Passage of Romance Club. Heart of Trespia Season 3


Romance Club walkthrough. Heart Trespii season 3

Complete guide and passage of the Romance Club. Heart of Trespia season 3, which tells you what to answer and what decisions to make to get the desired ending. You'll also learn how to increase stats such as Rationality, Compassion, Savings, and Influence.

Detailed answers will help you choose the dialogues you need to improve your relationship with Wyatt, Gissela, Reinhold, and other characters. Note that, as a rule, we do not describe options that do not affect the plot in any way. In addition, such branched stories often fail to cover absolutely all branches, so if you have information on paths that are not covered in the guide, you can tell us about it in the comments.

Romance Club Walkthrough. Heart of Trespii Season 3

Let's add that Season 3 is the final one. In it, you will find out if the main character can regain her throne and get a miraculous flower that can cure any disease.

Link to the passage of the 1st season

Link to the passage of the 2nd season

Episode 1

Detailed walkthrough will be available after the release of the update, scheduled for November 11, 2022…

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