Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

In Genshin Impact, Sethos is a 4-star character who belongs to the Electro element and uses a bow in battles. In a squad, he can play the role of the main damage dealer. In this guide you can learn about its best builds, weapons and artifacts, as well as recommended commands with it.

Main features of Sethos

How to get Sethos

In the first phase of Update 4.7, the Heir to the Temple of Silence will appear in the banner, which will increase its drop rate. Then it will most likely be added to the standard Prayer, which will reduce the chance of archer dropping. At the same time, developers often hold events in which they give away 4-star heroes for free. We will definitely inform you about this when a corresponding event occurs.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Progression of Sethos characteristics

The table below shows how the basic parameters of the character change as its level increases.

LevelBase HPBasic AttackBase DefenseElemental Mastery Bonus
40+< /td>451210525824


808674 20149672

Standard critical damage and critical hit chance are 50% and 5% respectively.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sethos

Using his unique abilities, this hero can inflict considerable Electro damage to both single and multiple targets while on the battlefield. Its advantages also include:

  • A good damage dealer with two game mechanics: through his ult and regular attacks or charged shots. Both options involve choosing different characters for the team, which significantly expands the tactical capabilities of players.
  • The gameplay itself is relatively simple, especially when playing through the ultimate, so Sethos is also suitable for beginners. If desired, you can combine mechanics, creating a hybrid rotation that will include both regular and charged attacks.
  • Can apply Electro infusion to regular attacks using an ult, which significantly simplifies the creation of elemental reactions.
  • Damage from abilities depends on both attack power and elemental mastery, and on the second characteristic to a greater extent. Fortunately, MC increases as the hero rises, which simplifies the balancing of characteristics.
  • Able to independently restore additional energy when creating different Electro reactions, so it goes well with characters of other elements. In this case, he shows himself best in squads for Catalysis and Vegetation.
  • Can itself accelerate its charged shots, thereby increasing the overall damage per second.
  • Simplies the search for local curiosities in Sumeru thanks to one of the passive talents.

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

However, it is still impossible to call Sethos an ideal character, since he also has certain disadvantages:

  • Has a relatively low base attack even for a 4-star hero, which somewhat reduces his combat potential. In addition, in terms of characteristics, an epic damage dealer will often lose to a legendary one, all other things being equal.
  • Gameplay through charged attacks in theory allows you to deal more damage, but it requires strong revolver damage dealers, for example, Tignari or Navia. Plus, using charged shots on mobile devices is less convenient than on PC or consoles.
  • Sethos is unable to move while using a level 2 charge attack, making him vulnerable to enemy attacks if he is standing next to opponents.
  • Charged shots consume a lot of energy, so you will either have to save on your ultimate or try harder Maximize energy recovery by taking appropriate artifacts and “batteries” into your squad.
  • Some constellations only enhance charged shots, which makes them useless for those who play only through ults and regular attacks.
  • Not suitable for mono Electro packs, as they play mainly through reactions and elemental mastery. 

Sethos Abilities

When performing a normal attack, “Royal Archery Mastery,” the character fires up to 3 shots from a bow, and in the case of a fall attack, he fires many arrows at air and lands on the ground, dealing area damage.

Separately, we should consider the charged shot, which has 2 levels of charge, gained depending on how long the attack button is held. At the first level, the archer shoots an Electro arrow, which deals electric damage, and at the second, he makes a Shadow Piercing Shot, which pierces through enemies and deals Electro damage to them all. The hero is unable to move when the Shadow Piercing Shot is fully charged.

Explanation: Regular shots have good attack power multipliers, and the second arrow fired has a double multiplier, so the increase under the influence of an elemental explosion will also be double. By the way, without an ult you are unlikely to use regular attacks, since they are not very useful.

As for Shadow Piercing Shots, they scale from both ATK and Elemental Mastery from the very beginning, and also pierce through enemies, so it is advisable to position the character so that the enemies are standing in a row. It’s just that they take 6 seconds to charge, and Sethos will not be able to move around the field once they are fully charged (it is not yet clear whether they will be able to knock down an archer in this state). You can significantly reduce the charging time using passive, but more on that below.

After using the elemental skill “Ancient Rite: Thunderous Roar of Sand”, the hero deals Electro damage to the area and immediately does a bounce. If this attack activates the Superconductor, Charged, Exacerbate, Stimulate, Disperse or Vegetate reaction, the archer restores 12 units of energy.

