Relicaries at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to get a sword of Pan Valentine


Relicurization at Kingdom Come Come Come Deliverance 2: How to get the Mr. Valentine sword

in kingdom come: Deliverance 2 Relicova is a side quest, thanks to which you can get the sword of Pan Valentina, which is the best short blade in the game. To do this, you have to get acquainted with the modest knight, find the drawing of the sword of Pan Valentine in the Sedletsky Monastery, and then forge his fake option. If you have difficulties with obtaining and passing the task, then study our leadership.

The passage of the “Relicaries” quest at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to start a task

access to it opens only after performing a plot mission called “Damn the devil”. Having finished it, head to the edge of the forest located north of the city of Kutna-Gor. Here at the top of the hill you will find a modest knight – enter into a dialogue with him.

Relicurization at Kingdom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relikovaries in KingDom Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relikovaries in KingDom Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine


During a conversation with this warrior, you will learn that the burial of the legendary Pan Valentine is in the Sedalem Monastery (if you recognize him, after a test of scholarship, then increase the reputation), and he really wants to bow to his sword, so he will ask you to find the blade and bring this weapon to him. Scrap

go south to the Sedletsky Monastery and find a monk named Mortion in the southwestern part of the allocated area. Usually he sits in the yard next to the cemetery. Chat with him and agree to help him to start another secondary task called “ashes to dust …” .

Relikvari Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relikvari Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relicurization at Kingdom Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Start its passage by entering the Kosnitsa to the right of the mortise, and get up to lay the skulls. Soon you will find a hatch leading to the crypt in the middle of the room. Interact with it and look at the Kat-scene during which you will fall into the catacombs. If you have already passed the monk’s task, then just go downstairs, opening the hatch again.


Relicurization at Kingdom College Deliverance 2: How to get the sword of Pan Valentine

How to find the sword of Pan Valentina

when you find yourself below, take the torch and look forward – you will see the passage to the next room in the east. Enter it, and on the opposite side near the wall you will find a sarcophagus. Open it, but there will be no sword inside.

Relikvarii in KingDom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relic There Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relikvari Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

The main character will offer to look around. To do this, go to the sarcophagus again and study its lid. As a result, you will receive a drawing of the sword of Pan Valentine, which you can make with your own hands.

Relikvari Deliverance 2: How to get the sword of Pan Valentine

How to forge the fake sword of Pan Valentin

The blade recipe can be found in the “Craft” section on the “Swords” tab. For its manufacture, you will need the following materials:

  • Copper X1
  • Direct Garda X1
  • cow Shfa x1
  • Flaps of the sword x1
  • Frankfurt steel x1
  • iron scrap x1

Go to the central square of the city of Kutna Gora, and then go to the gunsmith Peter Mannlikher, located a little east to acquire all the necessary blacksmiths from him. Next, go to the north and enter any of the two meat shops for buying cow's skins.

Relicurization at KingDom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine


Relikovaries in Kingdom Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Relic There Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Having mined all the necessary resources, just go further north, and you will find a forge here. Now, be sure to preserve and make sure that you have an open passive “Martin’s secret” “Craft” skill (16 units are required). The fact is that only in this case you can forge weapons of the 4th level of quality. The sword of Pan Valentine of the indicated rarity will be the best short blade in the game.

Relicurization at Kingdom Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine


Relikovaries in KingDom Come Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine


So, interact with the anvil, find the desired recipe and take for forging. We told information about the proper manufacture of weapons in the task of the “son of a blacksmith”. If you are not lucky, and the sword turned out to be worse than you need, then just reboot the game and try again. The best option has the following characteristics:

  • prickly damage: 159 units
  • Cutting damage: 167 units
  • shock damage: 25 units
  • Protection: 242 units

Relicurization at KingDom Come Deliverance 2: How to get the sword of Pan Valentine

at the same time for the quality of the quality itself is not important, so if you are not interested in this sword, you may not try with its forging.

Take the sword of the knight

Relicurization at KingDom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

Having finished with a forging weapon, return to a modest knight who will wait for you in the same place, not far from the monastery. Enter the dialogue with him and give him a sword. You will learn that he is actually a fraudster selling various “artifacts”. So that you do not blame the excess, the “knight” will decide to kill you. At this moment, two options for resolving the conflict that arose will appear:

  1. Say “you attacked the wrong thing”, having passed a very difficult test of impressiveness. In this case, you will receive from him in exchange for the blade to the Holy Apollonia tooth, which is actually ordinary garbage, so we do not advise choosing this path.
  2. Enter the fraud and kill him. Then you will be able to leave yourself the sword of Pan Valentine (will lie on the ground near the body) and clean his pockets. Do not forget to open the chest (medium), in which you will find about 250 pennies and a drawing of a knightly ax.
  3. Relicurization at KingDom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

    Relicurization at Kingdom Come Come Come Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine

    Relicurization at Kingdom College Deliverance 2: how to get the sword of Pan Valentine


    We add that sometimes the” knight “can find a treasure map, but we do not advise looking for a treasure on it, since it is fake. By the way, Krizhan sells the same card on the instructions “Cross on the map.”

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