Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund


“Royal Gambit” – 19 plot mission in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 . Indrzhikha will have to get into the city hall of Kutuna-Gora to attend the meeting of Sigismund with the subjects and find out about his plans. In the second half of the task, you will also get to the allies of King Vaclav’s fortress Ratborzh. There, playing out for the Bogut, you will have to independently solve problems with Pansky negotiations.

How to get to the city council, to serve Panama and the King, as well as to settle things in Ratborzh, we will tell in our leadership.

The passage of the quest “Royal Gambit”

This mission will begin at the end of the “Leave French” assignment. After the release of Ptachek from Maleshov, Indirzhih will receive a new order from Ganusha from linden – to penetrate the city council. Now, using the pressure levers on the Royal Mintsmaster Vavak, you will have to come up with a way to get to the king and get the necessary information.

Find out from Mintzmaster Vavak how to get into the city council

Royal Gambit in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

to meet Oldrzhikha Vavaka, you can in the building marked on the map on the southwest of Kutna-Gorya. Start dialogue with a guard at the entrance and report to him that you are scheduled for a meeting with Vavak.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

go inside and find Vavak on the second floor. It is not necessary to select suitable replicas and pass any checks, with any outcome of the dialogue, Oldrzhikh will tell you how to get to a meeting with Sigismund.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

However, with a successful verification of eloquence, Vavak will give you a little pennies (65).

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Mintzmeister will offer you to penetrate the meeting of the Council, pretending to be royal subsidiary . Now, in order to change the real vype of wine, you need to get a special letter and the corresponding clothing .

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

Get the letter of the royal subsidover/Get the Royal Supervisor Outfit

You can pick up a set of feeder and the desired document from Frant Kuldown – a real royal subsidover. Follow the search area covering the Kutnoi market. Now focus on the second marker in the field of searching to find the right person. In the afternoon, the dandy will be next to the tailor, receiving specially sewn clothes.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

In the evening, it can be found in the German tavern a little north of the search area.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Before talking to the guy, you will remain. To undergo an eloquence check, put on clothes that increase the charm, or heavy armor for intimidation checks. 

The necessary replicas in the dialogue with the frant, we noted on the screenshots below.

If you have failed all the checks, the guy will ask him to pay 1000 pennies . It will be cheaper to purchase a new set of clothing that raises charisma, and re -check checks, strangle it at night and take the necessary items or use pocket theft.

Enter the service

Now, in order to advance on assignment and get to a meeting with the king, you will have to take off all the available clothes and weapons and equip the resulting set: hat, caftan and pants of the royal subsidiary. major sitting to the left of the entrance.

to safely get to Sigismund, choose remarks that we noted below.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

After you choose a replica “I know everything I need. (Wait for the city council to gather) ”, you will immediately go to the hall where the advisers will begin to gather.

Serving the Kutniki advisers

The meeting will last about 20 minutes. All that is required of you at this event: to fill the gentry cups in time with wine.

to the left of you, next to the exit from the hall, there will be two jugs with wine on the table: White Tokai and Red Monastery .

now you can watch the guests and pour them the wine that they will ask them in time. If you do not do your job, after a while it will appear as a major and drive you out of the meeting. This outcome will mean the end of the game .

The manager categorically forbade the pouring of the wine Adam from Zarzhichi . As soon as he asks you to fill his cup, click the 3 button “I am forbidden” .

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Follow the right lower screen of the screen. At the moment when someone from the audience calls you, click L.alt to bring the one who requires wine. 

By pressing the button 2, you can clarify what wine is needed if you missed this moment earlier.

Take the right wine, go to the table and click button 1 to fill the cup.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

Some guests will give you additional requests that are better not to ignore.

Bring the confiscated cup of Richattarzhu plumel

Richtarzh Plushage will call you closer to the middle of the Council and asks you for a favor: bring him a confiscated silver cup from a neighbor rooms.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

agree to help him and follow the general hall to the chapel. Go on the door on the right and take the stolen cup


from the table

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Take it plumel and return to your place.Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

a little later you will call you another gentry. Go to February Rosental, in order to ask more about his request. He will say that he forgot his gloves in the chapel and at the same time will ask you to count how many winged creatures are depicted on frescoes.

