in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Pulrah is a 4-star character related to the type of intimidation and applying physical attribute. In the detachment, she can perform the function of a secondary damageer aimed at stunning enemies and strengthening the allies. In this guide, you will learn about its best build, amplifiers and drives, as well as recommended commands with her and Banbu.
How to get pulchru
in the first phase of version 1.6 This fox first appeared in a banner, which increased the likelihood of its loss. Then it will be added to the stable channel “Star composition”, which will reduce the chance of a biker loss. At the same time, developers often conduct events in which 4-star heroes are given for free. For example, it will be able to get it in the event “into battle, a hero-hero!”. We will definitely report on other similar events in the future.
Key characteristics of pulchra
You can get acquainted with information about the abilities of the heroine in the game itself, so we decided not to focus on her too much attention, simply giving dry data with GIFs. We recommend that you also study our leadership on the combat system in order to better understand it.
Information will appear after the update is released 1.6 …
as for the heroines talents , the priority should be makings and special attacks, since the former are aimed at strengthening the “gait of the hunter”, and the latter are necessary to activate the appropriate effect and stunning with aphthell. Further, the importance of help is ongoing, since you will use it in each rotation.
As soon as you maximize the above abilities, you can proceed to pumping basic attacks and attack chains for a general increase in damage and stunning the heroine. As for the evasions, increase them last, since you will use them infrequently.To open it, you need to save the agent’s profiles issued during the loss of duplicates of the heroine, which, of course, is random. However, the probability of obtaining 4-star characters is much higher than the legendary, so you can quite open at least a couple of Aidos, and ideally-all 6.
The table below all menthili, their description and benefit for the heroine.
Rare | Fraction | An attribute Scope = “Col”> Specialty | type of attack | ||
5 stars | sons of sons Calidona | physical | Supreme | crushing | hp: attack: protection: impulse: |
Bonus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AIDOS 1 | In the case of damage to enemies under the influence of the effect of “retention”, the chance of Crete. The heroine’s hits increase by 10%. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
eidos 2 | when the “gait of the hunter” the power of the fox attack increases by 10%. Class = “Center”> Aidos 3 | level of basic attack, evasion, assistance, special attack, attack chains +2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aidos 4 | The use of an enhanced special skill is required by 5 units less than energy. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aidos 5 | The level of basic attack, evasion, help, special attack, attes +2. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Under the mask | , the damage from the AFTERSHOKS PULHRA increases by 15%, plus, it can perform 8 corresponding attacks instead of 6. The effect of “holding” is applied to all types of damage, and not only to Afterchoki. The best Aidos for Pulchra, unfortunately, is the 6th, to get to which you will be quite long, even given the increased probability of a heroine. Thanks to her, you can significantly raise the damage of the entire detachment, regardless of whether they use aphtershoki or not. M3 and M5 can also be called useful, as they increase the effectiveness of the heroine's stunning. How to play for pulchruBasic informationthe heroine gameplay is mostly spinning around her condition “Hunts Gait” , which it includes when using an enhanced special attack, help in an additional attack, attack chains or superpowers. In it, she begins to apply more stunning glasses, and when a heavy blow gets immediately, she immediately causes quick help, and switching occurs to the character on the left side (usually the main damage is in the 1st slot). In addition, after activating the specified mode, Pulhra receives a special scale with 6 charges, which can be seen under its portrait. When other active heroes will hit the enemy with a heavy blow of a special attack or an enhanced special attack, the chanterelle will spend 1 stack and will perform an apothershka . Then, any attacks of the active character will lead to the implementation of AFTERSHOKS PULHRU (up to 5 times). Note: It is important to remember that the 1st Afterhk is trigger with a heavy blow of a special attack. We are talking about the final action of e-shki, therefore, for example, Pulrah will not come out onto the field until Bernis simply burns with napalm enemies, and will appear only after the final blow. So in this case, you should immediately perform the final attack, and then start using double injection. the second most important aspect of the pulchra is help in evasion . Recall that it is activated by pressing the “gap” key before the enemy’s attack, which leads to a waste of 1 point of assistance. However, you can spend the 2nd point and immediately perform help in an additional attack to immediately go into the state of the “gait of the hunter.” Note: since we are talking about helping, not protection, you can use it with any enemy attacks. A similar method of activating the regime can be an excellent alternative to an enhanced special attack, because accumulating energy for the fox will be problematic. Of course, do not forget about the attack chains with superpowers, which will also give access to the execution of aphtershoks, so be sure to use them if possible. The main comboAt first glance, basic attacks may seem useless, but this is not entirely true. For example, if you clamp the button of the basic attacks, then the heroine will make several strokes applying stunning glasses and having a relatively long animation. This technique is extremely recommended to be used after performing an enhanced special attack (a chain of attacks or superpowers) and before the activation of quick assistance. The fact is that in this case you will not lose at all in time, but at the same time you can apply additional deafening and give the heroine more energy and decibels. Given this information, you can build the following optimal rotation for pulchra:
In the end, we recall that the duration of the “gait of the hunter” is 6 seconds (the corresponding circular timer can be seen just below the heroine’s health strip, so after the transition to it you need to switch to another character as soon as possible. In this case, the countdown will stop, and you can not be afraid to perform aphtershoki. If you nevertheless implies the basic blows, for example, after an enhanced special attack, then make no more than 3 shots to have time to go on time on Main-DD. Advantages and disadvantages Pulkhrawith the help of its unique abilities, a fox can easily stun almost any opponents. Its advantages should also include: However, to name pulchr An ideal character is still impossible, since she also has its disadvantages: Best amplifiersWe advise you to choose a weapon that can increase the heroine’s impetus and damage from Afterchoks, as well as if possible to give more buffs to the team. The table below presents the most interesting options.
The best drivesare recommended to choose artifacts that increase the heroine pulses and the damage from the apiters, and also give more buffs if possible. detachment. The table below indicates the best options for drivers for this heroine.
As for the main characteristics of the drives , then your choice should look as follows: If we talk about the recommended values of the Pullhra parameters , then they should look something like this: F2P squad bill
Recall that the additional ability of pulchra can be activated with any character of the “attack”, so it can be used in the classic team in Crete. Everything is simple here-we turn into a state of “gait of the hunter”, switch to Billy, and then use its reinforced special attack and activate the aphtershoki. The Aftershoki team
Without the 6th Aidos, it is the best option for pulchra, as all its capabilities will be used to the maximum, since it will be able to increase damage from aphtershoks not only at home, but also in allies. Plus, she will receive bonuses to Damag from a soldier 0 Anbi and/or gashter. commands with the 6th AidosWe recall that if M6 is opened, its bonus to the damage will be extended not only to Afterchoki, but to all types of attacks, so it can be combined with any damage, which needs a good stunning character. It is best to work with hyperkerry who need to constantly be on the battlefield. Pulchra's pumpingThe table below indicates the materials necessary to increase the level, skills and inclinations of the hero, as well as their total quantity.
on this, a guide for the best build for pulchra in ZZZ can be considered complete. We hope that this information will help you choose the optimal amplifiers, drives and teams for the heroine.