Sandstone Golem in Diablo Immortal: where to find the boss and how to open it


We’ll tell you where to find the Sandstone Golem and the lost pages in Zoltun Kull’s Library.

Sandstone Golem– one of the world bosses in Diablo, for defeating which you can get a lot of valuable rewards and resources to improve your character. However, finding it on such a large map is not so easy, in addition, certain conditions must be met in order for the golem to appear.

In this article, we have analyzed in detail how to find the Sandstone Golem in Diablo Immortal and collect the lost pages.

Where to find the Sandstone Golem in Diablo Immortal

 Sandstone Golem in Diablo Immortal: where to find the boss and how to open it for many monsters.</p>
<p>The recommended level to visit the location is <strong>35.</strong></p>
<p><p><img class=

However, in order to gain access to the Sandstone Golem, you need to find lost pages from different volumes. They are scattered in random places throughout the library and appear as illuminated sheets of paper.

Once 5 lost pages have been collected, in the “Kull’s Secret Room” text «Number of volumes: 1.» Once you find this label, do the following:

  1. Go to the user interface by clicking on the arrow icon to the right of the task.
  2. Click on the button “use” to open a portal to a random secret room where there is a chance to summon a Hydra or Sandstone.


  • Raid bosses spawn in the area outside and can be attacked by multiple players.
  • All party members that will deal damage though once, they receive rewards.
  • When any of the monsters appears, a corresponding notification is sent to the players closest to the zone.

If you have any questions about finding the boss, write in the comments. Keep an eye on the Diablo Immortal section of the site.

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