Prophecy slabs in the mumbled thickets of groves and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve


Prophetic slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

prophecy plate on the cards of the muzzle thickets of the groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis, added to xsr ( Honkai: Star Rail ) With Patch 3.1 – these are puzzles on the amphoraus, when solving which, the player needs to collect a curly puzzle and achieve a complete coincidence of the result with a picture on a hint. 

In this guide, we will continue to analyze how to find and solve all the slabs of the prophecy on new locations, for each of which you can earn a valuable or ordinary chest.

Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

On the release of the amphoraus, we have already considered where there are tiles with drawings and how to properly arrange the figures. Two more locations appeared with update 3.1 in the XSR, and with it new prophecy plates:

  • the sanctuary of Yanusopolis: 3 stoves;
  • Musiacs of the groves of the muse of muses: 2 slabs. Prophecies in the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR

    stove 1

    Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    near the anchor in the library of the prophecy is the first plate with the pattern: collect the puzzle, following the instructions Below , and then go into the opened comor to pick up two ordinary trophies and gain access to the golden rune.

    For convenience, all slices of the puzzle will be indicated by stroke flowers from the screenshot.

    Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to decide

    Welded and open ” is collected in the following sequence:

  • Red rhombus in the center (who has an elongated acute part ) slide diagonally up the shape of the left wall;
  • the blue rhombus from the bottom ( which also has an elongated edge ) in the middle of the right wall ( so that the right half peeps outside the drawing form );
  • Put the green triangle so as to fill the protruding sharp end in the upper right corner;
  • Orange triangle will take a place in the lower right corner of the figure.
  • Lower the pink rhombus down to hide the element that is knocked out of the form;
  • on the video below, we specapenly show how to scatter all the figures to its places:

    Plate 2

    Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    Prophetic slabs in the muzzle thickets of the groves and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    the second plate is located inside the three -dimensional map in the northern half of the sanctuary ( between the “secret passage of thoughts” and “gates of fate” ) – we will tell you how to get to it more Long path from the northern anchor: Entering the hall from the black entrance, immediately change the map on night (The book in the center of the lower floor ) and go up to the average level on the left wing ( where the interactive bridge ). After passing by the monsters, activate the stove of the prophecy on the edge of the floor and collect the correct puzzle on described below.Prophetic slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

    collection of the crop ” (1) is collected in the following sequence:

    1. Red and green triangles tighten to the “tail” To fill the left part of the form;
    2. the blue rhombus in the center advance to the right to the pointed edge of the arrow so that its elongated part fills the lower corner of the form;
    3. Put the dark purple rhombus from below in the same place as the previous figure-the sharp end will remain empty, but the upper corner of the arrow will be filled;
    4. place the pink rhombus on an empty gap to complete the puzzle.

      It remains to find even to the chest that gives for the solution of the puzzle.

      Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

      Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

      after the disappearance of the solved stove, return to the secret passage, and then go to the rickety weights that the gold thread from the puzzle was leaving – the valuable trophy will wait for.

      Plate 3

      Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

      Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

      moving to “ gates of fate “, go down the stairs to the west: in the room on the -1st floor there will be found the third plate, after the solution of which there will be a valuable one. Treasury. 

      For convenience, all slices of the puzzle will be indicated by stroke flowers from the screenshot.

      Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to decide

      collection of crop ” (2) is collected in the following sequence:

      1. the green triangle directed by the sharp end to the left, place the rhombus at the lower corner along the left wall; rhombus;
      2. Blue triangle directed by the sharp end upward, dock with the left angle along the upper wall of the rhombus;
      3. Blue triangle directed by the sharp end down, dock with the right angle along the lower wall of the rhombus.
      4. on the video below, we poetly show how to scatter all the figures to its places:

        Prophecy slabs in the mumbling thickets of groves of muses

        stove 4

        Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

        Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

        Prophetic slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to decide

        move to Dange “ stagnant shadow: the shape of the icy moon “In the east of groves, move through the passage to the west and immediately turn to the left: there will be several enemies in the corridor, and around the bend – the fourth plate of the prophecy. Take advantage of instructions for a hint in the screenshot below , and when all parts of the drawing are on the ground, climb the root of the tree to the second floor, simultaneously collecting a valuable casket.

        for convenience, all the puzzles will be indicated by the flowers of the stroke.

        Prophetic slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Yanusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

        collection of the crop ” (3) is collected in the following sequence:

        1. lower the red mouth to the same figure in the lower half, To completely block it;
        2. move the remaining green and blue triangles to the center, making a square from them and completing the puzzle.
        3. In the video below, we showedly show how to scatter all the figures to our places:

          Steam 5

          Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

          Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

          Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

          Prophecy slabs in the mumble of groves and the sanctuary of Janusopolis in the XSR 3.1: how to solve

          Prophetic slabs in the mumble of groves of the muza and the sanctuary of Janusopolis Providence in the XSR 3.1: how to decide

          move to the anchor “ dome of loyalty ” ( in the center 3 floors of the grove ) and run to the north to the site from mini-teleport , change its direction to the right and open the secret path – you will be transferred to a remote pavement in front of the building. Go ahead and turn to the right to find the fifth plate over the bend. Use a screenshot and put all the elements of the picture in places, as described in the instructions below , and then get a valuable treasury for the solution.

          for convenience, all pieces of the puzzle will be indicated by staining colors.

          collection of crop ” (4) is collected in the following sequence:

          1. rhombus in the center for a couple block them two lower elements of the form;
          2. raise the blue triangle so that it completely overlaps the lower corner of the rhombus;
          3. lower the dark purple triangle to divide the lower shape and make the inverted checkmark;
          4. pull the pink and green triangles to the upper half of the form to complete Drawing.

          On the video below we focusingly show how to scatter all the figures into places:

          These are all prophecy plates in the muttering thickets of groves of muses and the sanctuary of Janusopolis: Star Rail version 3.1. We hope that our guide will help you find them and solve them.

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