Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to go


Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

In Lethal Company, planets (moons) are separate locations where players must look for a variety of scrap for its further sale. They differ in the amount of available resources, weather, monsters, placement of objects and other characteristics.

In this guide, we will tell you how to fly to a particular planet, and which moons are best suited for finding scrap metal. You will learn about the peculiarities of all weather conditions and the cost of flights. In addition, we have added maps for all satellites.

How to fly to the moon in Lethal Company

To fly between satellites, you will need a terminal – an on-board computer installed on your transport ship. Interact with him and then enter the command moons. You will see the names of all planets available for visiting and their current weather conditions. The lower the moon is on the list, the more dangerous it is for searching for resources.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Next, enter the name of the satellite you need on the terminal, for example, Vow and press the “Enter” key. Then confirm your decision to go there by writing confirm to fly to the selected planet. If you change your mind about flying, then enter the deny command.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

We advise you to find out additional information about the moon before the flight by entering the command “satellite name info”. For example, to read information about March you need to write March info. However, we immediately note that you will not receive much data from the computer.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Note: If you already know the names of all the moons, you can immediately enter their names on the initial screen of the terminal for the flight. You can also use abbreviations, such as writing Exp (instead of Experimentation) or C (instead of confirm).

If the ship refuses to fly to the place you need, then most likely you are not in orbit. Therefore, first, launch the transport ship into space by pressing the lever to the left of the computer with the inscription “Start ship”. Having arrived at the desired moon, do not forget to land the starship by again pulling the handle labeled “Land ship.”

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

< p class="p3">Note: The world in which you can sell your accumulated scrap is called The Company Building. You will need to fly there regularly to sell your items and meet your quota.

Weather in Lethal Company

On different moons you may encounter different weather conditions – they are chosen randomly by the game and can either make it easier or more difficult to find resources. However, you should know that the amount of resources on the satellite does not depend on the weather (at least in version 40). For this reason, we advise you to avoid worlds that currently have bad weather.

Add that you can partially change the weather on the moons using custom mods, for example, completely removing the fog. We talked in more detail about such modifications in a separate guide.

Without weather (clear)

If there is no weather information next to the moon's name, it means it is a clear day. These are almost ideal conditions for exploring the world, since you will not have to be distracted by additional factors that can kill you, focusing all your attention on the monsters.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Rain (Rainy)

Slightly worse than the previous type, since here you will have to be careful not to fall into mud holes and quicksand. They appear as dark brown patches of land, making them fairly easy to spot. The main thing is not to run headlong towards the complex or ship, but to carefully look at your feet. If you do fall into such a trap, you can get out of it with enough stamina.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Fog (Foggy)

It does not pose a direct threat to players, but it significantly reduces visibility, which makes it more difficult to navigate the area and monitor the appearance of monsters (by the way, the fog does not prevent them from seeing you). So try to stick together and carefully move through the location. It is best to simply not land on a planet with such weather.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly


A rainstorm awaits you on the map, due to which the land will gradually go under water. Areas along the edges of the pond are safe to move through, but you will move slower there. If the water level is higher than your head, you are likely to drown. On moons with more hills, flooding poses less of a threat than on moons with flat terrain.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly


Similar to regular rain, but much more dangerous, since lightning will strike random places at random intervals. In this case, metal objects and objects (for example, a shovel or a ladder) will attract lightning. You will see sparks and crackling sounds before you hit them. If at the moment of impact this thing is in your hands, then you will die immediately. So we advise you to throw away the sparkling object and run 3-4 meters away from it.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Add that a transport aircraft can also be struck by lightning. In this case, the power will be cut off. However, you can immediately reactivate the cameras and lights on the ship by pressing the corresponding buttons.


The most dangerous weather conditions that can be encountered on the satellite. Even during the day, the light will be dim, since the sun is blocked by another object, so monsters will begin to appear in the daytime, which will increase the danger of moving outdoors. For this reason, we strongly advise you not to land on moons during an eclipse, as this will significantly complicate the search for resources on them.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

All planets (moons) in Lethal Company

Currently, players can visit 8 different satellites, which can be divided into three difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard. Next, we will consider each of them separately. We will also add maps of all locations. We recommend that you read the legend in the table below to know what the icons represent.


Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Location of the main entrance to the complex.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly< /p>

Location of fire exits.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Demonstration of which direction the starship is facing (makes it easier to navigate on the map).

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Location of stairs.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Demonstration of places where you can install a sliding ladder.

 Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Storage location.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Sigurd's Journals.


  • Flight price: none.
  • Danger level: B (low).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: arid, has low habitability
  • Average daily resource indicator (for 15 days): 805 units

Most likely, this will be the first moon you visit. The main entrance to the site is located near the fire exit, and they are both located next to the transport. You will be able to throw scrap from the top platform near the fire door and from the side of the railway located opposite the ship, which will speed up its loading.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

If you stand facing the main entrance, then on the right side you can find a staircase, thanks to which you can avoid meeting monsters at night. However, there are few monsters here, and most of them do not pose much danger to the players. However, there are few resources on this planet (you can carry 300-500 scrap at a time), so to fulfill the increasing quota you will have to fly to other worlds.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

The gif below shows the process of flooding the map over time if there is a flood on it.


