synesthesia”. When team members activate Night Spirit Flash, Ororon gains 40 Night Spirit. For 15 seconds after using the skill, when other Hydro or Electro allies hit enemies, Ororon gains 5 Night Spirit. This effect can occur once every 0.3 seconds and can occur up to 10 times during the effect. The hero's Night Spirit gauge is capped at 80 points.
Plus, if nearby enemies take damage from the Charged reaction or allies deal damage with the Night Spirit characteristic, and if Ororon has at least 10 Night Spirit points, the archer spends them, enters the Blessing of the Night Spirit mode (lasts up to 6 seconds) and activates Oversensitivity: up to 4 nearby mobs take Electric damage with the Night Spirit characteristic in the amount of 160% of the character's attack power. This effect can occur once every 1.8 seconds.
Explanation: The hero's main gameplay revolves around this passive, so we will analyze it in as much detail as possible. Your main task will be to collect Night Spirit points. This can be done in two ways. First: Ororon will immediately receive 40 points when activating the Night Spirit Flash – this happens when a Natlan character deals elemental damage to an enemy. If there is only one Natlan character in the team, the flash cooldown will be 18 seconds, two – 12 seconds, and three or more – 9 seconds.
As for the second method, it is associated with the use of an elemental skill, since for 15 seconds after its activation, Ororon will receive 5 points for each Electro or Hydro damage dealt to enemies by his allies. The cooldown of this effect is 0.3 seconds, and it can trigger a maximum of 10 times during the specified period of time.
Why is it worth accumulating these points? The fact is that when enemies receive damage from the reaction of Charged or Natlanians, Ororon will spend 10 points to inflict additional electrical damage in the amount of 160% of his attack power, and at once to 4 enemies. The cooldown of this attack is 1.8 seconds.
Considering the ways of gaining Spirit points and activating the additional attack (you can simply hit opponents with other Natlanians), Ororon is able to deal damage without ever entering the battlefield, giving more time to the main DD. However, then the damage will not be maximum. Even if we take the minimum flash cooldown of 9 seconds, he will be able to deal damage during this period only 4 times (40 points). Therefore, we still advise you to take Ororon out of the pocket to activate the E-shka in order to perform 6 passive hits in 9 seconds.
Remember also that you may not need Natlanians at all – one Ororon will be enough. The main thing is to activate the Charged reaction as often as possible, updating the Electro and Hydro statuses on enemies. Let's add that the damage from the passive talent, unfortunately, is not the damage of the skill or the explosion of the elements, that is, it will not be possible to increase it with the corresponding buffs.
The second is Catalyst of the phenomenon– Allows Ororon to obtain the Seal of Phenomenon for 15 seconds after the Soul Sphere hits an enemy, thanks to which the active character will restore 3 units of energy when hitting an enemy with a normal, charged or falling attack. If Ororon is in the pocket, he will also restore 3 units of energy. This bonus can appear once every 1 second and up to three times during the entire specified period of time.
Explanation: This passive further motivates the player to bring the archer onto the battlefield at least once per rotation to activate his E-shka to give the main DD an additional 9 units of energy.
As for the third passive Gift of the Realm of Night: Shadows in the Flowing Mist, when Ororon is in areas of Natlan with phlogiston mechanics, he can use Night Spirit Transfer. When the active character is at a certain height in the air, when he switches to Ororon, the following effect is activated: the archer will jump high. Night Spirit Transfer can be activated once every 10 seconds.
Holding the aim button causes Ororon to enter the Spirit Talker state, which allows him to interact with Nightwraith graffiti and glyphs, drawing information and power from them. The rules for interacting with these items follow the Ictomisaurus interaction rules.
Additionally, holding Jump will cost Ororon 75 stamina. In areas of Natlan with Phlogiston mechanics, Ororon will first use 5 Phlogiston to jump even higher. While in the air, holding a normal attack will cause Ororon to enter Aim mode, costing Phlogiston or stamina.
Explanation: Holding down the jump button will drain 75 stamina and cause the hero to jump high into the air. You can hold down the attack button in this state to enter aiming mode, hovering above enemies, and perform a charged shot. This ability makes it easier to overcome some tall obstacles and climb ledges. In Natlan, Ororon will be able to perform a Double Rocket Jump by spending Phlogiston.
Ororon also has a special innate passive, Leatherworker's Skill, which increases the hover speed of all team members by 15%. This bonus does not stack with similar buffs.
