In Honkai: Star Rail, Secret Wolf Paths Scared All the Creatures Away is a continuation mission from Mastery and part of the quest chain “Duel Under the Azure Firmament I”. As part of it, you will have to photograph suspects at the scene of a conspiracy, and then follow them, hiding in a box, and fight a group of enemies. If you have difficulty accepting and completing the quest, then study our guide.
Completing the mission “The secret wolf paths scared away all the creatures” in Honkai: Star Rail
How to start the task
It starts automatically immediately after completing the previous quest in the chain called “A New Path: Birth of a Star”. If this does not happen, try logging out of your account, waiting 20-30 minutes and logging back in. Then open your quest log and start tracking the desired mission.
Follow the suspicious employees
Move forward along the bridge, and then go down the stairs to the quest sign. Next, eavesdrop on the conversation of the Craftsman, the Cloud Knight Soldier and the Flight Commissioner. They will detect you, so you pretend that you accidentally wandered into this location (choose any answers).
After finishing the conversation, go down the steps below and approach the glowing spark on the railing. Then select the option to photograph suspicious individuals by pressing the “F” key. Before taking a photo, point the camera at the suspects and zoom in 2x to reach the “4.0” indicator.
Next, go down even further and approach the box indicated by the marker. Yanqing will want to follow them. You will need to start following the man in blue, hiding behind the boxes when he stops and looks back. However, you do not have to hide behind every box. Plus, you will always have time to hide behind cover.
When the target passes through the passage and talks to the accomplice, she will suddenly start running. Follow the man. There is no need to hide anymore, even though you will come across shelters along the way. After talking to your friends again, you will need to take a photo of the suspects. To do this, point the camera at them, zoom in 2 times and wait until the fox asks for help (a heartbeat effect appears).
Defeat the Borisinites
Watch a short video, after which you will have a battle with a group of sentries and wolves. Their vulnerabilities are shown in the picture below. Note that you will have to use the trial March 7 (Hunt), so we advise you to adjust your team to it in advance. It is not necessary to take a healer (shieldman), as these enemies are unlikely to cause you any problems.
After completing the battle, listen to your friends. This will end the mission. As a reward, you will receive 800 Mastery points, 100 star jades, 8 lost crystals, 8 traveler's guides and 120 thousand credits. You will also gain access to the next mission in the chain, “A Clear Conscience and a Broken Cage.”