  • Flight price: none.
  • Danger level: D (low).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: windy weather, uneven terrain.
  • Average daily resources (for 15 days): 1280 units

It takes a little longer to get to the main entrance than on the previous moon. You can get to the fire door through a long ladder located on the right side of the transporter (if you stand with your back to it) not far from the rock and scaffolding. Then you will need to jump over the pipe.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Here you can also drop scrap from the side of the main passage or directly from the pipe next to the fire exit. The monsters here are a little more dangerous than on Experimentation, but there is a little more junk. At first, we advise you to simply alternate between both planets until you are ready for more dangerous worlds.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

The gif below shows the process of flooding the map over time if there is a flood on it.


  • Flight price: none.
  • Danger level: C (low-medium).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: average humidity, wooded landscape.
  • Average daily resource indicator (for 15 days): 1303 units

It will take you the longest to get to the entrance to the complex among all the “starting” » satellites. You'll have to cross a rickety bridge to reach the main passage, or go down a slope near the dam to find a fire door. Be extremely careful, as here you may encounter blind dogs and forest guardians (hide from them using the hills) in the dark.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to go

The amount of resources here is almost the same as on the previous planet, but there are bee hives that can be sold for a considerable price. True, mining them is very dangerous. In general, we do not recommend that you visit this world, since it is very dangerous for beginners, and for veterans there are more profitable places.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

The gif below shows the process of flooding the map over time if there is a flood on it.


  • Flight price: none.
  • Danger level: B (medium).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: windy weather, uneven terrain.
  • Average daily resources (15 days): 1432

In short, this is a more complicated version of the Assurance moon, where you can get more resources, so in the later stages of the game we advise you to choose it. The path to the central passage is relatively simple: first go under the bridge (you can jump from the ship in advance when it lands) through the bushes, and then turn left and go a little forward.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

To find the fire exit, you need to turn to the yellow tap when you go to the main door, and then climb the rock and jump onto the pipe. Go down it and you will find the right door. By the way, scrap can be dropped from the pipe so that it ends up right next to the ship.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

The gif below shows the process of flooding the map over time if there is a flood on it.


  • Flight price: none.
  • Danger level: B (medium).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: average humidity, wooded landscape.
  • Average daily resources (for 15 days): 1531

This world is a complicated version of Vow, However, it rains almost constantly here, so mud pits often appear. But this satellite has more than one fire exit (extremely useful for large teams), there are a lot of resources and you can get bee hives. So in the midgame we advise you to visit it.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to go

The gif below shows the process of flooding a map over time if there is a flood on it.


    < li>Flight price: 550 credits.
  • Danger level: A (medium-high).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: snow storms, snow-covered landscape.
  • Average daily resources (for 15 days): 2828

The path to the central passage is straight and illuminated by lamps, however, due to a strong snowstorm, it will not be easy to navigate the location, especially if you move far from the lighting systems. Finding the fire entrance will be even more difficult, since it is located far from the light path.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

To find the emergency exit, you need to go to the 9th pillar with a lamp, and then turn 90 degrees to the right and go forward until you reach the crevice. Note that next to the main passage there is a wooden house in which you can hide from monsters at night.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

By the way, instead of the usual industrial complex, a mansion will spawn here. The loot there will be richer, but the monsters will be noticeably more dangerous. In general, due to the snowstorm, we do not recommend visiting this moon, especially considering the high cost of flights.


  • Flight price: 600 credits.
  • Danger level: S (high).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: snow storms, snow-covered landscape.
  • Average daily resources (for 15 days): 3076

A more difficult version of the previous moon, where there is also a constant heavy snowstorm, due to which visibility is significantly reduced. You can get to the main entrance along a path of lanterns. However, if you turn left about halfway along the road, near a large rock, you can take a shortcut and reach the passage faster.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

The fire door is on the right side of ship and is not highlighted in any way. Although you can mine a lot of resources here, we do not recommend visiting this satellite due to poor visibility and dangerous monsters.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly


  • Flight price: 700 credits.
  • Danger level: S (high).
  • Occupied: no (abandoned).
  • Climate: snowy landscape.
  • Average daily resources (15 days): 3864

The best location for the late game, which will allow you to fulfill any quota without any problems. The fact is that the central entrance and the fire door are located next to each other and are located near the ship, so you can simply dump the collected scrap near the exit, and then quickly carry it onto the transport ship.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

However, inside the complex the most dangerous enemies will be waiting for you, capable of killing the entire crew without any problems, so you will have to act extremely carefully. On the surface, you may encounter the guardians of the forest, so you also need to keep your eyes open outside.

Planets (moons) in Lethal Company: where to fly

This is all useful information about planets (moons) in Lethal Company . We hope that this guide will help you choose the right companion for scrap metal farming.

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