Ororon Constellations
To unlock them, you need the character's Luck, which is given when you drop duplicates of the hero, which, of course, is random. However, the probability of getting 4-star characters is much higher than legendary ones, so you can easily open at least a couple of constellations.
The table below provides a list of all the constellations with their descriptions and benefits for the character.
Name | Description | Benefit |
Footprints in the Forest Mist | Soul Orb begins to bounce two additional times and applies the Night Darkness effect to enemies for 12 seconds, increasing damage taken by 50% of the Night Shelter Synesthesia passive. | The sphere can now hit 5 enemies instead of 3 and increases the hero's primary source of damage, giving him another reason to bring him out onto the battlefield at least once. |
Queen Bee of Hidden Wine | After using the ultimate, the archer gains Spiritual Oversensitivity for 9 seconds, which grants an 8% bonus to Electro damage, and for each additional hit of the elemental explosion on an enemy, it will grant another 8% buff. The maximum you can get is 32% bonus Electro damage. | This constellation motivates you to use your ult every rotation. Fortunately, it won't be hard to do, given the relatively low cost of the elemental explosion. The bonus, by the way, will increase Ororon's overall damage. |
Bat's Nest Spirit Cage | The skill level increases by three. Maximum level: 15. | Gives average benefit, since the hero deals most of his damage with his passive. |
Like the Riddle of the Night Wind | Increases the rotation speed of the Supersonic Eye of the ult by 25%. Plus, using an elemental explosion gives the archer 8 units of energy. | Now, while the ult is active, it will be able to inflict up to 15 blows on the enemy. Plus, you will be able to use it even more often. |
Soul Offering | The ult level increases by three. Maximum level: 15. | Gives average benefit, since the hero inflicts most of the damage with his passive. |
Ode to Bottomless Streams | Increases the active character's attack power by 10% for 9 seconds after activating Ororon's passive. This bonus can be stacked up to three times (the duration of each level is calculated separately). Plus, when using the ult, damage is dealt once in the amount of 200% of the damage of Oversensitivity. | A good constellation that turns Ororon into a good buffer. However, for many Hydro damage dealers, damage depends on HP, so the bonus to attack power will be useless to them. |
Overall, Ororon has some pretty good constellations, and considering they're relatively easy to get to, we recommend trying to get at least C1 and C2 to significantly boost his passive and give him some extra motivation to get him out on the battlefield at least once per rotation.
How to Play Ororon
Ororon's gameplay revolves around his passive, which requires Charged to activate, but he doesn't personally enhance this reaction in any way, but only slightly simplifies its activation by imposing the Electro status on several enemies at once. That is, in this regard, this archer is similar to Emilia.
You will probably object now and say that Night Spirit points are gained with Flash, and the passive can be activated by other Natlanians, which is why you don't need to call Charged at all, and Ororon himself can be kept in your pocket at all times. But at the time of patch 5.2, there are so few characters from Natlan that it is extremely problematic to form a normal full squad with this archer.
So at the moment, you will have to put him in squads on Charged in any case and use E-shka and ult every rotation, otherwise you will seriously sag in damage. Plus, his abilities will allow you to restore the energy of the active damager (extremely useful for characters like Chaska or Sayno) and distract the attention of enemies.
Note: When opening C1 and C2, which provide additional buffs when using the skill and ultimate, it is recommended to use them even if your squad consists of 3-4 Natlans.
Be sure to also give the hero the Scroll of the Burned City Hero artifact set to increase the main DD's damage. It is this combination of buffs that turns Ororon into a quite competitive sub-DD/support. In general, his optimal rotation will look like this:
- Immediately switch to Ororon and use his elemental skill, and then choose Electro (Hydro) sub-DD or supports to deal the appropriate damage and gain Night Spirit points for the archer. If you have Natlan heroes, you can just wait for the outbreak to activate (with 3 Natlan heroes, this will happen once every 9 seconds).
- After collecting 10 points, they will be spent on activating Oversensitivity and causing Ororon to deal additional damage from the pocket, so just switch to the active DD (he will also receive energy if the rotation started with E) and start hitting enemies with it. If he is a Natlanian, then there will be no problems at all. Otherwise, you will definitely need to trigger the Charged reaction.
- It is recommended to use the ult at the end of the first rotation, so that the second one starts with it, and then use it every rotation. This way you can distract enemies with it and regularly apply Electro application to them.
Advantages and disadvantages of Ororon
Using his unique abilities, this hero is able to inflict good Electro damage to groups of enemies from the pocket. His advantages also include:
- A good sub-DD, who in theory does not need to enter the battlefield at all to deal damage, but even if he does, he needs very little time to activate his skill and ult, which will be useful for the main damage dealer.