You agree to complete the task and follow the chapel. Sheep's gloves will lie right in front of the altar. It is not necessary to consider figures with wings – Rosenthal himself does not know the correct answer. 

Take the gloves and also return to your main duties at this meeting.

after some time, the kitsen of the arrival of King Sigismund will start. 

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund


Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

After Sigismund sits out for his place, the game will send you to the next location – the fortress Ratborge. This part of the quest will begin with a conversation with Jan Ptachek. Great the entire dialogue and take up the tasks that have appeared.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

Get to know the rabbi and his retinue

go to the southern part of the hall and talk with the previous quests shmuel. He arrived in Ratborge along with a rabbi from Kutna-Gora.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Get to know Brabant

Vaken Brabant will be at the window in the northeast parts of the room. Meet the baron, exhaust all the dialogs and follow.

Talk to Liechtenstein

After you get acquainted with the guests, the Katstsena will begin. The statement of Margraf Yost will leave most guests with dissatisfied decisions.

At the end of universal discussion, you will start a conversation with John Liechtenstein . In an interview with him, you can select absolutely any remarks, since the dialogue in any case will end with a new task. Now you will have to provide your allies with the support of three wealthy people: Bochk from Kunstat , Gaman Alder and Anna Valdstein .

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

enlist the support of Gaman Alder

Pan Alder in the next room, to the left of the entrance. Exhause all available remarks until the conversation is announced Martin Oderrin – the father of the Boguta. Regardless of the choice of replicas in a skirmish, you will call to a duel Another son of Martin is Krishtof Oderrin

to defeat Krishtof in the duel

at the next moment you will find yourself in the yard with Krishtof and guests. It doesn’t matter whether you will win in this duel or not – Krishtof will begin dialogue with you. At the end, Krishtof will agree to help you persuade Gaman Alder to go to your side.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

Get a help from the barrel from Kunstat

The next pan, which you will have to ask for help, will be Kunstat barrels . Climb into the pub, located on the second floor in the fortress, and go to the room on the left. 

Bogok will tell you that he wants to marry his niece for the groom from a rich house. You will only have to offer the candidacy of Yana Ptachek and follow the yard in order to voice the offer Ganush from linden .

Pan will be very happy for the upcoming wedding, and you can return to the barrel to confirm the future union.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

To enlist the support of Anna Valdstein

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

Pani Anna, unlike others, will not be indicated on the map. You can find it in the room next to Shmuel. 

In an interview with a girl, use any options answers to your choice. In the end, she will give you a small assignment, in exchange for which, you will receive her consent to support a new idea. 

Change papers in saddle bags

Now you need to replace Pan Alder's documents with others, sewing his saddle bags. Go down to the outer court and follow the barn indicated in the screenshot.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

try to move quickly, as you will immediately follow Alder's person. If you are nevertheless found for digging in other people's things, you can win a check on eloquence , and you will be left alone.

Change the papers and immediately return to Anna Valdsteinskaya to finally agree on its support.

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Talk to Liechtenstein about the agreed support

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

After all influential people agree to support Liechtenstein's idea, talk to him and look at the Katscenta. Now the new state of affairs will finally satisfy people and part of the high -ranking guests will immediately leave the fortress.

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get into the city council and serve King Sigismund

at the end of the Katsena, you will return to the Kutniye City Council back to the Indirzhikha.

Now all the Pans will leave the meeting and the indfing will remain to give wine to King Sigismund and Markvart. 

You just have to listen carefully to the king and immediately fulfill his request when he will ask you for this or that wine: of the red monastery or White Tokai .

Royal Gambit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to get to the city council and serve King Sigismund

If you confuse wine or do not give it in a timely manner – the game will end.

Usually Sigismund asks the wine in the following order: red & gt; red & gt; white .

After you fill the king’s cup for the third time, he will offer you to drink with him. Select the option “For victory!” and this task will end.

Following you will move back to the ratborge and begin the new plot quest “Feast”.

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