Explanation: The skill does relatively little damage even when fully upgraded, so there is not much point in increasing it. The main task of the E-Shki will be to replenish the additional energy required for both the ult and charged strikes. It should be used specifically to close reactions, that is, after other members of the squad have imposed elemental statuses on enemies. You can do this every 8 seconds. Unfortunately, for some reason, Crystallization was not added to the list of reactions.

The elemental burst of Arcane Ritual: Twilight Shadow Piercer allows the hero to enter Twilight Meditation mode, in which his normal attacks are transformed into Twilight Bolts, dealing Electro damage and piercing opponents. Their damage depends on elemental mastery and is considered the damage of a charged attack. The effect disappears if Sethos leaves the battlefield.

Explanation: After using his ult, Sethos will be able to deal Electro damage with regular shots for 8 seconds, and they are now scaled not only by attack power, but also by elemental mastery (like charged strikes). The cost of the ultimate is low (60 units), and the E-shka gives additional energy, so you can use it every rotation without much difficulty.

We will add that the damage from ordinary shots in the state of Twilight Meditation is considered damage from charged attacks, which allows you not to change artifacts if you switch from one play style to another and even combine both mechanics.

It is also impossible not to point out the extremely useful passive talents of the heir of the Temple of Silence. The first one is called “Riddle of the Black Kite” and reduces the duration of the charge while aiming by 0.285 seconds for each point of the archer's current energy. A maximum of 20 energy units is counted, which allows you to reduce the charging time to 0.3 seconds. The 1st charge level spends 50% of the counted amount of energy, and Shadow Piercing Shots – 100%.

Explanation: In theory, this passive allows you to spam charged shots, but in practice you will be able to make no more than 4 accelerated attacks per rotation, because each of them requires 20 units of energy. This will take about 5 seconds, so this style is perfect for a revolver pack, where there are several damage dealers at once that do not require much time to deal damage. In this case, you will have to forget about Sethos's ult. Although it is possible to squeeze it into a hybrid combo, more on that below.

The second is the Grace of the Sand King – every 15 seconds the hero is endowed with the Shadow of the Scorching Sands effect, which increases the damage from Shadow Piercing Shots by 700% of his MS. The bonus disappears 5 seconds after the first defeat of an enemy or after successfully performing 4 similar attacks.

Explanation: It is thanks to this passive that gameplay from charged attacks becomes viable, because in this case the multiplier from the MC by At level 10, “Royal Shooting Mastery” is no longer 242%, but 942%. However, you need to quickly fire 4 shots, and all of them must hit the target.

The overall damage per rotation for charged shots will be less, but the DPS, on the contrary, will be higher, since the rotation itself lasts almost twice as short. Thus, if you intend to play through normal attacks, then you will need sub-DDs and supports playing from the pocket, and if through charged ones – powerful damage dealers who also do not need to spend much time on the field.

As for the third passive “Revelation of Thoth”, it simply shows the location of the nearest Sumeru curiosities on the minimap.

Constellations of Sethos

To unlock them, you need the character's Luck, which is issued when duplicates of the hero appear, which, of course, is random. However, the likelihood of getting 4-star characters is much higher than legendary ones, so you may well open at least a couple of constellations.

If you plan to play through charged shots or use a hybrid style, then you will definitely need to open C1 and C6, which will strengthen the corresponding rotation. For gameplay through the ultimate, C2 and C4 will be enough.

Here is the full list of constellations:

  1. Chants of the Sealed Sanctuary – increases the critical hit chance of Shadow Piercing Shots by 15%.
  2. Papyrus of Silent Secrets – when spending energy with targeted shots, restoring energy with a skill or using an ult, a 15% bonus of Electro damage is issued for 10 seconds, which can be stacked up to two times (each buff has a separate time counter).
  3. Ode of the Sage of the Rising Moon – skill level increases by three. Maximum level: 15th.
  4. Collection of Benevolent Feathers – when two or more enemies are hit with a Twilight Bolt or a Shadow Piercing Shot, all team members receive 80 Elemental Mastery for 10 seconds.
  5. Chronicles deities of the burning sands – the level of the ult increases by three. Maximum level: 15th.
  6. Book of the Temple of the Rogue Sun – once every 15 seconds, returns the energy spent by the Shadow Piercing Shot.

How to play as Sethos

There are three styles of playing as Sethos. Let's start with the simplest of them. It involves using an elemental burst and dealing basic damage with normal attacks. In this case, the entire combination will last approximately 10 seconds. It works best with sub-dampers and supports (for example, Fischl and Nahida), whose abilities last for a long time.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

The rotation itself looks like this:

  1. Activate the abilities of secondary damage dealers and supports that can act outside the battlefield.
  2. Use an elemental skill to restore energy and get a bonus to Electro damage (with C2 open).
  3. Activate your ult, receiving a second bonus to Electro damage (C2), and start spamming normal attacks for 8 seconds. Then return to the first point.