- One of the few characters who can restore energy not only for himself, but also for the active character, and with C6 he will also buff his attack power.
- With the help of an explosion of the elements, he will be able to distract opponents, gathering them in one place and not allowing, for example, to attack the monolith in combat trials.
- Capable of consistently inflicting Electro status on multiple enemies at once, making it easier to trigger the appropriate reactions.
- He is a possible carrier of the extremely useful artifact set, the Scroll of the Burnt City Hero, which can significantly increase the damage of the main damage dealer.
- Simplifies exploration of locations thanks to a special jump that allows him to jump high to overcome obstacles and quickly climb high ledges. In Natlan, this ability becomes even more useful.
- Extremely simple in assembly and gameplay, because he, in fact, only has to increase attack power and energy recovery, without bothering much with crits and other characteristics.
However, it is definitely impossible to call Ororon an ideal character, since she also has her own disadvantages that come straight from her advantages:
- If there are no other Natlanians in the team, she is only suitable for units that can cause the Charged reaction, since this is what is needed to activate the passive. At the same time, the archer himself does not enhance this reaction in any way. All this makes him a very narrowly focused character, as if he was created specifically for Chaska.
- Even after the buff in patch 5.2, the reaction of Charged cannot be considered the most powerful in the game. Therefore, the owner of some Clorinda is unlikely to decide to transplant her from Catalyze to Charged, unless he has an alternative. The best choice in this case would be the main damage dealer, who does not need reactions at all to deal huge damage (for example, Nevillet or Chaska).
- It is aimed at dealing group damage, since if there is one enemy on the battlefield, he will receive minimal damage from the hero's abilities.
- Ororon's Electro application is still quite weak, so a second Electro character may be required to consistently summon Charged.
- To fully realize his potential, it is highly advisable to unlock at least his first two constellations. Fortunately, this will not be difficult to do, especially if you want to knock out Chaska.
Best Build for Ororon
Best Weapon
When choosing a bow, priority should be given to those that increase attack power, critical damage, or critical hit chance, as well as speed up energy recovery and provide buffs to the team. The table below shows the most interesting options.
Name and rarity | Stats (level 1-90) | Passive ability |
Aqua Simulacrum (5-star) | Critical Damage: 19.2%~88.2% Base Attack: 44~542 | Increases HP by 16 percent. If there are enemies nearby, it increases the hero's damage by 20 percent. The bonus is issued even if the character is not on the battlefield. Gives Ororon the critical hits he needs, increases his survivability and overall damage. It is especially nice that the buffs work even in your pocket. The best bow when it comes to increasing the character's personal damage. |
Elegy of Doom (5-Star) | Energy Recovery: 12%~55.1% Base Attack: 46~608 | Increases Elemental Mastery by 60. Hitting an enemy with an Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst spawns a Talisman of Remembrance. If you receive 4 Talismans, they are discarded, causing the Farewell Hymn effect, increasing Elemental Mastery of all team members by 100 and Attack by 20 percent. Talismans only begin to respawn after 20 seconds. Allows you to activate your ult more often, using it on CD and provides extremely useful buffs to all allies, turning Ororon into a good buffer (especially with an open C6). In some teams, this bow will be more profitable than the previous version. |
Polaris (5-Star) | Critical Hit Chance: 7.2%~33.1% Base Attack: 46~608 | Increases damage from elemental skills and elemental explosions by 12 percent. When any attacks (except for falling strikes) hit an enemy, the 1st level of the Polar Night Star effect appears, lasting 12 seconds. At 1-4 levels. the effect increases attack power by 10-48 percent. The levels created by different attacks exist independently of each other. Increases the critical hits needed by Ororon and enhances his abilities, which, however, does not play a big role, since they initially do little damage. But you will be able to increase the hero's attack power, which will allow him to inflict more damage with his passive. |
