In Honkai: Star Rail “Prologue: Escape from the container” is a hidden achievement from the collection “Our Memories” ” On the territory of the Isolated Zone, located in the depths of the Hertha space station, there are many technical rooms with unknown devices. Having shown curiosity about one of them, the Pathfinder will find himself in a dangerous situation, the exit from which will allow him to unlock a new achievement. Check out our guide to find out where to find the room with the unsafe capsule, how to become its hostage, and who to call for help.
How to unlock the achievement “Prologue: Escape from the container”
Where is the capsule
The required room is located in the Isolated Zone, a map that is accessed when completing the story quest “The Crown of Mortal and Divine.”
The nearest teleport is tied to the Furnace of Life, but if the device is not yet open, move to the spatial anchor “Nutrient Medium” ( and from it, to the place marked on the map, through the pavilion with the Ruan Mei plantations).
We are interested in the room behind the door with a blue outline: inside, behind the sliding glass doors, there is a platform covered by a field. Examine the mechanism, and after a short monologue, decide to touch the alluring surface of the capsule.
How to get out of the trap
The curious Pathfinder will inevitably be pulled inside. Oxygen is gradually depleted, so circumstances will force you to call for help: Gert or Ruan Mei. The choice here is not important – one of the dolls of the mistress of the space station, Gerta, will come to your aid.
Finally, discuss the situation with Gerta, and after the conversation you will receive a new achievement, a couple of experience logs , 20 Hertariums and 3 thousand credits. The hidden achievement “Prologue: Escape from the container” will bring you 5 star jade, and you can pick them up in the “Our Memories” set.