The second style is based on the use of charged shots. This combination will last approximately 5-6 seconds, so it works best in a revolver pack. If there are powerful 5-star damage dealers in the squad (for example, Tignari or Navia), such gameplay can provide more damage than the previous one.

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

The optimal rotation in this case will look like this:

  1. Inflict elemental status on enemies with other damage dealers and supports.
  2. Switch to Sethos and fire one charged shot.
  3. Use the elemental archer skill to trigger a reaction and restore energy.
  4. Perform 3 charged attacks and repeat in a circle.

Note that it is not necessary to strictly follow the specified order – you can switch to another hero after the first charged attack in order to transfer energy particles to the heir of the Temple of Silence. Then the skill can be used later. It is important to simply ensure that no more than 5 seconds pass between two shots.

The third style is hybrid, as it includes the use of both ults and charged attacks. In this case, more attention is paid to the first, so revolving packs are still not suitable here. In theory, this combination can give more damage than the first, especially with C6 open, but this has not yet been tested in practice. Much will again depend on the selected characters and the speed of energy recovery.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

The rotation itself will look something like this:

  1. Activate the abilities of secondary damage dealers and supports that can act outside the battlefield.
  2. Use an elemental skill to restore energy and gain a bonus to Electro damage (with C2 open).
  3. Activate your ult, receiving a second bonus to Electro damage (C2), and begin spamming normal attacks for 8 seconds.
  4. Use the elemental skill again to gain some more energy, and then perform one or two (if you have C6) charged shots. Repeat everything in a circle.

Best builds for Sethos

Best weapons

When choosing a bow, priority should be given to those that increase critical damage, chance of critical hits, elemental mastery, elemental damage and attack power. The table below presents the most interesting options.

Name and rarityCharacteristics (level 1 -90)Passive ability

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Hunting Path (5 stars)

Critical hit chance: 9.6%~44.1%

Base attack: 44~542

Increases damage from all elements by 12%. When hitting an enemy with a charged strike, the hero gains the Unceasing Hunt effect, increasing damage from aimed shots by 160% of the Elemental Mastery indicator. The bonus disappears after 10 seconds or 12 uses. Manifests once every 12 seconds.

The perfect bow for Sethos, which will work with any playstyle (remember that damage from regular attacks under the influence of the ult will be considered damage from charged ones). However, the first and hybrid styles will still benefit more, since in this case you will be able to gain all 12 levels of the buff. However, if there is Tignari in the team, then it is better to give the Hunter's Trail to him.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Aqua simulacrum (5-star)

Critical damage: 19.2% ~88.2%

Base attack: 44~542

Increases HP by 16 percent. If there are opponents nearby, it increases the damage inflicted by the hero by 20 percent. The bonus is issued even if the character is not on the battlefield.

Significantly increases crits and overall damage, so Sethos will be useful for any playstyle. The bonus to health will increase the survivability of the archer. However, again, this bow looks much better on Ye Lan.

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

First Great Focus (5 stars)

Critical damage: 14.4~66.1%  < /p>

Base Attack: 46~608

Increases the damage of a charged attack by 16-32%. For each hero of the same element as the owner of the weapon, increases ATK by 8~16%/16~32%/40~80%, and of another element, increases movement speed by 4~12%/7~15%/10~18 %.

It lags a little behind the previous version, but is still a decent bow for Sethos, as its charged shots and normal attacks will be significantly boosted under ult. But you’re unlikely to be able to fully utilize the second passive, since the hero’s reactions are important, so at most you’ll be able to take one more Electro hero.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Slingshot (3-star)

< p>Critical hit chance: 6.8%~31.2%

Base attack: 38~354

If an enemy is hit by a normal shot or a targeted shot within 0.3 seconds of being hit or shot, the damage of those attacks is increased by 36 percent. Otherwise, the damage drops by 10 percent.

Can give a head start to all 5-star bows below the list on the 5th awakening. You can ignore his low base attack, as Sethos values ​​elemental mastery. So if you're looking for a good free option for a hero, you can give him the Slingshot.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Thunder Pulse (5-star)

Critical damage: 14.4%~66.2%

Base attack: 46~608

Increases attack power by 20%~40% and creates a Thunder Emblem effect. At emblem level 1, 2 or 3, normal shot damage increases by 12%~24%, 24%~48% or 40%~80% respectively. Levels are given in the following cases: when causing damage with a simple shot (the emblem is valid for 5 seconds), using an elemental skill (the emblem is valid for 10 seconds), when the character’s elemental energy is below 100% (the emblem will disappear when the energy is fully restored). The duration of operation of each level of the emblem is calculated individually.