Heavenly Wing (5-Star) | Critical Hit Chance: 4.8%~22.1% Base Attack: 48~674 | Increases Critical Damage by 20%~40%. On successful hit, there is a 60%~100% chance to deal 125% physical damage in a small radius. The effect occurs once every 4~2 sec. Increases Ororon's required crits (making them much easier to balance) and provides a little extra damage. |
First Great Focus (5 stars) | Critical Damage: 14.4~66.1% Â Base Attack: 46~608 | Increases charged attack damage by 16-32%. For each hero of the same element as the weapon owner, increases ATK by 8~16%/16~32%/40~80%, and of another element, increases movement speed by 4~12%/7~15%/10~18%. Gives Ororon the critical hits he needs, but the boost to charged attacks will be useless to him, since you won't use them often. There will most likely be a second Electro character in your team, so you will get a bonus to attack power. |
Hunter's Trail (5 Stars) | Critical Hit Chance: 9.6%~44.1% Â Base Attack: 44~542 | Increases damage from all elements by 12%. When hitting an enemy with a charged strike, the hero gains the Unceasing Hunt effect, increasing damage from aimed shots by 160% of the Elemental Mastery stat. The bonus disappears after 10 seconds or 12 uses. Manifests once every 12 seconds. Increases Ororon's required crits and his Electro damage. The second part of the passive will be useless to him, since you won't use his charged shots very often. |
Dark Hunter (4 Stars) | Attack Power: 6%~27.6% Â Base Attack: 44~565 | Increases the hero's damage when not on the battlefield by 2%~4% per second. The maximum damage can increase by 20%~40%. When the character becomes active, the damage decreases by 4%~8% per second. Gives a significant boost to attack power, and therefore increases Ororon's overall damage. His passive will also be extremely useful, considering that he will be sitting in the pocket most of the time. It's just a pity that getting this bow won't be easy. |
Favonia War Bow (4 Stars) | Energy Recovery: 13.3%~61.3% Base Attack: 41~454 | Critical hits have a 60% chance to create elemental particles that restore 6 energy. The effect occurs once every 12 seconds. A good option that allows you to supply energy not only to yourself, but also to the entire team. |
Melody of Peace (4 stars) | Attack Power: 9~41.3% Base Attack: 42~510 | After healing, damage is increased by 16~32% for 8 seconds. The bonus is activated even if the owner is not on the battlefield. This bow can be obtained for free through crafting. Significantly increases attack power and overall damage, but for the passive to work, there must be a healer in the team. At rank 5 of Awakening, it shows good damage numbers. |
Stringless (4-Star) | Elemental Mastery: 36~165 Base Attack: 42~510 | Increases damage from elemental skills and elemental bursts by 24 percent. Boosts his abilities and increases reaction damage. The increase will be small, but it is still better than nothing. |
Fading Twilight (4-star) | Energy recovery: 6.7%~30.6% Base attack: 44~565 | The bow has three states: Dusk, Fog, and Dawn, which increase damage by 6, 10, and 14 percent respectively. To change the mode, you need to hit enemies. The state changes no more than once every 7 seconds. This bow will allow Ororon to use his ult more often and increase his overall damage, and its effects work even when the hero is in the pocket, which is very useful. |
Rangefinder (4 stars) | Attack Power: 6-27.6% Â Base Attack: 44-565 | When the owner heals or receives healing, they are granted a Unity Mark for half a minute. You can get up to 3 Marks in total. When you activate a skill or ult, all Marks are spent and the Repulse effect is created for 10 seconds: for each Mark spent, attack power increases by 3%, and the damage bonus for all elements increases by 7%. The Repulse effect can occur once every 15 seconds. The character receives Unity Marks even if he is not on the battlefield. Significantly increases Ororon's attack power and gives a small bonus to Electro damage, which will work even from the pocket. But you definitely need to have a healer in your team. |
Chain Breaker (4-Stars) | Attack Power: 6-27.6% Â Base Attack: 44-565 | For each party member from Natlan or with an element different from the wearer's, the equipped character's attack power is increased by 4.8-9.6%. When there are at least 3 such characters, the wearer gains 24-48 Elemental Mastery. A budget option that can be crafted at the forge by purchasing the recipe in Natlan. Provides a large increase to attack power. Elemental Mastery will increase damage from reactions. |
Best Artifacts
We recommend choosing sets that can increase Ororon's attack power, critical damage, and critical hit chance, as well as provide buffs to his allies. The table below shows the best options.
