Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: how to start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi


Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anby

the revival of silver in zenless zone zero – History of the agent of a soldier 0 Anby. In it you will learn more about the silver detachment and about the past of a member of the “cunning hares”. Contact our leadership to find out how to go through all the chapters of history, defeat Twiggi and destroy the Laboratory of the Silver Army.

The passage of the story of silver revival in ZZZ

How to start

The first chapter of history becomes available after the completion of the plot quest “A light interliga – how the bird has outplayed the cells”. To start the passage of history, use the video archive.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi


Search for traces on the battlefield

Find a soldier 11

After a small scene with Vise and Belle, you will receive control over the shit. The girl will go to Scott's post in search of a soldier 11. Ray will tell her the right place, and you can join the battle. In addition to a trial gashter, you can add another of your agent to the detachment, except for a soldier 11.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Move forward along the Cavern, winning the groups of the Ethereal. After the battle with Hati, turn right-there you will find a mini-carrier with resources, and you can also restore HP and energy.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Even after you deal with the group of armed opponents, to save the soldier 11 will not work – they will be kidnapped.

Find the informant

when you find yourself on the sixth street, go to the minimarket “141” and talk with the implant. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Vozrozhdenie-Serebra-V-ZZZ-KAK-NACHATI-I -ITIRIJU-SOLDATA-0ONBI-AE0497BP” ALT = “Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi “/>

Talk to the proxy

Having received the control over the Anby, go to the video rental and ask Vise and Belle temporarily cover you.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZZ: how to start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Past and present

The second chapter of the story becomes available immediately after the end of the first.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Having received control over the enbi, go to Cavern.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

you can restore a little energy by breaking violet containers, but be careful – immediately after that there will be several exploding estrias.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

go further and talk to the trigger – it will enter the detachment and will accompany you.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Overcome a group of enemies and climb the stairs. Open the mini-carrier to the right of you and enter into the next battle.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Talk to the trigger about the soldier 11 and the silver detachment. Having dealt with two more waves of enemies, you will notice the enli replica that is part of the break. Get for her.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Having sneekered in the ventilation of the laboratory, Anbi overhears the conversation of Twiggi who wants to revive the silver detachment, and girls A, also a copy of the enbi.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

After a long conversation, Twiggi will nevertheless return the soldier 11 to you, although he will not give up his intentions.

Having got out of the laboratory, deal with the enemies group.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Talk to the gashter

The Gashte will report that the state of the soldier 11 remains stably serious – for a long time it does not come into consciousness.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Try to wake a soldier 11

when you find yourself in a video rental, talk with a soldier 11. She will come to her senses, but will lose his memory. Vise and Belle promise you to take care of the victim.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Go to the noodles

go out of the rental and head to the” Soup waterfall “. Discuss the farthest plans with the gashter.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 anbi

Talk to the proxy

Return to Random Play and chat with Vise and Belle to complete the second chapter.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

The time of answers

The third part of the story opens after passing the second.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Talk to Nicole

After discussing your affairs with Vise and Belle, get out of the rental and meet with Nicole at Godfinger.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anby

Talk to Billy

Apolanding before Nicole, go to Koff Cafe, next to which Billy is waiting for you.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Talk to the Nekomata

go further along the sixth street, past the minimumark, and meet with the nekomata.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Go to the Lumina Square

head to the playground – the gashty and soldiers 11 are near the tires. Discuss with the soldier 11 of her well -being. After you can immediately return to the sixth street or first take a walk along the embankment.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Say goodbye to the proxy

when you return to the video rental, talk to Vise and Belle.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renaissance in ZZZZ: How to start And go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Say goodbye to the soldier 11

go into the room with the HDD and tell the soldier 11 the whole history of the silver detachment.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 anbi

Talk to the proxy

Return to Vaise and Belle and ask them for help in destroying the Twiggy laboratory.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Go to the cavity

You will receive control over a soldier 0 Anbi. Having dealt with the first group of enemies, go forward and turn left-there you will find a mini-carrier.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

move forward and destroy another wave of estria.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Having reached the laboratory, look at the Kat-scenes in which Twiggi and the girl will introduce a certain drug, after which they will turn into estrias.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

At the beginning of the battle, a soldier 11 will join you. You have to overcome two elite opponents.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Be especially careful when you see the signs as in the screenshot below – in this phase, enemies will make frequent attacks, which will have to be dodged in time.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Discuss with everyone

when you return to the video rental, talk with the drive and members of the” cunning hares “, and then with Vise and Belle.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anby

Go to the minimarket” 141 “

Having received control over the proxy, get out of the rental and go to the minimarket. Discuss with the enbi and the bead's well -being of the soldier 11.

Silver Renays in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

Talk to Vise/Belle

Cut with your brother/sister to complete the story.

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: Like Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi


Having passed all parts of the story, you will receive:

  • 1200 internot's loans
  • 75 polyhroms
  • 37500 Denni
  • 3 of air coatings
  • 12 Expert magazines
  • 6 of the amplifier energy modules

Silver Renaissance in ZZZ: as Start and go through the story of a soldier 0 Anbi

In addition, after the end of the third chapter, you will receive Achivka” Witness of Silver “from the set of” History of Agents “, which will bring you additional 10 polychroms.

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