A good 5-star bow for Sethos, however, it will not give him any serious benefits, so it is not worth purposefully knocking it out for the heir of the Temple of Silence.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

North Star (5-star)< /p>

Critical hit chance: 7.2%~33.1%

Base attack: 46~608

Increases damage from elemental skills and elemental explosions by 12 percent. When any attacks (except fall strike) hit an enemy, the 1st level of the Polar Night Star effect appears, lasting 12 seconds. At levels 1-4. effect, attack power increases by 10-48 percent. The levels created by different attacks exist independently of each other.

A bit similar to the Hunting Path in terms of the principle of operation, but does not enhance charged and normal attacks, and also gives a lower critical chance.

Setos in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Builds

Amos's Bow (5 Stars)

Attack Power: 10.8%~49.6%  

Base Damage: 46~608

Increases damage from normal and charged shots by 12%~24%. For every 0.1 seconds that an arrow fired from a normal or aimed shot is in flight, its damage increases by 8%~16%. The effect stacks up to five times.

It can enhance the character’s charged and normal attacks, but when selecting artifacts you will have to pay more attention to crits.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Sky Wing (5-star)

Critical hit chance: 4.8%~22, 1%

Base attack: 48~674

Increases critical damage by 20%~40%. If successfully hit, there is a 60%~100% chance of dealing 125% physical damage in a small radius. The effect occurs every 4~2 sec.

Another good 5-star bow for Sethos, which significantly increases crits, making them easier to balance, but does not enhance charged and normal shots in any way.< /i>

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Forged from the clouds (4 stars)

Base attack: 42-510

Elemental Mastery: 36-165

When an equipped character's amount of energy decreases, the Elemental Mastery value increases by 40 units. This effect lasts a full 18 seconds and can stack up to two times.

The best 4-star bow for Sethos, which can be obtained completely free of charge as part of the 4.7 update event. The hero will be able to easily activate his passive in any play style, providing himself with a huge amount of MS, which will allow him to deal increased damage with elemental reactions. However, you will have to get crits from artifacts.

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Heir of the Blinding Sun (4 stars)

Crit chance hit: 4~18.4%  

Base attack: 44~565

When hit with a charged shot, attacks with a special arrow that deals an additional 60~120% damage from ATK owner. The enemy receives the Burning Heart status – damage from charged attacks against him increases by 28~56% for 10 seconds. The effect triggers once every 10 seconds.

It lags a little behind the previous version, and you can only get it through a paid Battle Pass. You can give it to Sethos if available. Otherwise, it’s better not to waste resources on it, but just get a free Slingshot.

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/setos-v-genshin-impact-gajd-na-luchshie-bildy-5f9f446.webp" alt="Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to best builds" />

Ibis Beak (4 stars)

Base attack: 42-565

Attack power: 6-27.6%

When hitting an enemy with a charged shot, it increases elemental mastery by 40-80 units for 6 seconds. The bonus triggers once every 0.5 seconds and stacks up to two times.

Inferior to previous options in overall damage, but is still a good bow for Sethos, playing through a second or hybrid style using charged attacks .

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Stringless (4-star)

Elemental Mastery: 36~165

Basic attack: 42~510

Increases damage from elemental skills and elemental explosions by 24 percent.

Again, a good option when playing through reactions, however, you will have to gain extra crits from artifacts. In addition, the buff to the skill and ults is basically useless, since the first does not deal much damage, and the second is not an offensive ability at all.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Green onions (4 stars)

Critical hit chance: 6%~27.6%  

Base attack: 42~510

If hit with a simple or charged shot, there is a 50% chance that a Cyclone will appear, attracting enemies and dealing 40%~50% damage to them every half second for 4 seconds. Can appear once every 14~10 seconds.

Makes it easier to balance crits when picking up artifacts and makes it easier to hit groups of enemies, especially in the absence of an Anemo-pulling character.

Best artifacts

We recommend taking artifacts that can enhance charged attacks, elemental mastery, crits, attack power and reactions. The table below shows the best options.


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Wandering Ensemble

2 parts: increase elemental mastery by 80 units.

4 pieces: Increases damage from charged attacks by 35% if the hero uses ranged weapons or a catalyst. 