Artifacts | Bonuses | Advantages |
Scroll of the Hero of the Burnt City | 2 parts: When a team member uses Night Spirit Flash, the wearer restores 6 units of energy. 4 pieces: After the wearer activates a reaction related to their element, all party members gain a 12% bonus to the corresponding elemental damage related to reactions for 15 seconds. If the owner of the set is under the Blessing of the Night Spirit state when activating the specified buff, all party members additionally gain a 28% bonus to elemental damage related to reactions for 20 seconds. This effect can occur even if the hero is not on the battlefield. Bonuses of the same-named artifact sets do not stack. | Obtained in the dungeon “Sanctuary of Myriad Spirits”. As usual, it is the best set for Natlan players in the role of sub-DD or support. Shows itself well with the reaction Charged, but is not very suitable for Catalysis, since at the time of patch 5.2 there are no suitable damage dealers from Natlan in the game who could activate Ororon's passive more often. |
Thunderous Roar of Fury | 2 parts: Increases Electro damage by 15%. 4 parts: Increases damage from Overload, Superconductor, Charged, and Vegetation reactions by 40%. Damage from Exacerbation increases by 20%. When these reactions are activated, including Stimulate, the cooldown of the skill is reduced by 1 second. The bonus occurs no more than once every 0.8 seconds. | An alternative to the previous option, if another Natlanian already wears it. A thunderous roar of rage will be able to increase Ororon's personal damage, and quite significantly. However, it should be remembered that the second passive to reduce the cooldown of the skill only works if the wearer is on the battlefield when the reaction is activated. |
As for the main characteristics of artifacts, then take the hourglass for attack power, the cup (bowl) – for the Electro damage bonus, and the crown (hat) – for crit. chance/crit. damage in a ratio of 1 to 2. The priority of choosing secondary parameters is as follows: energy recovery (gain up to the recommended value), crits, attack and elemental mastery.
If we talk about the optimal indicators of the hero's attributes, then they look like this:
- Attack power: 1600+
- Energy recovery: 130% if there is a second Electro character or a hero with Favonius's weapon in the squad, and without it, you need to gain 160% to use the ult every rotation
- Critical hit chance/crit. damage (for the damager): 50%+/100%+
- Elemental Mastery: in teams for Charged, you don't need to specifically dial this parameter, but in packs for Vegetation, where Ororon will undermine buds, this value should be 450-500 units.
Best teams for Ororon
As we have already noted above, Ororon should be put in a team where it is possible to cause a reaction of Charged, and it is not necessary that it was its main source of damage. For example, such damage dealers as Nevillet or Chaska can quite easily deal huge damage on their own without any reactions.
It is also recommended to take one Anemo support like Kazuha, Lynette, Sucrose or Xian Yun for Dispel and use the Emerald Shadow artifact set, which will significantly increase the overall damage of the squad. All optimal teams with Ororon can be seen in the table below.
Main DD | Sub DD | Sub DD/Support | Support |
Heizo | Xing Qiu | Ororon | Bennett |
Wanderer | Furina (Kokomi) | Ororon | Bennett (Dehya) |
Chaska | Furina | Ororon | Bennett |
Nevillette | Furina | Ororon | Shilonen (Bennett) |
Nevillette (Tartaglia) | Kazuha (Venti) | Ororon | Shilonen (Zhong Li) |
Mualani | Furina | Ororon | Sucrose (Lynette) |
Ayato | Bay Dow | Ororon | Venti (Sucrose) |
Ororon | Fischl | Venti | |
Clorinda | Ororon | Furina | Kazuha |
Al-Haytham (Nevillette) | Ororon | Furina (Ye Lan) | Nahida (Bai Zhu) |
Al-Haytham | Ororon | Xing Qiu | Bai Zhu |
Leveling up Ororon
How to improve skills
You will have to search and collect a lot of different materials, namely:
- Teachings, instructions and philosophies about “Incineration” – obtained on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays in the dungeon “Fiery Ruins”.
- Young Fang, Adult Fang, and Tyrant Fang – Dropped by Natlan Saurians, purchased with Star Glitter, or crafted with Alchemy.
- Dark Silken Thread – Dropped by the weekly boss Devouring Narwhal.
- Crown of Insight – Can be obtained during events, as well as by leveling up the Sacred Sakura, Permafrost Tree, Dream Tree, Lucine Fountain, and Tona's Fire.
If let's talk about priority of pumping talents, then the first thing you should do is increase the hero's elemental skill, as it will be useful for activating the first passive. Then you can pump the explosion of the elements to distract opponents and inflict additional damage on them. You can not pump normal attacks.
How to elevate a character
Get ready to search and collect a large number of different materials. Their list and methods of obtaining are indicated below.
Get amethysts of Electro Hypostasis, Dwalin, Ancient Geovishap, Azhdah, Manifestation of Thunder, Electro Fern, and Seahorse of the Thousand-Year Pearl. They are also sold in the souvenir shop. Marks of Binding Blessing drop from Golden Flame Tyrant Kukusaur. Shimmering Mushroom is a local curiosity of Natlan. In a separate guide, we indicated its location.