Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths


Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the fragments of the symphony and repair the Golden Paths

In Genshin Impact, “Staircase to the Capitol” is one of the required stages of chapter 3 of the story quest “Odes” Harmony” passing within the Sea of ​​Antiquity. The heroes continue to explore the underwater world of fallen Remuria, trying to destroy the plans of Boethius. The villain locks Cassiodor in his astral palace – he needs to get into the castle as soon as possible and free his new friend.

Before you get to the palace of gold, you will have to restore the Golden Paths along which the will of Phobos once flowed. In the guide we will tell you where the missing symphonies are located that can repair bridges, and how to solve puzzles with forges and phantom birds.

How to start the series of quests “Staircase to the Capitol”

In order to get started To complete the quest, you need to complete the previous chapters of “Ode to Harmony”, including:

  • “The Dream of Petrichor”;
  • “Palace of the Sea Monster”;
  • < li>“In chains.”

Chapter III “Rhapsody of Pharsalia” will begin after you follow Scylla into the Gate of Janus. Passing the collapsing depression, the heroes appear before the majestic ruins of the main palace of the once prosperous Remuria.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the fragments of the symphony and repair the Golden Paths

The Prince of Dragons, not wanting to meet with the traitor Boethius, will offer to split up, and the rest the team will only have to swim to the entrance to the golden capitol.

Head to the Golden Palace

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

When the team and the whale are separated, swim towards Capitol Hill . You can not only swim to the quest marker under your own power, but also use Scylla's power.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Swim to the whale (or point the camera in its direction, and then press “T”) and apply the mechanics ” Summon the current.” Then aim your sightto the end of the bridge leading to the area in front of the palace and right-click in the chosen direction – the spirit of the dragon prince will speed up your path with the help of the current.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

When you create a current for the first time with the help of a whale, you will receive the achievement “Scylla's Vishap Express” . Remember that while moving through the stream, you need to periodically press the spacebar (or the action icon in the middle for mobile phones) so as not to stop halfway.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

In front of the entrance, guarded by a company of golem knights, Boethius will be waiting for us. A man who does not want to return under the yoke of evil Fate intends to use the power of Phobos and restore the glory of his ambitious nation.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the fragments of the symphony and repair the Golden Paths

Determined to seize power and want to bring justice to the inhabitants of the surface, the Remurian kidnaps our tailed friend, but the Traveler is the last the moment catches him in the teleport.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the fragments of the symphony and repair the Golden Paths

The portal takes us deep into the astral palace, supported by a special symphony. The presence of the otherworldly person was not part of the usurper's plans, so Boethius decides to detain us.

Defeat the golems

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the fragments of the symphony and repair the Golden Paths

On the golden stage, three stone knights will appear against us, and we will only be able to control the weak GG. There is no point in trying too hard to attack them, since soon an old friend will come to our aid. The battle itself, until completed, will last about 30 seconds.

Explore the mysterious space

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

Ossie, who has transformed into a Remurian, helps us out. He reveals that Boethius intends to immerse the surface in his own nightmarish illusion. Only the Traveler, whose fate is not subject to the poisoned symphony, is able to resist it. A friend will help us get out of the trap, but he will not be able to leave the place himself.

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Returning to reality to Paimon, the heroes must restore the Golden Paths associated with the power of Phobos – this is the only way to weaken the defense of the golden castle.

At this point, the quest is divided into two mini-tasks with solving puzzles, after which you can return to the main branch.

Restoring the Golden Path I

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

The first “Golden Path” can be repaired after solving the two-step puzzle with the forge and ghost birds, located north of the flooded Street of Nobility. We have placed its step-by-step analysis in a separate guide.

Restoring the Golden Path II

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: How to Find Symphony Shards and Repair the Golden Paths

The second route leading to the puzzle passes under the Court of Harmony. We also talked about all the stages of solving this puzzle in a separate article.

Go to the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths< /p>

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

When all the bridges are restored, we will again plunge into Rem's memories and see the last moments of his life. The next goal is to launch Requiem and destroy the monster guarding the palace. This will complete the current mission, giving us 40 primogems and some materials for upgrading heroes as a reward.

Achievement “Vishap Express Scylla”

Staircase to the Capitol Genshin Impact: how to find the symphony fragments and repair the Golden Paths

By During the mission “Staircase to the Capitol” we discover the “Call the Current” mechanic, which can be used through the whale Scylla. The first time you use this power to overcome a water distance, you will unlock the “Scylla Vishap Express” achievement with a reward of 5 primogems.

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