The best kit for Sethos, which enhances all the parameters it needs. Significantly breaks away from competitors and is easy to farm from bosses.

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

< p>Thunderous Roar of Fury

2 pieces: increase Electro damage by 15%.

4 pieces: increase damage from Overload, Superconductor, Charged and Vegetation reactions by 40%. Damage from Aggravation increases by 20%. If these reactions are activated, including Stimulation, the cooldown of the skill is reduced by 1 second. The bonus occurs no more than once every 0.8 seconds.

Not a bad option if you plan to play through Vegetation or Stimulation. Reducing the cooldown time of the E-Shki will allow you to restore energy faster, and, therefore, use your ult more often or perform more charged shots.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Gilded dreams

2 parts: increase elemental mastery by 80 units.

4 parts: increase attack power by 14% for each fighter in the squad with the same eye of the god and elemental mastery by 50 units for each hero with a different element. The effect occurs once every 8 seconds and manifests itself even if the wearer of the set is not on the battlefield. 

A good universal kit that can increase the damage from the hero’s charged and normal attacks thanks to an increase in MS. You can take it if it offers better stats than the ensemble.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Hunter of the Twilight Court

2 parts: increases damage from normal and charged attacks by 15%.

4 pieces:  increases critical hit chance by 12% for five seconds when the character's current health increases or decreases. The bonus is cumulative up to three times.

Can be equipped if Furina is present in the squad, but you will have to make sure that the crit chance does not exceed 100%.

As for the main characteristics of artifacts, take the hourglass for elemental mastery, the cup (chalice) for the Electro damage bonus (or elemental mastery), and the crown (hat) for crit. chance/crit. damage in the ratio of 1 to 2. The priority for choosing secondary parameters is as follows: critical damage, critical chance, elemental mastery, attack% and energy recovery.

If we talk about the optimal indicators of the hero’s attributes, they look like this way:

  • Attack power: 1000-1100 units
  • Elemental mastery: 500 units and above
  • Critical hit chance: 60-70%
  • Critical damage: 120-140%
  • Energy recovery: at least 120-140%

Best commands for Sethos

As we noted above, you have two options for assembling packs for Sethos: the first includes choosing sub-dams and supports with pocket abilities, and the second is creating a full-fledged revolver squad with powerful damage dealers. In both cases, the team must have characters with whom it is possible to activate elemental reactions (the only exception is Crystallization), otherwise the archer will not be able to replenish more energy.

We also recommend, if possible, taking a second Electro character into your team, who will speed up Sethos’s energy recovery, allowing him to perform an ult more often or perform an additional charged shot. It would be useful to add a good healer or shield warrior, since this character is not distinguished by high survivability.

If we talk about the choice of reactions, Sethos will look best in squads for Catalysis (Aggravation) and/or Vegetation. If you want to combine these reactions, you should take Furina in a pack, but you will also need a good healer with her. The table below shows the optimal commands.


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: A Guide to the Best Builds

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Ye Lan

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Yao Yao (Zhong Li)

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Yae Miko

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Zhong Li

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Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Kuki Shinobu< /p>

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

Zhong Li

Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Ye Lan

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Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Bai Zhu (Yao Yao)

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Setos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds


Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Bai Zhu

Upgrading Sethos

How to improve your skills

You will have to look for and collect a lot of different materials, namely:

  • Teachings, guidelines and philosophies about “Honesty” – obtained on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the Tower of Ignorance dungeon.
  • Faded, Bordered and Gold-Weaved Red Silk – Dropped by Hermits, bought with Starlight, or crafted with using Alchemy.
  • Empty Bell – drops from the weekly boss Seki no Kami.
  • Crown of Epiphany – can be obtained during events, as well as by upgrading the Sacred Sakura, Permafrost Tree, Dream Tree and Fontana “Lucine”.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide for the best builds

If we talk about the priority of leveling up talents, then the first thing you should do is increase the hero’s normal attacks, and then take on his elemental explosion. Upgrade the elemental skill at will, since it does little damage.

How to level up your character

Get ready to search and collect a large number of different materials. Their list and methods of extraction are indicated below.

Sethos in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

Get amethysts of Electro Hypostasis, Dvalin, Ancient Geovishap, Azhdhi, Manifestation of Thunder, Electro Fern and Seahorse of the Thousand-Year Pearl . They are also sold in the souvenir shop. Cloud Armor drops from Suanni the Hermit. Trishiraite is a local curiosity of Sumeru. We indicated its location in a separate guide.

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