Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and open all endings


Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty robot 1R -ON-LAD is part of a secret quest that is easy to miss since it doesn't show up on the minimap at all. To complete it, you have to find boxes with software for the robot and decide what to do with the AI, opening one of several endings. In this guide, we will show the location of the necessary containers and describe all possible endings.

Where to find the 1R-ON-LAD robot in Cyberpunk 2077

You will find the robot itself in the Stadium location (Black Market in Dog City), to the left of the seller with a relic weapon with a bright red pistol sign.

Robot 1R-ON -LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and open all endings

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and unlock all endings

Once you are in front of him, go further left to a huge hole in the floor. On the left is a descent down, and on the right is a sparkling container.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

You inside. This is where the mysterious 1R-ON-LAD is located and the terminal that you need to connect to to start the quest.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Important clarifications before starting:

  • The quest is not displayed in the journal.
    You must find 5 boxes with software in the strict order in which 1R-ON-LAD sends photos.
    If you get close to the box, it will appear on the mini-map with an exclamation point .
    To get one of the best endings you will need 15 intelligence.
    One of the endings can only be obtained in the closed part of the stadium through the quest “Path to Redemption.”

Next, 1R-ON-LAD himself will be added to your contact list and, during the “dialogue” with him , will send a mysterious photo.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Where to find all the boxes with software for the robot

First container with software

The photo above shows the location of the first box with the software needed to restore 1R-ON-LAD.

To get to the first place, you need to exit the container and, keeping to the left wall, climb the boxes onto the balcony.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

There, a little further away, between the shops of “deBUTCHERy” and the script merchant, the first box is located.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Second container with software

After this, you will receive a message from the robot with a photo of the next place.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

It is not far from the first one, and to get to it , you need to turn around and go straight behind the screen under the “M.E.D.” sign.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and open all endings

Go down to the small room with the medical supplies merchant. To the left of it will be the necessary box with software.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings< /p>

Third container with software

1R-ON-LAD will send you a message with a photo again. In addition to symbols and pictures, the robot also sends decrypted data about its creator Erwin Kirsch.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open everything endings

To find the next box, you need to go from the medicine merchant to the already familiar deBUTCHERy shop. Go down the stairs to the right of it into the stadium lobby. After descending, immediately turn right and straight past the eatery.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The software box itself is in an empty open box under the shotgun sign.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The fourth container with software

1R-ON-LAD will immediately send you a message, and during the “dialogue” will send you a new photo.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The fourth box is located in another weapons store. To get to it, walk in the opposite direction past the eatery and clothing store.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open everything endings

You can focus on the red sign of the submachine gun.

Enter the store and go left into the passage. At the end of it, behind the boxes with weapons, the fourth box with software will be waiting for you.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The fifth container with software

Finally, 1R-ON-LAD will send you the last photo.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

To find this place, you need to return to the hole near the container with 1R-ON-LAD. Go down the stairs and go to another part of the stadium.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

As soon as you rise, you will see a small eatery.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The box is located inside the kitchen behind the stove.

It happens that the path to the kitchen is blocked by two NPCs. In this case, you won’t be able to get around or get into the shop, but there is another way to pick up the box. Climb the stairs to the right of the bench, walk a couple of meters and look to the left.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Behind the barrels there will be a chute along which you can go down and through the gap to pick up the last box with software.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all the endings

Return to the robot and find out its story

After you find the last box, you will receive a message from 1R-ON-LAD again.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Now you need to return to the robot and update it yourself.< /p>

Here you can get one of three endings. To understand which one resonates more with you, it’s better to know the story of Erwin Kirsch and his brainchild 1R-ON-LAD.

First-class scientist Erwin Kirsch, once the winner of the Presidential Prize, the best in his class at the university, has found a way to create a robot with flexible, self-learning artificial intelligence. But his undertakings did not find support or funding among the authorities. Then Erwin Kirsch turned to Kurt Hansen, the head of the Barghest group.

He provided funding, but with the condition that Kirsch would give the robot to Barghest. Blinded by his idea, Kirsch accepted the condition, but when development came to an end, and 1R-ON-LAD was almost ready, Kirsch realized how deeply mistaken he had been – he gave his brainchild, whom he now treats like a son, into slavery.

But it was too late. “Barghest” took the robot.

Kirsch desperately tried to contact 1R-ON-LAD with the hope of rescuing him, but the people of “Barghest” found out about this and ordered the robot to kill the creator. And, either 1R-ON-LAD arbitrarily refused to carry out the order, or the following algorithm was written in it – not to harm the creator, but the robot burned its power supply. This is how we find him at the beginning of the quest.

All endings of the quest with the 1R-ON-LAD robot

The worst ending

Select the “Leave as is” option. In this case, the robot will remain turned off, and if you return to it after a while, it will disappear. It is possible that the Barghest people received a signal to activate the robot and took it away. After a few in-game days, you will again receive a mysterious message from 1R-ON-LAD.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and unlock all endings

The end of this story is in the container where we first found the robot.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

1R-ON-LAD killed Erwin Kirsch. The robot carried out Murphy's order, which he could no longer resist and lured his creator into a trap.

Good ending

Select the “Reprogram the robot” option. Requires 15 intelligence (although the dialogue says 20). After reprogramming, 1R-ON-LAD will suddenly have a bass guitar and he will play it.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

In a few days he will send an encouraging message to V’s phone and photo of another place. The robot, by the way, will remain in the container and will not disappear, but it will not be able to learn anything new.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and open all endings

The reward awaits you on the balcony of the stadium. The balcony itself is behind the statue opposite the gun shop with the bright red sign of the submachine gun where the fourth box was. You can also navigate by the bright arrow behind the statues.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and open all endings

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

Here you will find a container with a reward: a skill chip and 2 -3 thousand eurodollars.

This ending can rightfully be considered good. V fulfilled the will of Erwin Kirsch and gave 1R-ON-LAD the opportunity to be free and do what he wanted. In addition, the melody played by 1R-ON-LAD on the bass guitar is a reference to the final Glados song “Still alive” from the game Portal. Official screenshots from CD Projekt Red, in which the robot tries himself in different professions, only confirm the good outcome of this story.

Neutral ending

Select the Format Robot option. You can no longer interact with it, and after a while 1R-ON-LAD will disappear completely. As in the first option, we can assume that the robot was taken by the Barghest people, but now it is of no use to them. In addition, the robot will not be able to kill its creator.

In a couple of days, V’s phone will again receive a message with a mysterious photo.

Robot 1R- ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find software boxes and unlock all endings

The only way to get to the place in the photo is through the mission “Path of Redemption”, which opens the way to the upper floors of the stadium.

During the quest, in one of the halls, on the right behind the statues, you will find a reward in a cache.

Robot 1R-ON-LAD in Cyberpunk 2077: how to find boxes with software and open all endings

The meaning of this ending is explained by the essence of the “Path of Redemption” order. A certain Nel Springer tells V about the Crimson Harvest's plans to blow up the Biotechnika headquarters. She asks to get to the top level of the stadium and defuse the bomb.

The story is that Nel is not quite what she seems. At the end of the task, we learn that there are already many deaths behind her.

But her “Path of Redemption” is to, with the help of V, prevent another terrorist attack and the death of people. As in the story with 1R-ON-LAD, V himself does not allow the robot to kill his creator.

The story of 1R-ON-LAD turned out to be so unusual, deep and complex. We hope our guide helped you understand all the intricacies of this task.

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