Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Hands


Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

Once in Blue Creek in Silent Hill 2 Remake, in the apartment with the first save you will find a clock hidden by fabric. In order to progress through the story and reach the next location, you need to find three hands and arrange them correctly on the dial.

How to find all the objects for the clock puzzle, as well as find out their correct location, we will tell you in our article.

How to Find All the Clock Puzzle Arrows in Silent Hill 2

On each floor of the complex, you will find apartments with the letters «Г», «М», «С» written on the doors.

Each of them is opened with the help of the correctly placed arrow that you have to find: hour, minute and second.

Each time a new arrow gets into your inventory, you need to follow back to the clock and correctly indicate the time on it to open the doors and find the next arrows. Also in this room, you will find two clues: a note on the table and an inscription next to the clock.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

How to Find the Clock Hand

To find the first hand, go to the courtyard with the stairs and run to the apartment on the left. Break through the wall and enter apartment 205. Jump through the window and go up the stairs.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Hands

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Hands

Use the boxes to climb into the window above and go to apartment 307. Under the ceiling, you will find a radio, after examining which you can notice the first hour hand. You cannot take it right away – you need to lower the radio down by turning three valves.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

In the room next door you will see a pipe without a valve, with which nothing can be done yet. Follow further through the balcony to apartment 305. Take the key to apartment 306 from the table, and also do not forget to turn the first red valve. Be careful, turning the valve will attract several monsters.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

Follow further toApartment 306which you found the key to earlier. Find the hole below, which you can use to get into apartment 304. Turn another valve and pick it up in your inventory.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Return to the apartment with the radio, put the valve back in place and turn it all the way. After that, you will hear the crash of an object falling down. Go to it and take the first hour hand.

Clock puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: how to find all the hands

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Now, to open the next doors, go back to the clock and attach the found arrow to the dial.

To determine the correct location of the arrow, use the hint from the note, or rather the first two lines. So, the name Henry will have the same first letter as the word hour. The note says that Henry is running west, so we turn the hour hand to the western point – the number 9.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Hands

How to Find the Minute Hand

Once the hour hand is in place, you will hear the click of the door with the letter “G” opening in apartment 210.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Go inside, break the wall in the stains and run to the bathroom. Search the toilet and get the minute hand.

Clock puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: how to find all the hands

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

You won't be able to follow the way back to the apartment with a save and a clock. Inspect room 210 and find the swing puzzle. Now you need to find the missing pieces of the puzzle and solve it to pick up the winged key.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

How to find all the swing figurines and solve the riddle, you can find out from our other guide.

Once you have the key, you will be able to unlock the door to the room with a huge hole in the floor. Jump down and get to room 209, where you will again be met by the girl named Angela from the beginning of the game. After the conversation, take Angela's knife and the key of fortitude, which will be able to open the door in the corridor on the first floor.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

Unlock the double doors with the Key of Fortitude, and before heading to the clock, look around the corner to the right to note the last door with the letter “C”.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

Follow further to apartment 101, through which you can go directly to the stairs leading to the second floor.

Silent Hill Clock Puzzle 2 Remake: How to find all the arrows

Returning to the main puzzle, read the note again. The names Mildred and Scott will also correspond to the minute and second hands. The note says that Scott (second) should be lying face down opposite Henry (hour hand). Mildred (minute hand) is above Scott, but goes down a little lower. From the hint it follows that the minute hand will point to number 2, and the second to number 3.

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Hands

How to Find the Second Hand

Once you have correctly installed another hand, the next door with the letter “M” to apartment 202 will open.

To find the last hand, you need to open the lock hanging on the door.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

Silent Hill 2 Remake Clock Puzzle: How to Find All the Arrows

How to solve the puzzle with moths and pick up the code for the lock in apartment 202, you can find out in a separate article.

In the closed room, search the hole in the wall and take the second hand.

Clock puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: how to find all the hands

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Hands

Follow back to the room with the clock and set the second hand to the number 3, after which the last door with the letter “C” will open.

Ahead, behind this door, there is a boss that must be defeated to get out of Blue Creek and get to the next location.

Clock puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: how to find all the arrows

Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All the Arrows

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